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Where's the love for Sonic Heroes, dangit?

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Is there anyone else besides me who enjoyed the game? Sure there was some problems (how I keep falling off the stage while attacking as Knuckles or Omega is beyond me.) But what game doesn't have its share of problems?

So if anyone else enjoyed the game, come show it some love."> :thumbsup

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But what game doesn't have its share of problems?

Beyond Good and Evil had pretty danged few. But that's probably completely besides your point.

Heroes was too bland, too glitchy, to gimicky, and too repetetive. It wasn't a COMPLETE pile of crap, but it wasn't very good.

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The story was lacking.

That is seriously the only reason I didn't like it.

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Sonic Team, themselves, said there wasn't going to be much of a story. When did we start video games, not counting RPGs, for stories anyway?

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When I first started playing them.

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Ditto. Story is the only reason I pick up a pad, and it's been that way for... a looong time. My entire appeal in the Sonic series began with the Sonic CD intro and S3&K's wordless story which actually made a dang lot of sense without ever needing to explain.

The entire of Sonic Heroes sold itself around Metal Sonic's appearance. He ended up being in the game for 9 seconds. Do you have any idea how much that freaking STINGS?!

I had to get through a game which I hated 4 times. Whenever I play on either the PS2 or Gamecube, the character switch button never works, no matter where I play it on and which pad I use(apparently a symptom of the 50mhz mode), so I always end up suffering cheap deaths.

The levels are excercises of mediocrity which border on dullness and boring, far too many grind rails, all of which make the speed of the game vanish in to mere nothingness and leave you spectating for 40 seconds at a time in some levels. The switching removes any form of speed from the level, unless you chose to ignore enemies (an option you're not even allowed in most scenarios), and between having to level up and switch between characters every battle, and the annoying way that using the fly character always doublejumps instantly, rather than lets you build height (thank you SO much for pre-assessing the height limit on flying characters, making life unnessasarily more annoying)

That's without mentioning the poorly designed loops and slopes which are so easy to run through there are times when I just can't be bothered to play Sea Palace because I keep getting killed by glitch in the rolling ball sequence.

Then you have the fact that you need to complete the EXACT SAME GAME 3 times plus the same levels with scenarios once, and the Chaotix scenarios are just an inch shy of being Shadow the Hedgehog crapness. Finding tiny objects which barely show up on the screen, killing all 50 enemies in a 9 minute long level with multiple routes...

No one finds this fun. It's tedious, annoying and time consuming.

Then you have the robot carnivals, which are the most boring excuse for boss battles ever seen. When you get to the Haunted Mansion Chaotix one, I just lost the will to live. Relying on those stupid cannons which exist only to kill you cheaply AND rails which exist to make your blood boil.

Then the only reward you get for any of your hard effort is a 9 second teaser of Metal Sonic before he becomes Godzilla, or "Hard Mode", which is really just Team Sonic running through Dark mode with ONE extra room, which just happens to be the spider-web room, the most ANNOYING RAIL IN THE GAME!

Besides making my blood boil, and giving me some decent songs to listen to. Sonic Heroes means nothing to me. Even Shadow hurt me less.

I totally would have enjoyed it more if there wasn't that freaking level up system and SoE WORKED OUT A WAY TO MAKE THE DAMN THING WORK ON 50HZ AND NOT SWITCH CHARACTERS TWICE EVERY FREAKING TIME I PUSH A BUTTON.


Any questions?

Posts: 139
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i think sonicv2 you wanna hear the good side i like, so i won't talk about the things i didn't like ;)

No one finds this fun. It's tedious, annoying and time consuming.
Lighting up:) not everyone hated it. i liked chaotix a lot and finding the objectives were pretty fun and easy. i played them many times, i wish they had their own game, people really like the "collecting and helping other people" story. that what makes private eyes so super cool. even their side talk was fun to listen to. and i don't think the songs were bad. just focus on the beat not the words and it comes out really good.

about the story: well, i loved the old sonic for not having a story not detailed at least. sonic heroes almost did that.... at least they tried to make it easy and fast going. i skip intros in sonic all the time, nowdays. i really just wanna play, i got a million other places to hear stories.

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You found "find all 50 enemies in the HUGE and BRANCHING level" fun?

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The level takes 9 minutes to get from A to B and branches into 3 paths at the rail segment.

It IS that huge, and any level that big should not be the scene of a scavenger hunt, noting that they cut Team Rose's levels in half, they could have easily have made that level a fraction of that size, instead, no... they left 9 minutes and several paths worth of stage to find these things. Then you have to backtrack and do the upper and lower routes of the triangle jump section before the end, get the flower, go around the buildings on the rail, then use the hurricane jump to take the upper route to get THAT turtle...

It's annoying enough when you KNOW where the dang things are. It's just an excercise of tedius annoyance. The mission could have easily have been "destroy 45 out of the 50 robots" and then it wouldn't cause pain and aggrivation.

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turtles...turtles...oh the metropolis zone?!!
that one was easy, the only zone i actually had a problem with was in the castle i didn't know they wanted the torches in that circled hallway as well.
if it was a small area or an easy mission it wouldn't have been fun. your just not cut out for detective work, you need patients and to be ready to accept challenging levels. just cause you couldn't beat it, doesn't mean it's bad.

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I blocked the Hautned Mansion from my memory. Thanks for openning up that wound. Seriously. That one is the second most time I've wasted shouting at a TV screen.

Number 1 is the Artificial Chaos hunt in Shadow...

Posts: 139
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:nn; sorry, i know how bad that one was.
it wouldn't be so bad if the other characters or chao guides gave you a hint. espio keeps saying "there's something there" after i get it, and that chao thing is useless. he just says "get all the torches" i know that tell me how to get to those high ones. although Vector is the most useful, i use him most of all.

Posts: 2016
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My love for Sonic Heroes was spent on the money paying for the PS2 version, and the 9 second appearance of Metal Sonic. After that, it was all gone. =(

So much potential... wasted.

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At least Metal Sonic was the main villian. Wait, do you guys mean Metal Sonic's original form was only for 9 seconds?

He did more in Heroes than most other 3D Sonic games lately. He wasn't some unlockable skin like in adventure DX. He wasn't the worst character like in SA2:B racing mode.

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But SA1/2 didn't sell themselves on the hype engine that the guy who originally designed Metal Sonic had rejoined ST in order to update Metal Sonic and bring him shining into the 3d era.

We saw more of him in the intro movie than we did in the game itself. It made us cry.

And by "original form" we're not talking about defeated Metal, we mean him in general. BioChaosZilla was NOT Metal Sonic. Seeing him become that MONSTROCITY killed everything I loved in the world.

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No matter what you say the final dragon, reptile boss thing was Metal Sonic. And you're overreacting about it. This is suppose to be a positive topic of Sonic Heroes.

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This is suppose to be a positive topic of Sonic Heroes.

*tries to think of something positive that has not yet been mentioned*


*bursts into flames and melts*

Posts: 222
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The King is incapable of frowning. That emoticon is not realistic!!

We're answering where the love is for Sonic Heroes! By explaining everything that everyone hates about it, we're letting you work it out by process of elimination. 😀

Posts: 139
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No matter what you say the final dragon, reptile boss thing was Metal Sonic.
:nn; if he doesn't look like sonic you can't actually call him metal sonic.

anyway no problem, try to tell us the parts you liked best. i'm sure we all wanna hear that and it'll help give everyone ideas and maybe change their mind.
i know for a fact a lot of sonic fans liked sonic heroes but probably won't say it right away. give a little boost as a sonic heroes fan.

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What I like about the game? Well

The return of Chaotix: I never got to play that game so I was glad they were put in here.

The Team Gimmick: Yes, I enjoyed the team gimmick gosh darn it.

Also, for some twisted reason, I enjoyed Robot Carnival and Storm. I like it how Eggman (Metal Sonic) was confident of his minions. Those two bosses also reminded me, for some reason, of past Staturday morning cartoons where a few heroes fights a truckload of bad guys and wins.

Character Interaction: It's about time Knuckles started to trust Sonic a bit more. Even Omega, who started off as a heartless robot who gain (somewhat of) a heart helping Shadow and Rouge. I also like it when they gave Metal Sonic a free will and personality and his determination to stop Sonic. Even if it means taking over a robot empire. I enjoyed the way Vector and Charmy just kept the comedy between each other. I also felt that each team were starting to be good friends. Team Dark and Team Rose proves this because they didn't know each other at first.

Moveset: I thought the button controls was well and good. They made the Spin Dash Attack team oritented. I like it that formations was used. I also like each ability's way to get across something. (Speed: Triangle Jump, Flight: Flying; duh, Power: gliding). The joystick movement was a bit slippery, but this seems like the only 3D Sonic game that you run at Sonic's max. speed with. I could never reach top speed in the Adventure games unless I was going straight down a vertical wall.

Team Variety: I like all the teams had diffrent attacks that varied the slightest but it can a drastic effect.
Sonic and Shadow: Tornado attacks were the biggest and homes on enemies
Amy: Tornado attack was a projectile
Espio: Tornado attack helps him turn invisible
Tails and Rouge: Solo attack was similar to Thunder Shoot
Charmy: Solo attack was weaking but you can do it rapidly
Cream: Solo attack was hard hitting even if you couldn't do it as fast.
Knuckles & Omega: I like the be protected in flames level 3 attack
Vector: His bubble gum attack can scatter all about. I also like his body slam attack to make him much less of a clone
Big: Eh, almost the same as Vector but still

Multiplayer: Sure it wasn't as in depth as SA2:B as far as levels were concern, but I like them all. It was good idea to do 3 lengths of races just in case you either had a little or plenty of time on your hands. Battle mode was great. The 3D Sonic games always had characater clashes but it was never two player. But Sonic Heroes changes that. I could enjoy this because human intelligence is way better than AI.

Egg Robots: I like these robots too. They're no badniks but they represent one of Eggman's biggest flaw: His vainity. I also enjoyed the fact that one character can defeat one emeny where other characters would fail. That gave the game some individualism.

The Music: I'm going to say it. I ENJOYED WE CAN! It gave the meaning of the game and had a way positive message. Chaotix and Dark also rock. I didn't enjoy Team Rose's theme becuase it focused on Amy's love for Sonic and not the entire team like the other themes.

The levels: I like the levels. I didn't care if I had to go through them four times, like in S3&K. The levels were kept diverse. I like the fact the classic level pattern was back. Two levels, then a boss.

Posts: 1827
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I did like the first 6 levels. They just felt like a proper Sonic game and the flaws of the game weren't really highlighted until later. Also I didn't think the camera was all that bad. Too me it seemed to be in the right place most of the time and you could move it and make it stay.

I could tolorate the team system. Yes it didnt really work and the levels arent a huge step forward in design. Just Sonic Adventure 2 Sonic levels on steriods really.

Now the bad part.
The bosses are terrible.
With the exception of Espio most of the characters are clones of each other.
Lack of Metal Sonic love. I could understand that he could create the monster thing but he had to go and change himself. 🙁
I could go on but I would be repeating myself.

But this game has scarred not only me but my mum as well. All she wanted to do was play as the crocodile. When the crocodile went through the floor thats when I cursed the Gamecube and was put upstairs and we played Soul Calibur 2.

Posts: 222
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Metal Sonic turning into a giant dragon-monster was supposed to conect him to Perfect Chaos or something.

Posts: 4885
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Good things only?

The soundtrack is amazing and perhaps the first time Sega and their crew (Jun?) have remembered to put some decent bass in. I've been gagging for some since Toxic Caves.

Umm... the CGI cutscenes had pretty cool graphics.

Ryan and Deem had mastered their roles as Sonic and Eggman, alas one got fired and the other got deaded.


That's about all I can think of. Can't forgive the gameplay if the PAL edition is UNPLAYABLE, the menus are boring and they had the amazing idea of putting the tutorial in the 3rd group of characters. Just when you'd need them the most! ^_^

Posts: 1827
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Mind you I did like the graphics style. I wees all over Sonic Adventures 1 and 2 and Shadow realistic style from a great height.

CGI was cool and I thought most of the voices did suit their characters (Tails, Cream, Charmy aside)

Posts: 1355
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- Omega undergoes no cahracter development whatsoever. In fact, there is no character development in this game at all.

- Button controls are terrible. Everything is still mapped to the same button which causes the same problems it always has, and the 50hz bug is horrendous and as Craig put it makes the game unplayable.

- Team-orientated spindash means that your team members have to be beside you otherwise it was delayed and even then it was a crappy boost. I'd take the somersault-spindash problem in SA2 over this.

- I disagree with you on feeling Sonic's true speed. You're forced to switch so often that you barely get a chance to stay in Speed formation for longer than 10 seconds, and even then half of those opportunities are spent on rails.

- The variations betwixt the teams are minute and make no tangible difference. The exception would be Espio's invisibility, as stated by John.

- I view the character design for the latest robots as dull and uninspired.

- I agree with you on: Chaotix humor; music quality.

As for the things I like other than the above two...Vec's grinding pose, Omega's in-game dialogue, aaand...uh...nope. UI seriously need help listing more things here. o.o

Posts: 139
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Metal Sonic turning into a giant dragon-monster was supposed to conect him to Perfect Chaos or something.
how long will they squeeze out old ideas?

Those two bosses also reminded me, for some reason, of past Staturday morning cartoons where a few heroes fights a truckload of bad guys and wins.
yeah that was pretty neat, i like fighting a lot of enemies at the same time <gamma was like that in SA1 he was so mega fun when he blasts everything around him>. in SH i liked showing off infront of my older siblings "look i can beat all those baddies... and for those big scary robots my super move":lol
I also showed off in that sky level with eggy's ships. my brother kept saying "how can you see anything it's too fast?!" really it's fun if you show it to none sonic fans.

Vector: His bubble gum attack can scatter all about. I also like his body slam attack to make him much less of a clone
there's a move when he bites charmy and espio and then spites'em out like soccer balls, that was pretty funny. it also helps, in the casino level i'd keep them in vector's mouth to protect them from being captured by that robot with a beam.

And I liked charmy most of all, his voice and design "he looks like an anime I used to watch when I was little about a bee looking for his queen bee mother". charmy is really a cute annoying trouble making kid which is totally cute (i wish he was my baby brother:D i'd have a lot more fun showing him off at work and in the mall).

Posts: 68
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I loved Sonic Heroes and if you ask me it had a great story. Sonic Heroes deserves a sequel.

Posts: 222
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I'm asking this sincerely: What did you like about the story?

Omega didn't need development! He was the PERFECT CHARACTER.

Posts: 1355
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Omega's dialogue was awesome, but I was just replying{"refuting" if you will} V2's apparent belifef that Omega develops somewhat over the course of the game.

Posts: 1037
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That little I did play of the game (as I had to uninstall it since it overworked my crappy computer) I liked. I only played a few levels with Team Rose and Team Dark (the farthest I got was a bingo thing..) and although there were a few annoying things, mainly a pit I couldn't get past in the city level as Team Dark and the boss fight which lasted like.. forever.
The reason I did enjoy playing it so much is that I invented dialogue between the characters (other than the dialogue they normally have), which usually resulted in something funny. What I also did was "boycotting" a character (usually Omega), by trying by all means to use him as little as possible and having him get the least points at the end. =P
I know I'm crazy.

Posts: 222
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Oh, I know. I just had to show my love for him. because he's my crazy robot lover.

Boycott Omega!? Can such a thing even be done!?

Posts: 4885
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Omega was just a cheap copy of Gamma, you know, the one who actually HAD character development and added decent insight into what happens when Eggman uses animals to power his machines.

Posts: 222
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Well of course. Sometimes one-dimensional characters who do nothing but spout cliches and shoot things are fun for a change. Atleast it's better than weakly bringing Gamma back to life.

Posts: 4885
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This is true.

But Chaos Gamma is still better than Omega :3

Posts: 222
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But Chaos Gamma was in a cool game (Omega has been in Shadow... and Sonic Heroes... great places for Character development >_>). Plus, it was more how the characters reacted to him that made him cool, than him actually being cool.

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No, it's the fact Gamma had a personality, as opposed to Omega, who was basically a cardboard cutout of a character that Sonic Team whipped up to fill a place on Team Dark.

Posts: 222
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Um... I was talking about Chaos Gamma? Who was just in Battle so that there was a robot character?

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OH Battle.
...Man, I hated that game.

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- Omega undergoes no cahracter development whatsoever. In fact, there is no character development in this game at all.

- Button controls are terrible. Everything is still mapped to the same button which causes the same problems it always has, and the 50hz bug is horrendous and as Craig put it makes the game unplayable.

- Team-orientated spindash means that your team members have to be beside you otherwise it was delayed and even then it was a crappy boost. I'd take the somersault-spindash problem in SA2 over this.

I never said there was character development I just said the characters on team seem to complement the others well. At first Shadow and Omega wanted to kill each other. And Amy & Cream didn't know Big before the game.

It seems to me the button controls work well for me. I guess it's just me.

In SA2 you had to stop to even start up the spin dash. In Heroes you can charge it up while still moving somewhat. And you need to press the attack button twice to get the spin dash's full benefit.

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And Amy & Cream didn't know Big before the game.

It's quite obvious that they know each other at the beginning of the story.
Besides, Amy and Big met in Sonic Adventure.

Posts: 56
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I love Sonic Heroes, that's why I created the topic "Sonic Heroes 2".

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There is no love for Sonic Heroes to find.

Crush 40 is the only saving grace for this game.

Posts: 139
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And Amy & Cream didn't know Big before the game.
it's true amy knew big before heroes, but they weren't as much friends as they looked in heroes.

There is no love for Sonic Heroes to find.

you know it doesn't matter if it was good or bad. it's important to just enjoy the game you got. don't be so selfish, why argue sonic heroes all the time? let this topic stay for sonic heroes fans or people who want to talk about a good side of the game. i think we bugged them as it is.
my best friend loves Barbie. i have no clue why she does. but i don't say bad things about it infront of her cause i know my opinion could cause her to stop playing her favorite game (And for what? i won't gain anything from stealing someone else's happiness).

sonicv2 clearly said he wants this topic to be positive, it's rude and irresponsible to go against his request.

Posts: 4885
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It seems to me the button controls work well for me. I guess it's just me.

If you're playing anywhere besides Europe or using a 60mhz television set, then yes, they will work fine.

The UK edition has a FATAL flaw in the 50mhz version which has buttons pressed twice, making it impossible to play the game properly due to switching characters being random as heck.

The flaw exists in SA2 aswell, but only effects double jumping, meaning that with Sonic/Shadow you die. Alot. With Tails and Eggman you actually get a suprisingly good boost on the hover jump. SA2 is BARELY playable due to this flaw, and it only effects the Gamecube version. Heroes is in all versions and it cripples gameplay.

Posts: 139
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Japan uses the same out put as in America. their team in the US didn't report any problem so i guess it past them to check the eurpean one.

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Japan and America use 60Mhz output. UK uses 50. Games here give the option of running on 60Mhz, but this isn't compatible with all televisions and occasionally makes the graphics black and white.

I cannot play 60mhz because I can hear the high pitched squeal of the frequency and it gives me a headache after too much play. Thusly, I stick to 50. The bug only affects 50hz. Seeings as Japan and America don't HAVE 50hz modes, they wont experience this flaw, it's EUROPE ONLY.

Posts: 139
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well their not ganna make anymore sonic games on the systems now, why don't you buy a US PS3. besides with the US one you can also play Japanese games on it too......if you install some parts or programs. like i did for my PS2 and Dreamcast.

Posts: 4885
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Why would I want to buy foriegn language versions of games?

Moreover, why should I have to spend hundreds of pounds to avoid a problem which Sega shouldn't be allowing to reach mass-production in the first place?

So far it's only noticeably affected the two games.

Plus, as I said, I can't play 60mhz, it screws with my head and causes me pain. If I played the American or Japanese, they would be 60mhz. There is a 60mhz play mode on the UK version of Heroes, but I opt for 50. I'd rather take aggrivatingly impossible gameplay than pain.

Posts: 4885
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For the last time.



And just because a game is made somewhere doesn't mean that the regional versions aren't made by the company responsible. Sega of Europe took the completed Shadow game and updated it to play in PAL regions, they added the 50mhz mode, thusly it's their responsibility to playtest it and make sure it works.

Posts: 139
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i never heard someone complain from it before. maybe you need glasses, you do use the computer a lot. my head used to hurt me when i watched tv till i got glasses.

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