That we he has so many lives. It's not really Sonic dieing without rings and comming back, Someone sends another clone to you. We could of be on the 4000th Sonic right now! OMG! *dies*
If he left a fantastic game like CD, I can't imagine how he stomach being in Sonic360.
Next to Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic CD is the most overrated Sonic title. 9_9
im tired of people being so critical of games these days (of course we have critics for evrythingw=else, but still) i enjoy all the sonic games & am just glad to own them so quit whinning & grow up (no offense to any one just speaking my mind)
The user who does'nt use capitalization or punctuation is telling us to grow up.
The user who does'nt use capitalization or punctuation is telling us to grow up. )
Sorry for my typing errors but I think my point is still valid. people these days are never happy & always whinning.(sadly even i am guilty of taht evry now & then). But never about sonic. Im just trying to say people work hard on these games & then alot of people just complain. its just not right
Your point is invalid.
If the quality of the games goes down, of course people are going to complain and whine more.
That's not us becoming more cynical, it's the games getting worse.
The 3d titles are ludicriously bad at the moment. This is more or less a fact.
(he 3d titles are ludicriously bad at the moment. This is more or less a fact. )
Actually that would be an opinion (albit a widespread one....but an opinion none the less)
and i do't think the 3D games are that bat i love the adventuere games & wild fire (although extremly annoying at first) is extremly fun once you get the hang of it and riders is decently fun
I dunno... when a game gets an average score of under 50% that makes it bad. There's no amount of opinion or blind faith which can prevent something which turns that around. If the average rating across the board of people who are paid to do this for a living is less than 50% it's a bad game.
End of.
You can enjoy bad games. But they're still bad.
I'd list why each game failed due to their inherant flaws, Sonic Heroes being my biggest pet peeve of the lot, but I'm not really up to it.
Suffice to say, the opinion is wether you enjoyed them or not. The fact is wether they were rushed through development, released practically unplaytested, broken in many ways and just plain bad.
They're bad games, especially since Heroes. Wether you enjoyed them despite that or not is up to you.
(You can enjoy bad games. But they're still bad.
I'd list why each game failed due to their inherant flaws, Sonic Heroes being my biggest pet peeve of the lot, but I'm not really up to it.
Suffice to say, the opinion is wether you enjoyed them or not. The fact is wether they were rushed through development, released practically unplaytested, broken in many ways and just plain bad.
They're bad games, especially since Heroes. Wether you enjoyed them despite that or not is up to you. )
Again thats all just opinion Bad games, good games every single person on earth has their own openion. and I don't know who these game raters are but if they don't like them games fine but still thats all opinion (rushed game or not. so weather a game gets a bad or good review thats opinion. the only true facts about any game are the name of the game & the company(s) who publish it. & of vourse the release date, playable charecters etc..
so please don't statre widespread opinions as facts (their is a slight difference
Hey shadowknight, are you from the Sonic Defense For--er, Sonic Stadium too?
Im just trying to say people work hard on these games
They do? Seeing how buggy these games are and there is hardly any indication that Sonic Team learned from their mistakes tells me otherwise.
Craig is right. Many people(especially ones over the age of 12) complain about current Sonic games(mostly the console ones) because they are broken messes. Where many people praise games like Zelda, Resident Evil 4, Ratchet and Clank, and God of War because they are competently designed. They complain that Sonic which was formerly a AAA franchise is currently right there in the same quality games such as Shrek and some Disney Princess the game drivel, instead of Zelda, RE4, R&C, and GoW.
They do? Seeing how buggy these games are and there is hardly any indication that Sonic Team learned from their mistakes tells me otherwise.
This is getting anoyying. If you don't like the new sonic games fine. but i usher a challenge unto you.
Lets see anyone on this board make a fully 3d sonic games & please every single sonic fan on earth....What thats impossible you say. well youd be right be cause its obvious to me as sarcastic and fickle as you all are you think you can do better. well go on make oyur award winning game...what you waiting for....(don't argue with me few ever win.
(Sega if your reading this board forgive these people for their judgments)
You're silly, Shadow Knight. =D
Not the good kind of silly though.
You're silly, Shadow Knight. =D
Not the good kind of silly though.
Thanks....I think
By the way i wasn,t being rude, if thats what you mean I just don't think people who don't make the games have a right to judge so harshly and then state opinions as fact.
but I give up if you people want to make fun o me old pal sonic feel free (I still have me sonic
I feel obliqued to post something, yet I feel abit awkward as well. o_o Umm...welcome to the boards Shadowknight.
Lets see anyone on this board make a fully 3d sonic games & please every single sonic fan on earth....What thats impossible you say. well youd be right be cause its obvious to me as sarcastic and fickle as you all are you think you can do better. well go on make oyur award winning game...what you waiting for....(don't argue with me few ever win.
By the way i wasn,t being rude, if thats what you mean I just don't think people who don't make the games have a right to judge so harshly and then state opinions as fact.
Oh boy! It's the old "Well let's see if you can do better..." arguement. An indication that the arguee are running out of valid points to defend his or her stance! Joy!
I can't do better because I haven't been trained in programming like supposedly the people in Sonic Team are. It's their job, they are paid to develop games, and if I spend $50-$60 on a poorly designed game made by so-called professionals, then I have a right as a consumer to complain about it and the specific points why it fails as a game. Many people here played many games that are more successful in game design than the recent Sonic games, and are satisfied that they bought a quality product from developers who actually gives a darn about their creation. Did you think that people here and in the industry(professional reviewers for example) won't compare products?
Also does your opinion also extend to poorly produced movies that look amureturish? What about poorly written professional stores that are barely coherent and full of inconstitancies, and plot falls? Howabout poorly assembled products such as bikes that could easily break apart within three months of purchase or cars produced so cheaply on the market that is has one fatal flaw in it design that it would cause it to explode(see the Pinto)?
But no, we can't complain even though we are the source of income for these professionals. We have to take it up the butt harshly, and stay silent because we have no right to judge on how to make a product since we don't have the access to make it.
Sonic Robo Blast 2 would beg to differ.
I do have to admit, complaining about I've also a franchise that was always meant for ten year olds does make me feel a bit pathetic and bitter. Even though the games suck, was it really worth the 9-page disscussion? I know contributed, but was this thread really needed?
Also, the guy who said Sonic CD was overated...
Sonic CD>>>>>>>>>sex. Was that dirty?
Wow Ashide...your strategically placed laughing emoticons is very eerie. o_o And no Gamer X that's not dirty at all. ~_^
Also, the guy who said Sonic CD was overated...
Sonic CD>>>>>>>>>sex. Was that dirty?
No. Rather, it's sad, and I don't really care. Sonic CD still is'nt that great a game.
Yes it is.
No, it is'nt.
Well I sure thought it was. Tons more meat to it than most Sonic games, with levels which prove to be fun whether you're zooming through as fast as possible or exploring every nook and cranny to find all the secrets, all the differences between time zones, or what have you (except Wacky Workbench, that level doesn't have much flow). Inventive bosses that deviated from the "hit Eggman in some generic vehicle 8 times" strategy and actually had some damn clever ideas, to boot (I mean, a boss fight completely underwater, where Eggman uses the bubbles you're always using anyway as a shield? How devious!). Metal Sonic. Great soundtrack, no matter your continent. I fail to see what's not to like.
Means "Yes, it is."
Quit your whinning and grow up, Toby! The people at Sonic Team worked hard on Sonic CD and you have no right to complain about it. Stop stating your opinion as fact! Don't argue with me I'm always right
Spoilers (Select To Read): in all seriousness, sonic cd is a great game and i find you guilty of heresy
I wish people from Sonic Team WOULD read this thread or even come to this forum. That would be interesting. The only reason they can't is because of like...copywrite law or something. It might be considered theft if they picked up a good idea from this place. (or at least I think thats how it would be)
I do have to admit, complaining about I've also a franchise that was always meant for ten year olds does make me feel a bit pathetic and bitter. Even though the games suck, was it really worth the 9-page disscussion? I know contributed, but was this thread really needed?
Well seeing how everyone complains about the games, even in this board--yes.
And geez, just because the series is popular with kids doesn't mean it has to suck or it can't appeal to older people too. Just look at the Kingdom Hearts and Mario series.
I agree with Toby with this Sonic CD is overrated. But Overrated =/= Bad.
Mind you playing Sonic CD is a lot like making love to a beautiful woman. You have to go fast to make her go to the Special Zone.
/Swiss Johni
That doesn't work. But its the best I can do. Its not as good as my generic computer games one. But different thread for different time.
I don't think anyone has stated their opinions as fact. Its just a general consensus. If most people find the recent Sonic games bad then they find them bad. Its no conspiracy to keep the blue hedgehog down.
The bad thing is that they are aware of the problems the previous 3D Sonic games have and they still haven't managed to fix them.
Also lol @ (Sega forgive these people for their judgements) As if Sega even read the internets. >_> Fighting Vipers 3 plz.
I'd still take S3&K over CD... I'm just say'n
Sonic R pwnz both of them.
Geez freaks. Everyone knows Sonic Shuffle kills all. 😛
You're all forgetting Sonic Labryinth. That game get's a ten easy. 😛
I also believe that Sonic CD is overrated. SH brings up good points, but most of them fail, or are not up to their satisfaction. It is a good game, but it's overrated. The game was short, sometimes confusing, and getting the true "TRUE" ending is one of the hardest things to do. Also, the Metal Sonic battle was the best Sonic fight. Er, race. Right next to the fatiguing Sonic vs. Blaze fight.
Sonic R pwnz both of them.
See, I'm tired right now, so I'm not sure whether this is supposed to be sarcastic.
Come on! Sonic R's soundtrack makes it the GREATEZT SONIKZ GAME EVAH!!! All Sonic R nonbeleivers must perish!*worships Tails Doll*
Also Sonic CD is a fantastic game. Sure it's short and true ending is hard to get, but most classic Sonic games are for the most part. What makes Sonic CD genius is the sheer exploration compared to the other games. The other classic games sometimes only allow exporation until a certain point. CD's level design allows you to go everywhere and anywhere from the beginning of the level to the very end. Add that to time periods in the game, and you have enormous levels, making the game into a high speed, bouncy playground. Other things like the Metal race, the soundtrack, good on the both sides of ocean, surreal enviorments, and the anime inro and ending make Sonic CD one of the best platformers of all time.
Well, I 'm tired of arguing about CD, can we get back to the subject of how to help Sonic?
You know the games are getting bad when Sonic himself says they suck.
That must be the real Sonic in that Deviant Art clip.
That why he has so many lives. It's not really Sonic dieing without rings and comming back, Someone sends another clone to you. We could of be on the 4000th Sonic right now! OMG! *dies*
And after Heroes and Battle, we must have skyrocketed to the 1 million point. 😛
"That must be the real Sonic in that Deviant Art clip."
Yeah, the "SUPERPOWER OF TEAMWORK" Sonic is actually Sonic's evil twin, Bob. Bob frequencly drinks cofee, sucks down surgar, and spends all his money at he dentist. That's why he's happy and grins all the time.
And after Heroes and Battle, we must have skyrocketed to the 1 million point. 😛
Shadow has all that...
Shadow has all what?
That. Can't you read? -_^
lolz. Deaths.
Oh, okay. I think my CD comment killed the topic.
It has. And must die as well.
I liked Sonic Shuffle yet I hated it at the same time...
What does Shuffle have to do with anything?
You obviously hav'nt been paying attention... -_-
Yay! I've ruined a thread originally to help Sonic and now we're praising medioce Sonic games! Yay! By the way...
Sonic Labyrinth>>>>>Every game in existence. Halo can go *beep* itself.
We've seen the articles...and truthfully, I wasn't very impressed with what they had to say.
There were a few things I agreed with but not everything. Some bits seemed to spill from the mouth of a raving sonic fan who had no real good ideas but just wanted to rant.
Those articles had a point. Sonic + Earth has never worked well. If I wanted realistic I'd get off the computer.
The games have always taken place on Earth, so I guess the series has never worked at all.