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what is your favorite sonic game of all time?

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mine has to be shadow the hedgehog.

Posts: 1044
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* points finger and laughs!

That game was K-R-A-P!

Posts: 5035
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Bahahhhah! Nah...ummm this topic exist in South Island i'm sure, but what the hey. Sonic3 &K, for reasons that anyone has played that game would know. ^_^

Posts: 2417
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So are we going to move his threads far far away or what?

Posts: 1446
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S3&K, for sure.

Posts: 252
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The answer is obvious (S3&K or SA1), so I'm going to be unconventional. My favorite is one that did what the Adventure titles and their progeny didn't bother with: characterizations and character development. I'm talking of course about the text-heavy RPG-brawler Sonic Battle. From Shadow to Sonic to Cream to the unforgettable Gizord, Emerl, the characters and plot in this game is just so well developed. Everyone is so much more than the 1-dimensional placeholders they are in other titles. I especially like what they did with Shadow, and the brutal reality check he gives Emerl toward the end.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

sonic the hedgehog 2
why everyone say sonic3? sonic 2 had the best stuff.

... although sonic 1 was good too...... waaaaaaaa cant make up my mind... but tails is cute in 2, okay sonic 2 for sure.

<* points finger and laughs!>

oh come on, just cause we're dinosaurse doesnt mean the newer generations cant love the new stuff. dont worry shadow 1996 there's at least another member who loves shadow's game too... i think it was rayzor.

Posts: 1702
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I'm probably the lone Sonic Shuffle fan.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

I'm probably the lone Sonic Shuffle fan.

you actually knew how to play that?! <ahem> i mean good for you

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I'm probably most certainly, without a doub,t 100%, the one and only Sonic Shuffle fan.



Posts: 513
Honorable Member

I thought the general consensus on Shuffle was that it was a good party game if you ignored the horrible loading times.

Anyways, I have to second Sonic Battle for having the best story and characterization out of the entire franchise.

As for other favorites:

Favorite Genesis Sonic: 2 or 3K
Favorite Handheld Sonic: Advance 2
Favorite 3-D Sonic: Adventure 1 or 2

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Sonic 3 and Knuckles - no contest, hands down.

sonic the hedgehog 2
why everyone say sonic3? sonic 2 had the best stuff.

... although sonic 1 was good too...... waaaaaaaa cant make up my mind... but tails is cute in 2, okay sonic 2 for sure.

You really think that, SF? Interesting viewpoint, and
each to their own, but I'd have to disagree myself. Yes, I'm not
denying that S2 was a classic game in it's own right, but S3&K took
everything that S2 was and made all of it a little bit better. The
graphics were slightly more refined and detailed, levels were bigger
and more complex, added gameplay features (such as the different types
of shield, Tails being able to fly, level features like the Marble
Garden flying saucers etc) added to the gameplay immensely, and the
badnik and boss designs were much more innovative and clever. And to
top it all off, S3&K had a comprehensive, understandable storyline
(for the time - they were limited how they could portray it with such
graphics), and introduced perhaps the greatest Sonic universe character
in the history of the franchise, Knux.

Yes, Sonic 2 was a hard act to follow and a veritable masterpiece, but
I really feel that S3&K had everything that Sonic 2 was in it's
makeup, and added something extra onto that base in every way and facet. I must
confess, I'm actually surprised that anyone could feel this game was
not an improvement on what had come before, no matter how good said
predecessors were.

EDIT: Oh, and if your final decision is baised upon Tails being cute, what about his cuteness in S3 when he gets tired flying Sonic everywhere and his little tongue lolls out of his mouth? Or when he's doggy-paddling around the water levels with that determined little face and his tails twitching behind him? Surely those elements are far cuter than Tails ever was in S2?

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

I'm probably most certainly, without a doub,t 100%, the one and only Sonic Shuffle fan.



Oh, well.  It just makes me more unique.

I will say, though, that I abuse the soft reset whenever the game's not going my way.

Also, Void > Shadow any day of the week.

Posts: 252
Reputable Member

Sonic 3 and Knuckles - no contest, hands down.

<insert rant here>

I kinda lean toward Sonic 2 as well. However, as it was my first Sonic (I didn't play S3&K until years later, probably my teen years), and, indeed, likely my first console video game ever, nostalgia is certainly a factor in deciding it. I did acquire Sonic & Knuckles pretty soon after Sonic 2, though, Sonic 3 being the game that I got last. And, man, was it a strange beast.
It just felt strange and untamed next to the safe Sonic 2 I'd been playing all these years. The crazy updated graphics and this badass new guy when can fly (FLY!) around and how there was no Tails, just that bizarre opening with the 3D Sonic and Knuckles. Just... it blew my little mind. It wasn't until I played the relatively mediocre Sonic 3 to bridge the gap that it felt like all one saga.

Posts: 30
Eminent Member

I will have to say Sonic Chronicles. I would say Sonic Battle, but I felt the battes were way too simplistic. Battle had an intresting story, which is is greatest strength. Now Chronicles (which is kinda a sequel to Battle storywise) crafted an intresting story, and while it may not top Sonic Battle's best moments, the Gameplay launched it beyond that game. Fun, fast-paced, turn based gameplay, bright colorful world, and the only game where Omega was actually an intresting well defined character. That's why I like Sonic Chronicles the best!

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

You really think that, SF? Interesting viewpoint, and each to their own, but I'd have to disagree myself.

EDIT: Oh, and if your final decision is baised upon Tails being cute, what about his cuteness in S3 when he gets tired flying Sonic everywhere and his little tongue lolls out of his mouth? Or when he's doggy-paddling around the water levels with that determined little face and his tails twitching behind him? Surely those elements are far cuter than Tails ever was in S2?

wraith you can call me mada instead of SF dear, anyway about my hard pick between sonic1 and sonic 2 was cause of their levels.
there's no level like starlight from sonic1 or the cool water pumps level in sonic2 or that airship and the chickens.... there's so many perfect levels in those games that made it very special. sonic3 was awsome but i didnt like the levels as i did in the first 2 games.

tailes was the tie breaker. having him follow me around was cute and a new idea... i still remember the fun times i had playing sonic2.

Posts: 252
Reputable Member

Also Sonic 2 held close to the trippy, eclectic art style of Sonic 1, where Sonic 3 and on had more of a shift to detailed realism. Less checkered hills and pinball machines, more jungles and temples.

Meanwhile Sonic CD took the aforementioned style from Sonic 1 and just went nuts with it. I just noticed, why has no one claimed Sonic CD as their favorite yet? If find it overrated but I know it is quite beloved.

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

Hell, I'll say it's a tie between CD and Adventure 1....with 1/3 as Honorary mentions. 😛

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

Gotta go with the Genesis version of Sonic the Hedgehog 2. I won't deny that nostalgia plays a huge factor in my choice, since Sonic 2 was my first ever Sonic game and my introduction to the series. Besides, I can listen to Emerald Hill Zone (1-Player)'s BGM for hours on end and not get tired of it. The final boss fight is what I point to when I want to discuss difficult as sin Sonic bosses, and the introduction of Tails, the Tornado, and the Death Egg was a masterstroke.

I love S3&K, it's just... Sonic 2's gameplay has something S3&K lacks. I'm guessing the simplicity of it all- no frills, but what it DOES have it utilizes to the absolute fullest, making for a fun pick-up-and-play game, something to unwind with.   The fact that Sonic 2's also my all time favorite video game PERIOD kind of works in its favor, too.

Posts: 36
Eminent Member

I'm guessing this topic is replacing the old "name your favorite Sonic game" topic.

Sonic 3 and Knuckles (combined--not separated) and Sonic Battle

I also loved Sonic Adventure (except for Big's levels) and Sonic Chronicles has a bit of charm for me as well.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Probably Sonic 2.

Sonic 3 and Knuckles is a close second. Soured because of the damn barrel.

Sonic CD is an odd one for me. Super Peel Out and Spin Dash are a bit crap. Most annoying jump sound ever (also the new fu-tung sound after Sonic hits a spring is close behind that one) But artistically its brilliant. And I want a sequel to it.

Posts: 149
Estimable Member

I guess I'll just weigh in here. I would love to say S3&K, although the fact is that they are 2 games that combine to form one epic quest. If one considers them seperately, they both fall kinda flat. They were meant to be one single game, but technical limitations necessitated two. Then again, Lord Of The Rings was supposed to be one book that got divided up into three. Is it one book or three? Using that logic, we may be able to choose S3&K.

But if not... I may have to go with Sonic CD. Ironically, I personally find it a little overrated myself, and would much rather play S3&K. But if we're forbidden from using lock-on technology, Sonic CD probably gives one the most bang for a buck. I don't like the sound effects or the different spindash mechanic. However, the music is freaking awesome (barring some jibberjabber voice in the background) and yes I am talking about the American version that's supposedly crap and the Japanese one is awesome. Judging by the tracks strangely left on the American (or non-Japanese? What did everybody else get?) version, I wasn't impressed with them. They sounded like they were done on the Genesis. The American ones have a rather sinister and foreboding mood to them, especially the future themes.

However, Sonic 2 gives CD a run for its money too. Plus it has Tails. Even if he can't fly, go Super, or watch the full ending. He CAN step up and take one for the team against Robotnik on Metropolis Zone 3 (that's how we first learned how to beat him.)

For all your lightgun shooting needs and some other insanity too.

Posts: 252
Reputable Member

Yeah, it's the "American Version". The UK got the Japanese tracks.

Posts: 220
Estimable Member

Sonic Chronicles, hands-down. Good story, a GREAT cast, amazing writing, and game play that's not only NOT broken, but is amazingly fun!
