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where's the flickers?!

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Posts: 4885
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I think we can all agree that Chacron is an abomination and in no way cute, huggable or nice.

Kill him with fire.

Posts: 1656
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A couple of my Chao actually raced Chacron a few times and beat him.

i can see why, chacron looks like he's got low blood pressure.

"I think we can all agree that Chacron is an abomination and in no way cute, huggable or nice.
Kill him with fire"

why fire? has he got the bird flu? 

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I think we can all agree that Chacron is an abomination and in no way cute, huggable or nice.

Kill him with fire.

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

Aww, c'mon, Craig. Chacron can't help that he's one step lower than Chaos in terms of power.

Hmm, there's a thought. Chaos is believed to be a mutated Chao, so perhaps Chacron's on his way to becoming the next Chaos.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

On the contrary. Lemme share with you a little story:

Y'see, one time a great race was held and every chao participated. Chacron, being his magnificent bastard self, easily won the elimination rounds until only he and one other chao was left for the final race. This little chao, he was always the last to be picked in Chaoball and the first to fall during bouts of Chao Karate. But he was determined to win the great race, and he trained night and day to toughen his body and mind in order to challenge Chacron. And so, the great race was begun and the little chao gave everything he had and more to beat Chacron to the finish line. But when he looked over to the other lane, he was shocked to find Chacron wasn't there.

He was still at the starting line. Chillin'. Drinking some tea and relaxing.

The little chao was flabbergasted, but wasting no time he continued on, his fierce determination driving him forward to the finish line. Suddenly a great commotion could be heard coming from behind him. The little chao turned his head only to catch a gray streak whizz by him and onward to the encroaching finish line. The little chao, taken by surprise and shocked, stumbled and fell just a few feet short of certain victory. When the dust settled, he looked up and saw the glazed look of Chacron as he stood over him.

"You're too slow."

A quiet, seething rage began to stir inside the little chao. All this time, all the training, the sacrifices made to strengthen his will... it was naught but a punchline in the great joke that Chacron had played on the little chao. A great scream pierced the heavens... and the little chao began to glow ominously, his features becoming distorted. A great, burning light emanated from him, and every chao there save Chacron fled in terror. And then, the light abated, and there, before Chacron, stood a new chao. He had grown in height, and appeared to be composed of water. The little chao, in a fit of rage, accelerated his evolution through sheer willpower and had become a new being. Suddenly devoid of all rage inside him, he was finally at peace with the world around him. He slowly walked away, the other chao following behind him in sheer amazement.

Only Chacron remained there, at the Race's end.

"Just as planned."

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

So Chacron = father of Chaos, in a sense.

My mind! She is borked!

Posts: 1656
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waaaa psxphile you're so good at telling stories <sits on the floor legs crossed ready for the next chapter> tell another one!

Posts: 1702
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There's a reason why he's won so many threads.

Posts: 781
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Is "Chacron" a reference to "Chacarron?"

Posts: 1656
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i dont know but chacron seems like its taking from the transformers unicron. okay maybe i'm way off but that's the first thing i thouht when i read its name here.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Is "Chacron" a reference to "Chacarron?"

*googles "Chacarron"*

*clicks various links*

Spanish song, spanish song, spanish song... um, y'know, I really don't think it has anything to--

*clicks link to Urban Dictionary*

... oh god... seriously?

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

I'm guessing you're referring to definition #4?

If so, I went O.o

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

I'm guessing you're referring to definition #4?

If so, I went O.o

*piques interest* *checks for self* I loled.

Posts: 1702
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Well, you're just weird, Ray.

Posts: 1037
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Where did Chacron´s name come from anyway? Was it ever seen in-game or on some other official source?

Posts: 781
Prominent Member

I'm guessing you're referring to definition #4?

If so, I went O.o

It's urban dictionary. All kinds of words and phrases are given sexual "definitions" on that depraved cesspool of a site. But I guess that particular "definition" is a reference to all the booty-shaking in the music video it's referencing.

Though psx could've been referring to his surprise at the nature of the song; ie. seeing the youtube links didn't catch his attention until he saw it described on urban dictionary. Just a guess...

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Well, you're just weird, Ray.

Yep, I sure am. Seriously, though I'm not really surprised by the 4th definition so it's funny to me in the "I should have known" sense.

Posts: 1702
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Well, you're just weird, Ray.

Yep, I sure am.

Ah well.  It's not like I can say much.  We're all weird here. 

Posts: 252
Reputable Member

Where did Chacron´s name come from anyway? Was it ever seen in-game or on some other official source?

It's his in-game name, yeah.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Well, you're just weird, Ray.

Yep, I sure am.

Ah well.  It's not like I can say much.  We're all weird here. 

Posts: 2417
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Posts: 1702
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I remember it used to be in every other post.

Posts: 1381
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I am Rayzor, keeper of nostalgia!!!! !

Posts: 1702
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How's this for a nostalgia trip?

Posts: 1381
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Now, that I haven't seen in awhile; though, I've think I used it relatively recent, that is relative to whenever somebody else used it, lol.

Posts: 1702
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Frag it all, I feel old now.

Posts: 528
Honorable Member

but I feel too young

although the newbie smiley kicked a**.

Posts: 1381
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I bet while I think you're younger than me in actual age, I've been here for over 6 yrs., wow has it been that long, you've been here longer haven't you?

Posts: 1702
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Since '01 or '02, I believe.

Posts: 528
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By young, I meant that I haven't even been on this board for even a year.

Posts: 1381
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Since '01 or '02, I believe.

Wow quite a bit longer than me! Was Kayla your original account or did you have another when you joined?

By young, I meant that I haven't even been on this board for even a year.

Yeah, kinda figured that, bud!

Posts: 528
Honorable Member

IDK I just wanted to clarify.

Also, back on topic, do you think the Wisps make up for this complaint, eh, Mada?

Posts: 1381
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LOL, judging from her reaction in the Colors thread, I'm quite sure it does!

Posts: 1702
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Is it just me, or does one of the Wisps look like a Shuppet with arms?

Posts: 528
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IDK what a shuppet is.

Posts: 513
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IDK what a shuppet is.

Ghost-type hand puppet Pokemon.

Posts: 528
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Ohh... ok. Never seen one before. Thanks

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Posts: 1656
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LOL, judging from her reaction in the Colors thread, I'm quite sure it does!

ha ha ... guess i was a bit too over excited, its just i really really wanna play sonic and get discouraged with the recent games. i loved sonic 06, silver was fun but i cant play the last episode its just too hard. and i'm more attracted to the cute side of sonic, so with this new game "sonic colors" i'm gonna have sonic the way i wanted. in a simple cheerful story with easy gameplay and colorful stages, not to mention the cute new alien characters and sonic's heroic role to save them. 

  "Is it just me, or does one of the Wisps look like a Shuppet with arms?"

close but wisps only have one eye each.  and they're still cute.

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

close but wisps only have one eye each.

Okay then, so it's the unholy love child of a Shuppet and Dusclops who happen to be holding a star sprinkle and/or color crystal.

Posts: 1656
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.... its funny how no one said what they really look like, they're alien squids and octopi. i like got that from the first time i saw them. just thought it was too obvious to mention.

Posts: 1702
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I really didn't take much notice to what they looked like. It's just that one particular wisp stood out to me.

Am I the only one getting some serious Rainbow Brite vibes from this game? I half expect a little ball of fur or a horse with a rainbow mane and tail to show up.

Calling it now: The villain will be out to rid the world of color and it will be up to Sonic and company, with the help of the wisps *coughcoughspritescoughcough*, to stop said villain and restore color to the world. And the new power-up will be a belt of some sort.

...and I'll stop with the sarcasm for now.

Posts: 528
Honorable Member

i loved sonic 06, silver was fun but i cant play the last episode its just too hard. 


sonicsfan1991 wrote:

i loved sonic 06

sonicsfan1991 wrote:

i loved sonic 06

Wait hold on wait what?

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

i loved sonic 06, silver was fun but i cant play the last episode its just too hard. 


sonicsfan1991 wrote:

i loved sonic 06

sonicsfan1991 wrote:

i loved sonic 06

Wait hold on wait what?

Whahat, you think it's impossible for someone to like Sonic '06? Ehhhh, wrong, while I wouldn't say I loved it, I definitely liked it pretty well and far better than Secret Rings which many consider the superior game. Of course, you talking to a guy that loved, loved, loved Shadow the Hedgehog and got at least some enjoyment outta every Sonic game I've played. Did I mentioned I loved Shadow? So, much so I played every possible story route, that was 326 routes, got all A's, found every key and their corresponding locks, beat Last Story, and beat hard mode not once but twice, twice!

Posts: 1656
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wow you seem like the pro sonic gamer super rayzor, i'm so envious of you...... i wonder, has this site ever done a sonic gaming contest to see who's the best gamer? i think it would be fun.

  "Am I the only one getting some serious Rainbow Brite vibes from this game? I half expect a little ball of fur or a horse with a rainbow mane and tail to show up"

kayla! we dont support that evil show! remember how they made the pretty brunette the evil girl?   as fellow brunettes we loath that show (or pretend to).
but really you do have a point, it dose have some likeness to rainbow brite and her gang of colorful critters.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

wow you seem like the pro sonic gamer super rayzor, i'm so envious of you...... i wonder, has this site ever done a sonic gaming contest to see who's the best gamer? i think it would be fun.

Heh, heh, hardly, Shadow was the only Sonic game I've had the drive to 100% complete; as far as the contest goes, I think Craig for awhile would do an annual contest to see who could get all the emblems in either SA or SA2 or something like that. Don't quote me on that though.

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

  "Am I the only one getting some serious Rainbow Brite vibes from this game? I half expect a little ball of fur or a horse with a rainbow mane and tail to show up"

kayla! we dont support that evil show! remember how they made the pretty brunette the evil girl?   as fellow brunettes we loath that show (or pretend to).
but really you do have a point, it dose have some likeness to rainbow brite and her gang of colorful critters.

Huh?  What evil brunette girl?  The only female brunette in the series was Lala, and she was one of the Color Kids, who were the good guys. 

Unless you're referring to the Dark Princess or Stormy.  The former was a red head who was the main villain in the Star Stealer movie, and the latter was purple haired, and she wasn't a villain.

Granted Lurky had brown fur, but I doubt you were referring to him.

Posts: 1656
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waaaaaaaaaaaaa sorry kayla sweety, i was thinking of lady lovely locks

        <as far as the contest goes, I think Craig for awhile would do an annual contest to see who could get all the emblems in either SA or SA2 or something like that. Don't quote me on that though>

craig really is the forum prince huh?
oh and i want to join a contest, i'm very competetive i might finish a hard sonic game if i was challeged to it XD i hope this site does do game contests soon.

Posts: 252
Reputable Member

Haha, I remember that. I think I still have the pic of him posing after getting all Shadow emblems.

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

waaaaaaaaaaaaa sorry kayla sweety, i was thinking of lady lovely locks

I was about to say.

Wasn't there a Sonic Adventure 2 Emblem Race not too long ago? Did Craig win that as well?

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