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What was your favorite Sonic Game?

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I have played most of the Sonic The Hedgehog titles since 1990 when I recieved my Sega Genesis for Christmas. I had one of the older ones that was abit larger. I had it till it died last year when I returned from deployment to find it water logged in my storage space I rented. Luckily my Sonic games survived the wetness.

I started playing all the titles since I got my hands on a Genesis and replayed the games. I've played all the 3D Sonic games (SA1 & 2, Sonic Heroes, haven't played Shadow yet) as well, but these old 16 bit classics touched me.

As innovative as Sonic 1 & 2 were, I still remember I was disappointed with Sonic 3's ending. Although up till than it was utillizing the full potential of Sega Genesis, I felt the ending was not epic and beautiful like Sonic 2. Up in Death Egg in Sonic 2 it felt really epic.

But what saved Sonic 3 for me was the arrival of Sonic & Knuckles. I expected that title to be very good when I played a demo for it at Sears. And the lock-on technology was probably one of the most replayabillity features I have ever seen on a game.

Although Knuckles in Sonic 2 was neat, I felt Sonic 3 was just the beginning of the two part story told in Sonic and Knuckles.

Both combined tell the story of the relaunch of Death Egg. And finally the Doomsday Zone, my favorite zone in all of the Sonic games, felt like that epic fight I remember from the end of Sonic 2.

I'd have to say that I rediscovered that Sonic and Knuckles and Sonic 3 were my favorite of the games.

It has slightly some features that made the future games great like cinamatic scenes (Eggman's betrayl of Knuckles after the fight with him). I like that Sonic became a cool SciFi tale that the later games would adopt more and more.

So after a bit of rambling, the combo of the two games made me very happy and brough closure for the Sonic games for me on the Genesis console. Although I try to pretend Sonic 3D Blast never happened.

Some mentionables are Sonic CD (For its time one of the best games made), Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 (Which continued to tell GREAT SciFi stories), and even the Sonic Advance titles which let those nostalgic gamers enjoy 2D games.

I bought and beat Sonic Heroes. I was disappointed, even though I liked the game still. Two good arguements remain why it is good and bad. The lack of the giant epic story in the previous titles was obvious, but what it did give was at least 'nice/fair'. Others like it for the reason of focusing on play more than fighting a stage to earn more story. I guess that is just a matter of taste.

What is your favorite game and why...? :?

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*pokes this topic here* however it appears to have been half eaten during the ezhack :(

Posts: 456
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We may as well use this one now. The last one is zombified and there have been a few new Sonic games since then. Let's keep it just to Sonic and Sonic spinoffs this time though, no other Sonic Team properties such as Samba de Amigo.


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TIE: STH 2 and SAdvance 2

Posts: 1827
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Hard one.
Favourite Sonic game?
erm probably Sonic 3 and Knuckles. it was just brilliant.
Sonic 2 close second. then CD and Sonic 1.
Of the 3D Sonics it has to be Sonic Adventure. It has been the best just over Adventure 2 and way, way above Heroes. Havent played Shadow or Sonic Rush though.

Also something tells me Sonic Riders might be really fun.

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Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Sonic CD, easily. My Second favorite has to be Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

Posts: 462
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Tough question. I enjoyed every Sonic game I played, with the notable exception of Heroes. If I absolutely had to pick a fave, I'd probly go with Sonic the Hedgehog 2 because it was the game that introduced to me the series. Spinball and Mean Bean Machine are close runner-ups because I've always been good at the pinball and puzzle genres.

Posts: 1381
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For me I would have to say, my favorite is Sonic Adventure. I love the story to it and the levels were pretty fun too and I liked the battle with the Egg Viper too. The only game that might top SA is S3&K, and the Hyper forms are about the only thing that could make it my number 1 games not to mention the majority seems to think it's the best putting a little bit a pressure to agree with it.

Posts: 721
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I like 'em all, especially Sonic 2 on the Genesis, for 3 reasons: 1. Tails' playable debut. Every hero needs someone to stand by him, and Tails fills the role more admirably than most friends/ sidekicks. 2. The ending- it always makes me feel all tingly inside. 3. Someone else beat me to mentioning this, but... It was my 1st Sonic game.

Posts: 143
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Sonic 3 and Knuckles.
It's Sonic Perfection, and it was probably the last great Sonic game made before Sonic Team got hepped up on methamphetamines and made the 3D games.

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:annoyed Someone's got drugs on the brain:hippie

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I like both Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. I can't decide which one is better.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 was my first ever Sonic game, and I loved. I liked how Tails followed you around, and the levels were beautiful. I didn't think SA3 had cooler levels. I like Chemical Planet and am kind of sad that Sega hasn't used it much (once later in Sonic Heroes, there was a similar level:) ).

I liked Sonic Adventure 2 because there was a lot of action, an awesome story, I liked Shadow and the character boss battles. There was so much to do like race in the karts, multiplayer, or boss battles. This game made me appreciate Sonic even more.">

Posts: 1044
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For me it is S3&K, SA2, and Shadow! Yes, I said SHADOW! I really digged the stories form all of these games, and the graphics were state of the art for their time(Well except for Shadow!)

Posts: 1358
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(In no particular order) Sonic Adventure 2:Battle, Sonic CD, Sonic Fighters, and Sonic Heroes.

Posts: 859
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Sonic Adventure 2; Battle

Better graphics and 2 player mode than the original which was near perfection anyway. The Sonic/Shadow stages are perfect, the Eggman ones are exciting even if the Tails ones are annoying and Knuckles/Rouge ones are no harder than they were in SA. Best Sonic story so far but slightly marred by other games which came after it, diminishing the ending, but despite that it still stands up in my mind.

I've played more hours of SA2 and SA2;Battle than I have of the rest of the series (maybe excusing Sonic 3 and Knuckles) combined.

Posts: 3756
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Just a quick note...


and Knuckles/Rouge ones are no harder than they were in SA

*scoff* And what about the horrible "One-At-A-Time" system, the cryptic clues as opposed to Tikal pointing at exactly where it was, the inability to cheat by restarting and flying straight to the emerald, and having to find EXACTLY where the dang thing when digging for it as opposed to only having to dig in it's general vesinity have? Yes, the SA2 hunting levels are fun, but I wouldn't say they were no harder.

EDIT: Alright, I'll let the digging one pass in SA2:B. I just remembered the "!" thing.

Posts: 1789
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Yeah, the hunting levels were much more faster paced in SA1 than in SA2 which became snooze city. When it takes over 20 minutes to complete a level in a Sonic game on the first try you know there is something wrong.

As for the original question it seems to be tied between Sonic 2, Sonic CD, and Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

I think I played Sonic 2 the most since it was the fastest to complete whenever I was bored and I just wanted a quick Sonic game. Though as a result, it became too easy for me.

I did dig the multiple layers of level design, music, and the overall art direction of Sonic CD between the three but I have to admit after playing it again there were times when I was bugged when I suddenly hit the wall just before traveling in time. The Good Future levels were hot though.

S3&K was a great effort after being disappointed in playing just Sonic 3 by itself. Here you have a huge game staring three characters each with their own multiple paths and bosses based on their weaknesses and strengths. However, I have to admit that I've played Sonic's path the most since I really did like his gameplay. Unfortunately Sonic Team(and Dimps) has yet to duplicate the successfulness of this game currently and that's a shame since they are obsessed with creating an army of new characters and craming them in every game possible.

Posts: 3468
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Sonic CD.
Shadow the Hedgehog.

Top five, in more or less order.

Posts: 859
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> *scoff* And what about the horrible "One-At-A-Time" system, the cryptic clues as opposed to Tikal pointing at exactly where it was,

Actually, the three Omochao hints in each Knuckles stage of SA2;B tells you EXACTLY where each of the emeralds is, wheras iN SA1 Tikal just shoots off i na random direction and you're supposed to follow her through a wall? :razz

> the inability to cheat by restarting and flying straight to the emerald,

I don't want to cheat, and it doesn't ASK you to be so fast, I found getting the 3rd emblem on Some of Knuckles' stages in SA1 almost impossible but in SA2 getting an A grade is easy.

> and having to find EXACTLY where the dang thing when digging for it as opposed to only having to dig in it's general vesinity have?

You retracted the last bit

> Yes, the SA2 hunting levels are fun, but I wouldn't say they were no harder.

Their slower, but not harder. After a few plays through and you get to know the level you can almost tell where something's gonna be hidden in the level anyway from just 1 clue. And it doesn't downmark you because you took a clue, in SA1 if you took a signle clue you couldn't get the third emblem.

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1) Sonic CD
2) Sonic 1 MS
3) Sonic 1 MD
4) Sonic Heroes
5) Sonic 2
6) Sonic Adventure

Posts: 3756
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Actually, the three Omochao hints in each Knuckles stage of SA2;B tells you EXACTLY where each of the emeralds is, wheras iN SA1 Tikal just shoots off i na random direction and you're supposed to follow her through a wall?

1. Omochao doesn't give you hints. Monitors do.
2. "Random direction", my foot. It flys straight at the Emerald, and if you are observant, you can tell where she's pointing.


I don't want to cheat, and it doesn't ASK you to be so fast, I found getting the 3rd emblem on Some of Knuckles' stages in SA1 almost impossible but in SA2 getting an A grade is easy.

Meh. It was cool that you could get the emeralds quickly in SA becuause you could find the emerald in however much time it would take you, don't touch it, and restart the level. Then you could take off and grab it in seconds cuz it doesn't move. In SA2, if you restarted, you'd loose all your emeralds, and if you died, the remaining emeralds wold move elsewhere. >>

Posts: 36
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Sonic 3 and Knuckles, Sonic CD, Sonic Adventures 1 & 2, and Shadow. I think I'd like Sonic 1 and 2 if I wasn't so darn dependent on a save system (example, I was playing Sonic 1 on Mega Collection about a week ago, had five of the Emeralds by Labyrinth, but I didn't feel like playing anymore...)

Posts: 56
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After playing Shadow the Hedgehog, I would put it in my top 5, because Shadow is cool in it and you can pick your own story out. I still think SA2:Battle is a lot better, but Shadow the Hedgehog was fun.

Posts: 1381
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Well, while SA is still my favorite; after playing Shadow(which I consider the true successor to SA2), I must say that Shadow is now in my top ten at the least and in my top 5 at the most!!!

Posts: 526
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For me, it's a tie between Sonic 3&Knuckles, and Sonic Rush.

I can't believe some of you people have Shadow in your top five.

Posts: 1381
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Well, shig, I can't believe several of you people hate Shadow, but you know what they say "to each their own."

Posts: 439
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Sonic 3 & Knuckles, 'cause it has my favourite Zone ever - Marble Garden Zone.

Sonic 2 comes second, and Sonic Adventure DX is the best 3D Sonic game, plus it's a nice little package with all the GG Sonic games. ^^

Posts: 30
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I like Shadow the Hedgehog the best. I got it for my brand new GameCube this Christmas. My second would be Sonic 2 for the Genesis, it introduced me to the Sonic world. My thierd would be Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

Posts: 3468
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I like Shadow the Hedgehog the best.

*cries at that.*

Posts: 194
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Calm down, SX. It's only a newbie. *pats head*

Considering I haven't played Shadow, I have no way of judging it yet. I would say my favorites (in no particular order) S2, S3&K, SA, SA2, and CD...

*bricked* Ok, ok, joking about Shuffle. That was an atrocity to the series, and I'm wholly thankful that no one has mentioned it here.

Posts: 407
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I'd have to say SA and Sonic CD are my favorites. The storylines and the games levels were so fun!

Posts: 18
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My Top 3

1. Sonic Adventure. The first Sonic game I ever bought and played though completely. It had the best sense of speed of the 3D Sonic games.

2. Shadow The Hedgehog. The guns added a lot of fun to the gameplay because it made it easier to kill the multi-hit enemies. It has an alright story that may have not been the best but at least a lot better than the extreme lack of story in Sonic. Finding every possible story path added replayability. It also brought back 2-player co-op.

3. Sonic Rush. The level design is awesome. The whole tension guage thing made everything a lot easier when you lose speed or come across an enemy. Great music. Good special stages that weren't a pain to play through.

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Sonic Shuffle.

The whole mood of the game was great, and the music was awesome, but the game was just too slow and in need of more, but I like it anyway.

Posts: 43
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1. Sonic 3&K

Best overall design. Best level design, and largest number of significant levels. Most satisfying overall and most polished.

It should be noted, though, that some of this had to do with Sonic Team being able to make a 2.0 version of the game with lock-on. Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles alone would rank much lower.

2. Sonic 2

This is the pinnacle of artistic and musical style in a Sonic game to me. And its level design and length is 2nd only to Sonic 3&K.

3. The order of the following depends on my whim:

Sonic Heroes

Best potential. With a lot more polish this would challenge to be the best Sonic game, but it feels rushed. And I give some extra points for it having Team Chaotix.

Sonic 1

Playing this recently, I realized just how well it actually works. Great in just about every area, although Sonic 2 also improves on it in most areas.

Knuckles Chaotix

This, like Sonic Heroes, is like the beta version of an absolutely spectacular game. The art and music challenge Sonic 2, the special stage blows all other special stages away, the characters are quirky and fun with great designs, the ring system allows some neat tricks, etc. Unfortunately the 5 acts in each zone are way too similar, and they don't give you an option to turn the ring system off when you aren't using it.

Sonic Advance 3

Very good branching level design, customizable teams, an excellent special stage entry system, and decent length. I'm not sure why though, but it doesn't work well enough to make the game better than the best on the Genesis. Maybe it's because there are too many pits.

7. Sonic CD

This game has a ton of awesome, like time travel, anime cutscenes that are probably the best non-gameplay representation of Sonic ever, and Metal Sonic, but most of the zones feel like copies of Sonic 1 zones, and the level design tends to be a bit more frustrating and tedious than the freedom of Sonic 1, 2, and 3&K. Stardust Speedway, probably the best Sonic zone, is the exception.

8. SA2
9. SA
10. Sonic Advance 2

I haven't played Shadow and Sonic Rush, but from what I've heard, they'd probably rank pretty high.

Posts: 407
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I love Sonic 3 and Knuckles and Sonic CD! I haven't beaten either of them, but they're so good I keep playing anyway. =)

Posts: 81
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1. S3&K
2. Sonic Rush
3. Sonic CD

Posts: 2016
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Sonic Adventure 1. That's right, the original Dreamcast version, not some spiffed-up director's cut for the GameCube. The VMU and use of the Chao with it was awesome. =3 Open your Heart, baby!

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles. Awesome level design, great music to accompany it, excellent characters, and a simple and easy plot to follow make this 2-D sidescroller next on my list.

Sonic Adventure 2. Once again, the Dreamcast version, not the GameCube version. I loved racing around in the PSO costumes. =D Just a shame storymode couldn't be done with it. =(

Sonic the Hedgehog 2. The introduction of Tails, immensely huge levels, and a greatly playable game, makes this classic a must on my favourites. I love the background music used on most of the levels for this. And the terror that the Mystic Caves has put into all of our hearts. Honestly, I've never completed it, but then again, I've never actually put sweat and blood effort into doing it.

Shadow the Hedgehog. C'mon, a Shadow fanboy here. =P The game all round particuarly wasn't great, there was no big improvement over everything, but the levels and missions were something of a breath of fresh air and proved to be a unique gaming experience. Seems it was rushed, just like Sonic Heroes, but at least a bit more effort was put into this title. And the sexy CGs of Shadow made me question my sexuality. =P

Sonic Battle. Sonic Battle would be above Shadow the Hedgehog, but this list isn't in any particular order, apart from SA1 being on top. =P The story was interesting, although I'm definitely gonna define this game as non-canon, and the gameplay was absolutely awesome. I'd like to see this voncerted into some sort of 3-D game, still trying to keep true to the original version of it, though.

Posts: 30
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Ok. If we are going to make a list, here is mine. In no particular order other then number 1.

Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic 2 for Genesis (First game of the franchise I played)
Sonic 3 and K (though I like them better when they are NOT locked together, the music sucks when they are locked.)
Sonic Adventure 1

I forgot my other fav. Sonic CD for the PC.

Posts: 21
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1. Sonic 2 because I adore the music and love beating the game over and over, even now.
2. Sonic 3 because it too me a while to beat and I loved playingn through it.
3. Whatever game had the Tails Doll, but I can't remember what it's name is.

Posts: 1827
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Sonic R had the Tails Doll

Posts: 2097
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1. Sonic Adventure

SA was absolutely perfect for me. Good storyline, awesome level designs, good mix of speed and exploration. It just worked really well, unfortunately, the whole series went all downhill from there.

2. Sonic 3 & Knuckles

It was fast, it had awesome and memorable levels, 2D perfection.

3. Sonic Rush

It just works, no crowding every single character in the continuity into existance, just small cameos from some, and a story centred on Sonic and Blaze.

4. Sonic 1

5. Sonic Advance 3

6. Sonic Shuffle

7. Sonic R

8. Sonic 2

9. Sonic Heroes

10. Sonic CD

Notice how there's no Sonic Adventure 2 on the list, because I did not enjoy it at all.

Posts: 859
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All the way..
Sonic Team wasnt past its creative peak, the game had evertything Adventure 1 had and MORE...

Posts: 1789
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Except the Adventure Fields, a bunch of mini-games, Tails' & Amy's gameplay, a cool final boss...

Oh but we did gain some even more tedious hunting levels, slow-as molasses shooting, even more linear speed levels, and grinding--horrible, horrible grinding.


Posts: 456
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SA2 was pretty ugly too. Y'know, except for City Escape. The landscapes were bland and muted, and too "realistic", as opposed to the more fantastical and colourful Sonic Adventure.

Posts: 194
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SA2 had two things better than SA1;
*A reward for getting all tha emblems.
*A more interactive set up with Chao. (A this only really counts for those who like Chao.)

It's those two things that keep me going back to SA2, even though I like SA1 better.

Posts: 170
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In this order:

1. Sonic Adventure. Near-perfect, yet somewhat glitchy gameplay. A great story that references back, like, seven years into the past's continuity. More good music than you can shake a Chao at, and great level-design. Add in all the additions from DX, and you've got my second (maybe third) favorite game in existance. The only real fault I could ever find in the game were the downright horrible quality of the in-game graphics engine cutscenes. Honestly. Watch the end sequence where Sonic is talking to Tikal. [family guy] It looks like he stuffed William Shatner in his eyesbrows and was put into an old Japanese karate movie. [/family guy]

2. Sonic Rush. The single-most fastest gameplay I have ever seen. Best gameplay of the continuity. The special stages are fun and addictive (though short...) and the voice acting and lyrics were superb. (Though the lyrics made little sense with the levels, sometimes...) The ending made me wanting more...

3. Sonic 3 and Knuckles. Great boss fights and level design. The music is hard to distinguish when you are actually playing the game, but it's awesome in sound test. Sonic Team apparently liked this game so much, they kept referencing it throughout the later 3D games.

4. Sonic Adventure II. Take everything the first one had and take it down a notch. The level-design was far too realistic. Graphics (in-game) were the best of the series, and they got the mouth-synchro a lot better. I absolutely love the ending of this game far more than any other part of the game. It's the kind that gets your adrenaline rushing.

5. Sonic CD. Don't get me wrong, I liked CD, but I don't see what's so OMG SO AWESOME about it. (Could be the American soundtrack... I really need to sample the original...) I know the Metal Sonic race was a downright awesome idea, but that hardly made up for the frustratingly difficult special stages. This easily has the best 2D look and feel of the series. The anime-opening was simple, yet it somehow seemed to fit in very well.

Prolly one of the few people here with a largely-mixed roster of old and new... <_< *is mobbed*
