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When was the last time you played a game all the way through

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Posts: 4885
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Given that we're all officially too old to be fans now. I was wondering if the global case of apathy which has swept our fandom has doomed us all to entropy.

A good way to tell how well a franchise is doing in your heart is to judge when the last time you watched/played was.

For a significant amount of time, you realise. Case in point I've beat Resident Evil, Metal Gear, Kingdom Hearts, Mario, Star Fox, Castlevania, Mega Man and Zelda games within the past 3 months (I have no social life and Tricia's been at camp).

Yet, last time I significantly played a(n official) Sonic game was when Secret Rings was released and that took a week, maximum.

I admit I got alot of love out of the Sonic 1 hack recently released to the fandom, though.

So, when is the most recent you can remember a love in with our favourite hedgehog?

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

The last time I played a Sonic game was Secret Rings for about a week after it was released. I didn't play the game the whole way through, mind, just enough to complete the story. Completing all the missions = no thank you.

Before that, about a year ago I suppose with Shadow? All ten endings.

...sadly :(

Posts: 1358
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I played Sonic 06 all the way through. Pity me.

Posts: 1789
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Team Rose's and Team Sonic's games in Sonic Heroes back when it was released. And if that doesn't count Sonic Adventure 2 in 2002.


Posts: 1127
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I guess he's right, you're all too old to be fans! }=O

Last time I played through a game was Secret Rings last week, trying to beat Erazor with a level 25 Sonic, again. XD

Posts: 513
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I got Heroes, Battle, and Advance 3 not long after their respective releases and played though main game on all(Never got to Metal Madness, and used Gameshark to access Non-Aggression).

I have logged some worthwhile time on Sonic Adventure 2 Battle in the last half-year, and I want to play Secret Rings and Rush.

Posts: 721
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Last week. Did a marathon and played through every Sonic game I own. Took quite a while.

Posts: 2097
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Played through the Sonic Megamix a few weeks back, other than that, I completed Sonic 06 ages ago, though it wasn't particularly enjoyable.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Man 332 thats what I had planned before my mom restricted me from my games! I'm going to do that one day. As for the last time...Secret Rings earlier this year and before that I believe I had played through Sonic 2 as [Super]Sonic and then ShtH before that. Then...maybe Rush before that...or was Rush after ShtH? Ahhhh! I don't know. I...don't care. Take that Sega!

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Well, I played through Burning Rangers all the way!...

Hey, it's Sonic Team, it counts! >_>

But yeah, I have attempted to start some runs through Sonic games as of late, but I rarely ever finish them. Ever. Lose interest far too quickly. Although somebody made a hack of Sonic 1 to perpetually make you Super Sonic, and through that I completely replayed Sonic 1, I guess.

I never even bothered to finish Secret Rings...

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

between us, will and i played through the entirety of sonic adventure recently, then i played through normal mode of PSO with a new character.

we played sonc sonic 360 but got too annoyed at the gameplay so just watched the cutscenes from his older compleate savefile.

but the only game i've played from beginning to end properly in the past few weeks was FF9, so that doesn't really count. ^x;

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, which I recently purchased for my Wii. :3
Albeit I'm not playing it regularly, distracted by Skies of Arcadia: Legends, LoZ:TP, Animal Crossing: Wild World and especially Pokmon Pearl.
My brother though sure is and I help him out occasionally despite being far more behind in the game.
I haven't got Rings yet; waiting for a price drop.

As for the last Sonic game I finished 100% (story mode) it's Sonic Rush in April and again in late June when I restarted so my brother could know the story.
Haven't bothered with all S-Ranks though.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

I rarely complete games in general, get distracted by others a lot. However I've yet to complete Sonic Rush or Secret Rings.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member


I've never finished a Sonic the Hedgehog game.


Posts: 2191
Famed Member

I played through the story mode of Sonic Riders 2 days ago. And I usually play on all of the courses in a day.

Posts: 2016
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Last Sonic game I completed fully?

I think it may have been Sonic Riders.

Posts: 1789
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distracted by Skies of Arcadia: Legends

Understandable, as that game is awesome! It's Sega's last epic RPG.:]

Oh, I never thought about counting the older games. well in that case let me revise my answer to Sonic 2 on SMC+ last year.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

It was? Funny, I could've sworn they'd attempted something afterward, even if it came out flat. Stuff like the Shining series, although that's apparently been sucking as of late.

Still, if it was, then, well, Skies of Arcadia was immediately preceded by, what, Panzer Dragoon Saga? Talk about a one-two punch.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

It's maybe been a year since I played a game all the way through...or somewhat. I believe I just grabbed my brother and made him play Sonic 2 with me until we beat it. We basically wasted all of our continues at Wing Fortress Boss. I also went through Sonic 2 with Knux but of course got screwed over by the giant Egg Robo!

I used to be able to beat Sonic 3 and Knuckles all the way through without dying...alas.

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

I've been replaying games like Mario 64 and Mario RPG. I've beaten them so many times, but I still love 'em. Also Yoshi's Island...

Let's see. Last Sonic game I actually bothered to play through was Sonic Adventure, Dreamcast version. Like... 6 years ago. XD

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I've played the Ratchet series all the way through. (with the exception of skill points.) Before that it was probably Beyond Good and Evil.

The last Sonic game I played all the way through was Rush.

Posts: 363
Reputable Member

The last time I played through an entire Sonic game was in celebration of the spring semester ending back in May. I played through S3&K as Knuckles in an attempt to beat my best time of about an hour, but I didn't make it. That last blue ball special stage always got me.

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

Haven't played an entire one in an age. I finished Sonic Adventure in June, thanks to some MoFoers getting me through Hot House with Amy & Gamma :) We also played Sonic Riders a bit.

Since then, I've not touched my GameCube. And before that, I hadn't touched it since May and before that since before November 06...


Posts: 713
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Tails Adventure.

I don't play Sonic games anymore. Nope. Also, I played Tails Adventure on Gamecube >_>

Posts: 931
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I played some of Sonic 1 yesterday on a whim.

I might borrow Secret Rings off a friend when I get my Wii, though.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Funn Sonic game? Hrm. Been touch and go on SaSTR cause I really don't like having to level up anymore since I can't do it fast...and I am nowhere near completion of all gold medals -.-

Last complete one was Secret Rings. Yeah back in like, March. Blasted through Super Metroid thoughD">

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Didn't finish Secret Rings... Downloaded a finished file...

Heroes I didn't either... Got pissed at the damned get the emerald things.

Soooo... either SA or SA2 on the Cube?

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

I played through Sonic 2 last new year, since someone brought a GC to the New Year's Eve party, and I thought that the people bragging about their accomplishments on it needed taking down a few pegs. 😉

Having almost a decade's head start on your audience can be useful at times. 🙂

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

Oh, wish I'd been there. Smackdown was delivered, right? :D

One of these days I will figure out how to get past this bottomless pit I'm stuck on with 3 different teams in Sonic Heroes...


Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Yes, they'd grown up on the games, too. But I'd grown up on them when they were first released, and when cheats and maps and all sorts of handy gaming aids were easy to come by. 😉

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

XD @ Sam. I did that to some people recently. They were bragging about how they could get all 7 Chaos Emeralds midway through Marble Garden ZONE in SE3&K.

I nearly died. I demanded the controller (mind you, I was a tad inebriated too..) and proceeded to smite their minds by gaining all 7 by Hydrocity (there's 5 in the first zone right? That I never remember. I just crash into them xD.)

Still, they were astounded that they never found that many gold rings in all their years of playing. ...

Gawd Im old XD.
