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What would you like the next animal character to be like?

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Well if there were to be another animal what would it be? Well there hasn't been any animal who's a bird. I would expect to see a parakeet on a Sonic game. Would there ever be a dog like a beagle? What about a squirrel? Well, put what animal you would wish to be in a Sonic game.

Posts: 127
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Dude... there's been FOUR birds... Bean, Storm, Web, and that other bird, whom I forget the name of.Anyway, IF tehre were any more charas, I'd like to see a snake or something. YES an anthromorphic snake could be done, all it would need is arms. Or maybe a dragon. XP

Posts: 1201
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Well there hasn't been any animal who's a bird. I would expect to see a parakeet on a Sonic game.

EDIT: Never mind, Mega beat me to it.

As for me, I don't want any new characters at all, and I don't really care what animal they'd be. Though I suppose I wouldn't mind another fox or duck.

Posts: 261
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Totally a squirrel already too. I would like to see the ones they already have actually be used though, rather than the cast swell to Simpsons sized numbers.

Bean has a boat-load of personality just in that one (two?)game(s) he was in.
Ray would be a hoot if he were ever fleshed out.
Bark should take Big's place as the lovable giant.
As wack as Heroes was at least it had the most of the Chaotix appear again. Mighty is still AWOL.

A turtle that knows ninjitsu would be cool though...has that been done?

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Well there hasn't been any animal who's a bird.


What about a squirrel?

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As wack as Heroes was at least it had the most of the Chaotix appear again. Mighty is still AWOL.

I think that can be explained away by saying that Mighty wasn't in the Chaotix to begin with, and, like Knuckles, he went to the island at the same time. 'Swhat I beleive anyway.

Back on topic, I don't beleive Sonic needs more characters. They should flesh out thee ones they already have and haven't given much thought to.

Posts: 2354
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IF they must create a new character to the franchise, please let it be not one that has already existed.

How about a spider or a scorpion or perhaps something that's not furry or has wings for a friggin' change.

Too many characters, very little use of them.


Posts: 1269
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What about a cat? A thin cat - no wait, that's being done right now...

Okay, how about a rat?

Posts: 81
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I wouldn't like to see too many more characters either...then I would have to wait for someone to make sprites and then my sprite comic cast would swell to beyond ten million. And that's without counting damn FE8. [/rambling about Fire Emblem]

Anyways, I would like to see a deviation from the norm. Preferably a less cartoonish guy. How about a demonic dinosaur? Or, yeah, something more reptilian.

Posts: 15
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I think if Sonic Team makes a new character, it should be a female character. There's only a few feamle furries in the Sonic World. (Amy, Cream, Vanilla, Rouge, Blaze)They need more girls!

And as for the animal, how about a mouse? There hans't been a mouse charecter yet.

-Aki :)

Posts: 1702
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How about an arachnid. Maybe like a spider or a scorpion.

Posts: 286
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So the current list of animal characters we have so far in the series is:

- Hedgehog
- Fox
- Echidna
- Bat
- Rabbit
- Cat
- Chameleon
- Crocodile
- Bee
- Albatross
- Hawk
- Swallow
- Flying Squirrel
- Armadillo
- Duck
- Polar Bear
- Wolf-/-Weasel

We have three hedgehogs, two cats (one's from another dimension though), two rabbits and a few echidnas (though all but one are gone now).

The picture of Ray that Wonderbat posted is the first piece of official 'art' I've seen in which you can actually see the gliding 'flaps' under his arms. Previously I was starting to wonder whether he really was a flying squirrel as opposed to a normal squirrel.

Though I agree we have enough characters already, if we were to get some background characters (NPCs), some interesting choices would be a kangaroo, pangolin, platypus, thorny devil, iguana, monkey (Max!), lion, and in a water area - orca (I once saw some fantastic orca characters by - I think - a japanese fan artist. They did have legs).

Hmm.. if a future Sonic game did indeed have animal character NPCs, they could hold another competition for fans to enter their designs. But you know, do choose good submissions only.

"I think if Sonic Team makes a new character, it should be a female character. There's only a few feamle furries in the Sonic World. (Amy, Cream, Vanilla, Rouge, Blaze)They need more girls!"
Don't forget our new one, Wave (Sonic Riders) :)

Posts: 1381
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Has Web/Wave's gender even been confirmed and where has it been confirmed just outta curiosity?

Posts: 527
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I'd prefer if they just revived a character (like they did with the Chaotix in Heroes) than creating a new one altogether. Fang would make a nice addition to the cast as a villain.

Posts: 462
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Second the return of Nack/Fang (but without the corkgun, that's just lame). If there was a new character, I'd kind of like a dog (perhaps a spaniel, they're cute).

Posts: 59
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They just need more villians. Sega does have a lot of characters, but not enough villians. Aracnids or sea cretures would be nice.

Posts: 261
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Nack (as I am inclined to refer to him) is a good choice for the "new character" thing. A single Game Gear game and an (until recently) obscure arcade game don't make for good exposure.

BUT if they do somehow revive him, what animal is he? A wolf or a weasel. Which one is more interesting? I had never known that Fang was a wolf until a few posts ago! I guess that's why he's been left out... too much confusion would ensue. Not that the casual gamer would even remember him from before to notice.

I agree about more villains too. A Rhino? Elephant? Degu (look it up)?

Posts: 622
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BUT if they do somehow revive him, what animal is he? A wolf or a weasel. Which one is more interesting?

Why is it a matter of "or" when he's supposed to be half and half?

Posts: 261
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he's half weasel and half wolf?...

never heard that before either. Dang just when I thought I was in the know. Unless you're talking regionally, in which case it just has seemed to me that over the past several years there has been a concerted effort to do away with discrepancies in Jap/Euro/US releases.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

I don't know...I might go for a shark...but then there is the issue of it being on I want a raccoon. Raccoons rule and having one as say a sidekick to Nack would be fine by me.

Posts: 456
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There are more than enough characters already.

Posts: 336
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Don't be silly. If there's one thing the Sonic series needs, it's an echidnoyle.

*chokes on own vomit*

Posts: 456
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Seriously guys. Do you know how many playable characters there have been in the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series?

Including Sonic Rush and Sonic Riders the current count is at 34.


It's enough.

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Sonic, Eggman, Tails, Mighty, Ray, Amy, Metal Sonic, Knuckles, Egg Robo, Fang, Vector, Mighty, Espio, Charmy, Heavy, Bomb, Bark, Bean, Honey, Metal Knuckles, Tails Doll, Big, Gamma, Tikal, Chaos, Shadow, Rouge, Chao Walker, Dark Chao Walker, Cream, Emerl, Blaze, Storm, Jet, and Web just aren't enough, Lee! It's said that SOME new characters MIGHT just be repeats of old (which is just silly! OMG!!!) but even if that WERE true, isn't that even BETTER than using the old ones!?

We need fresh new faces to make the videogames fun!!! The characters need to be hip and with the times unlike that uncool NACK THE WEASLE! (A cowboy hat!?!? Ew!). We need to ditch old characters and make way for what the public wants! Fresh new faces like Speedy the Porcuipine! ^_^

Posts: 59
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Isn't that what Sonic Team tried to do? Fresh new ones are nothing but a waste if they're not done right. And the old characters are some that people missed. Sonic Team never bothered to flesh out them.

And people complain that there are too many playable characters in Sonic. I mean, I don't hear them complain much if these characters are non-playable or villians. And Nack the Weasel was an interesting character. They never bothered to give him a chance like they did with most of the Choatixs.

New characters each game is a tradition Sonic Team always used since Sonic 2. But knowing how to use them is what matters.

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Posts: 59
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Sue me, its kinda hard to judge humor in forums.

Posts: 127
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Sonic, Eggman, Tails, Mighty, Ray, Amy, Metal Sonic, Knuckles, Egg Robo, Fang, Vector, Mighty, Espio, Charmy, Heavy, Bomb, Bark, Bean, Honey, Metal Knuckles, Tails Doll, Big, Gamma, Tikal, Chaos, Shadow, Rouge, Chao Walker, Dark Chao Walker, Cream, Emerl, Blaze, Storm, Jet, and Web just aren't enough, Lee! It's said that SOME new characters MIGHT just be repeats of old (which is just silly! OMG!!!) but even if that WERE true, isn't that even BETTER than using the old ones!?

Well teh problem with some of teh old charas is rights and stuff. Also, Tails Doll and Metal Knux were just placeholders with NO info whatsoever. They have NO chance for return. Mighty is a blatant Sonic splice/recolor with no return value... he wasn't strong btw... just fast. Ray has long since been forgotten so I doubt he'd come back. Bark and Bean were made for Fighrters and i think VM2 owns their rights. Tikal is most likely not gonna appear in any upcoming games, since she's pretty much dead. Gamma IS dead. Heavy and Bomb were probably placeholders too and have only been in one game amd are highly unpopular. Egg Robo hasn't been around sicne the genesis era, but he could return, I suppose. Chao Walker and Dark Chao walker were only designed for 2P mode of SA2B. Emerl was destroyed. Honey was pretty much a joke. Fang is the ONLY scrapped character with a good chance of return. He's on the SEGA website, in gems, and is quite unique. It'd be great to see him in new games. So anyway... taht really only leaves 21 characters... and not 34... since most are unlikely to return.

Posts: 18
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Eggrobo was in Sonic R and SA2B's cart racing.

Posts: 127
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Ok... like i said, he has a better chance than other charas, btu Fang has the best chance. He seems to be getting more publicity these days. >=D GOOOO FANG!

Posts: 1567
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ZOMG! Nack is carrying a pistol! Call the ESRB!

All silliness aside, what game is that from?

Posts: 1269
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He shouldn't be holding a pistol (since Shadow probably has all of them) he should be toting a recalibrated sniper rifle or something.

As for new characters, the only new characters I want to see are those who will be given a background - even a vauge background is better than none at all) and brought back for another shipping out.

Shadow is a dandy recent example.

Posts: 1381
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Sue me, its kinda hard to judge humor in forums.

Hey, it's Acrio, if he says something like that it's more than likely a joke.

Posts: 1269
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Cool as it is, it's wrong, actually. Nack has three fingers. There's apparently some kooky Japanese Crime Syndicate reason for this.

Strange but true

Posts: 127
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Yeah I noticed that, actually. But a lot of people don't.... still, it's an awesome pic. XD I wonder when people will actually pay attention to Nacks fingers..... o.o

Posts: 1583
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Who is that? o_O

Posts: 1396
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I think he means the Sonic the Fighters version of Honey from Fighting Vipers, she was gonna be turned into a cat and feature in the game.

Posts: 38
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The "new animal character" should be large. And carnivorous. And at some point it should devour Big, Cream, Rouge, and a few other tacked-on characters before escaping into video game character oblivion.

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You can check it out there, Mom. The Sonic Cult really has all the info there is on it (not too much) but it's down right now. The topic should pretty much get you the importanty parts.

Posts: 61
Trusted Member

Seriously guys. Do you know how many playable characters there have been in the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series?

Including Sonic Rush and Sonic Riders the current count is at 34.


It's enough. ~VCP

VCP, lighten up will you. This is just all random speculation here. It isn't like this is really going to go anywhere, anyway. Plus if it bothers you that much, think of it this way (hypothetically) if there weren't that many characters to begin with animal/creature would you to see?

Personally I would like to see either a firefly, octopus, otter, or lemur.

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VCP's point was he wouldn't want to see any. Lighten up. =.

Posts: 456
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think of it this way (hypothetically) if there weren't that many characters to begin with animal/creature would you to see?

I would like to see a villain who's half wolf and half weasel, kind of a treasure hunter cowboy. And he should have an air bike.


Posts: 286
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Why not just think of new characters as NPCs? That way there's no worry of them being added to the already massive roster of 'real' characters. I personally think it'd be cool to see more 'furry' NPCs (the echidnas in SA1's Mystic Ruins past were great, IMO) in addition to the humans wandering around the place (not that we've seen humans like that since SA1. Oh wait, the GUN soldiers, huh?).

Posts: 456
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Ordinary "civilian" anthro animal characters have been supremely laaaaaaaaaame in every version of Sonic ever. The echidnas worked because they were necessary to the setting and they were a tribe, but even they were pushing it. I seriously doubt Sega would put much design thought into throwaway animal characters. It's easy to make throwaway human characters because you're only imitating real life.

And besides, you'd only get people on this and other Sonic message boards demanding to eventually be able to play as the damned character (who'd invariably end up playing like a damned clone of another character).

Posts: 2
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I'd like to see a little kitten with two tails like a helicopter. Oh no, hang on, that's been done with a fox.

What about a mean old robotic dog with X-ray eyes?

Posts: 79
Estimable Member

how about a rhino?

*starts thinking back to the Thundercats*

how about a:

Snarf - XD XD XD

anyone remember Animals of Farthing Wood? we could have a:

[that's all I can think of so far]

Posts: 127
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Dude there's already a weasel... Fang the Sniper.
Anyway, I say that somethign besides mammal charas would be nice... like reptiles and sea creatures... or maybe more insects. And about this whole too many characetrs thing, look at teh Mario series. It has WAY more charas than teh Sonic series.... some only being in one game. No one seems annoyed with that, do they? XP

Posts: 1269
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We've got reptiles - Vector and Espio for two.

I'd like to see a few more birds myself.

Posts: 456
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And about this whole too many characetrs thing, look at teh Mario series. It has WAY more charas than teh Sonic series.... some only being in one game. No one seems annoyed with that, do they?

In the Mario games the new characters are usually relevant and they tend to reuse old characters rather than create new ones. The reason for the seemingly large Mario cast is because the series puts a great emphasis on its enemies, even allowing them to be playable in many games. The Koopa Troopers, Boo Buddies, Shy Guys, Lakitus, Goombas etc etc are all fully integrated into Mario's world, unlike the minor enemies that Sonic encounters. This was established way back in Sonic 2 which featured Stinger and Gabuccho (the bee and fish robots) even though they were essentially just Beeton and Bata-bata from Sonic 1.

So many of the playable characters in Sonic's world are either redundant or made redundant.

Shadow and Cream are prime examples of redundant characters and now Sonic Rush is introducing a second Eggman character.

Then you have genuinely different characters who PLAY like clones of other characters for no real reason. Rouge, Vector, Espio, Charmy, Amy and Big shouldn't have played like clones of Sonic, Tails and Knuckles in Sonic Heroes.

And did anyone play SA2 as Rouge and not think "Why do I have to glide everywhere like Knuckles? She's a bat, she can fly!"?

Just for the record though, Waluigi sucks, as do all of Rare's Donkey Kong characters and Baby Mario and Baby Luigi should never have featured outside of Yoshi's Island.


I'd like to see a few more birds myself.

The Flickies
Great Battlecock XV
Speedy aka Battlecock XVI
Dr. Fukurokov
Battlecock's minions (four different types)
Bean the Dynamite
Wave the Swallow
Jet the Hawk
Storm the Albatross

Posts: 1827
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And did anyone play SA2 as Rouge and not think "Why do I have to glide everywhere like Knuckles? She's a bat, she can fly!"?

Techically Bats glide but they gain height by tilting their wings up or down Think GTA planes and its like that. But she did fly in Heroes. Also Security Hall: Hard Mode you know when you have to use the Tresure Scope to uncover a spring to hit a switch to stop a crusher. That switch is on the ceiling. Bats hang from ceilings. You know where i'm going at.


Then you have genuinely different characters who PLAY like clones of other characters for no real reason. Rouge, Vector, Espio, Charmy, Amy and Big shouldn't have played like clones of Sonic, Tails and Knuckles in Sonic Heroes.

Amy and Espio did play a tiny bit different to Sonic in Heroes with the hammercopter (Amy) and turning invisible and perma-stick to walls (Espio). But your right though. They do need some more individualalty.

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