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Which Advance is your favourite, and why? Why even bother?

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There seems to be a wide variety of opinions as to whether the Advance series was a waste of time or not, whether it surpasses the original Genesis/Mega Drive games or not, etc.

So, I was wondering...

1) Do you prefer:

Sonic Advance 1
Sonic Advance 2
Sonic Advance 3
None, they all suck

and why?

2) Do you think the Advance series was a good idea? Why? Why not?

3) Should there be a Sonic Advance 4, or will there be no point thanks to the DS (which is backwards-compatible with the GBA)? Why do you think this?


1) I prefer Sonic Advance 3; the tag actions are gimmicky but they work well, the level design is more or less superb (but bottomless pits again are an annoyance), and there's actually some semblance of a plot.

2) Despite the fact I bought them all, I'm not convinced the Advance series was necessary. The time could have been spent to create a better 3D adventure. A good 3D Sonic is do-able, but would take a lot of time to get right, and whether or not Sonic Team actually did the programming, they still had to supervise, and that still takes precious time away.

3) I'd like to see it, personally, especially if there are no bottomless pits. But, Sonic DS has the potential to be something extra-special, and I'd prefer it if they focussed on that instead.

Posts: 859
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Sonic Advance 3.
Sonic Advance 1 was okay, but it spent all its trime trying to emulate lost glory and there was nothing new, meaning it felt like a museum piece (in a good way)
Sonic Advance 2 was to busy trying to be bright and fresh and original, and fast, but left behind some strange ideas. Added with the annoying way of getting into the special zones, it's better, but not alot better.
Sonic Advance 3 has a good mix of new and old, good graphics, the tag action idea works, level design is better, bosses are better, and the best special zones of the lot.

2) Do you think the Advance series was a good idea? Why? Why not?
Yep, they've been reasonaly succesfull, maybe not brillaint, but im happy with them.

3) Should there be a Sonic Advance 4, or will there be no point thanks to the DS (which is backwards-compatible with the GBA)? Why do you think this?
After Sonic ADvance 3, there OUGHT to be a Sonic ADvance 4. It was to good to pass up not doing one more, they've got the formula right, they ought to make at least one more 2D game in the series to see the GBA off.

Posts: 2097
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1) Probably in this order:

Sonic Advance 3 > Sonic Advance 1 > Sonic Advance 2

Sonic Advance 3 combined some of the the old and new, the old tag along characters and more well designed stages, while giving us cool special stages, adventure stages, and custom pairings.

Sonic advance 1 though not exactly screaming sonic, is still a nice little platformer to play, something a bit different I like to think. I like the level desgns though.

Sonic Advance 2 I didn't like. Run, run, run, no time for any badnik smashing or exploration for alternate route, though you had to stop to get the SP rings. (Which is the worst thing a bout this game.)

2. Yeh, playing Sonic on the go, and keeping Sonic in the world of 2D, which is good for those who like Sonic better in 2D.

3. I suppose it could be a good idea if used right. Though I find it kinda hard to think what they'd do. As long as they can find something fresh and fun for an Sadv4, then I wouldn't mind.

Posts: 33
Eminent Member

1) For me, the order is as follows:

Sonic Advance 1
Sonic Advance 2
Sonic Advance 3

Sonic Advance 1 was short and rather easy. But it was ok for a first try on a new console. It's probably the most "Old-School" of the three.

Sonic Advance 2 was bland, and the level design was rather lazy. Also, the fact that the developers got a wee bit too obsessed by pits in the levels after Sky Canyon. The Special Stage entry requirements are terrible too, on the plus side though, the boss fights were pretty cool.

Sonic Advance 3 is the worst of the lot, although it doesn't reach the stink-factor of Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Blast. It's not a BAD game, but they could have done MUCH better with it.

2) Yeah, it keeps the 2D spirit alive, nuff said.

3) Yep, there should be a Sonic Advance 4, theres always room to improve..

Posts: 4607
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1) Sa3, probably. I can return to that and still have a fairly good time. In fact, that holds true for Sa1 too, though to a lesser extent. Not Sa2, though. I just have a hard time enjoying it; it's just too problematic, with lacking level design (TOO MANY PITS, total lack of areas to slow down (or rather, they're there, but the game prefers to launch you into them at full speed, which is kinda against the point), somewhat over-the-top-with-the-surrealism level concepts (Music Plant?), etc.), those HORRIBLE chasing bosses (I don't want to have to take several seconds to catch up to a boss and have that reset every hit; plus for characters like Knux whose air move actually SLOWS them, it's a pain to just catch up), the evilly difficult SP Ring special stage setup leading into special stages that are a pain to beat (I can do Sa1's without much difficulty; I can't beat Sa2's second one on the actual GBA for beans without aching joints), and so forth.

2) I thought so. To see a new Sonic title at all was a joy, especially one that was on a Nintendo console; nowadays it's just a joy to see them trying to get the 2D days back and kinda succeeding, too.

3) Eh, depends on whether the DS is launching as soon as I recall hearing it was supposed to and all.


Sonic Advance 3 is the worst of the lot, although it doesn't reach the stink-factor of Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Blast. It's not a BAD game, but they could have done MUCH better with it.

What was wrong with it again?... I must've missed it the first time.

No, seriously. I don't know.

Posts: 33
Eminent Member

Oops, forgot to give my reasons in my original post, heh.

Well, as I said, it's not really a bad game, just.....lacking.

The Partner gimmick was a wasted opportunity IMO, and then theres an all-too-common fault in the level design - Springs that send you into spikes, badniks, or even worse, pits. You didn't get those too often in the Mega Drive games. There also seems to be a lack of any real flow to the game, this is partly due to the overuse of switches that need to be used in order to progress. Granted, these were in the Mega Drive games too, but as I said, they're way too overused in SAdv3. I've also spotted some dodgy collision detection in the game too, such as death by running into the SIDE of a crusher in some places. The Sunset Hill boss is another example of poor collision detection. And finally, the hub areas just don't really work that well in a Sonic game.

This is just my opinion though.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member


1) Do you prefer:

Sonic Advance 1
Sonic Advance 2
Sonic Advance 3
None, they all suck

and why?

Sonic Advance 1, it's the closest to the classics, in particular Sonic 2 (Some say Sonic Advance 3 is the closest but to me it didn't feel like any of the MD titles), also because Amy had a unique gameplay style that made things more interesting.


) Do you think the Advance series was a good idea? Why? Why not?

I think it is, when gaming reached its Sonic Adventures, its Mario 64s and its Ocarina of Times it seemed that each series lost something when it went 3D, Sonic Advance allows newer fans to get a taste of what made 2D games fun, but with a modern flair.


3) Should there be a Sonic Advance 4, or will there be no point thanks to the DS (which is backwards-compatible with the GBA)? Why do you think this?

I honestly don't know, I think there should definitely be another 2D Sonic, one that closely resembles the classic gameplay, however Sonic has yet to make a series last past its third title, perhaps the Advance series will break that trend.

Posts: 139
Estimable Member

i think sonic advance3 was the best(i played a few levels since i wanted to finish2 first) but it felt more like a sonic game(i mean the kind that keeps you playing for hours)than the rest, and kinda reminded me of adventure.
then sonic2(since i'm playing it all the time i got to like it:nn; guess not having a save makes it more fun).
and lastly sonic advance1, it makes sense it should be the last it was the start and sega went out from there, and it had the old sonic feeling to it.

as for a sonic advance 4, that'd be the first.
sonic team never got to a 4th title in a sonic games
:) well, maybe.
either way i'm buying.

and yes i like 2D and i think it's a great idea, and smart of sega to release it in a winning system.
also it's a little change from sonic adventure and more back to the old sonic i like.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Yes, Sonic Advance 2 had to be the WORST Sonic game ever! Spinball didn't stink as much as this one! I spent four days on Sky Canyon...not because it was hard but because there were so many pits of death...

Sonic Advance 3 is up there with the best of them...the music was good, the level design was classic (I still hate Ocean Base) and the Special Stages are tolerable...I want a return to the special stages of Sonic 3...

Posts: 8
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There will no doubt be a Sonic Advance 4 for next year...

The worst possible thing would be to have all the same characters, similar theme levels (Ice Mountain>Ice Paradise>Twinkle Snow) with a Super Sonic battle at the end.

IMO they're taking too long to evolve from the same old ideas.

From SAd1>SAd2: "I know lets put in a boost mode" (everything else stays the same)

From SAd2>SAd3: "Lets try partner gameplay!" (everything else stays the same, ALMOST not a space level at the end for once...almost...)

They were good ideas, but still quite subtle, the only things that make one game 'slightly different' from the other two, along with overall fractionally better gameplay.

If they do (they will IMO) make another Advance game it better be a bigger leap from SAd3 than SAd3 was from SAd2.

The plots have gotten slightly more detailed, but the levels you are in seem totally irrelevant. (e.g. when you were in Flying Battery in S3&K, you knew why you were there and how you got there and you felt like you were actually going somewhere, over the Mushroom Hills)

Angel Island had icy mountains, so obviously they were the location of the Ice Cap zones...but now there's one for every game without reason.

Knuckles has been used too much along with his Island (Angel Island, Sky Canyon, even Angel Chaos). That idea from SAd3 would have worked much better if we KNEW Sonic was looking for the Master Emerald, instead it looks like he just comes across it.

If there is another advance game it needs a better storyline and originality.

It needs to have characters and levels that are there to serve the story aswell as for gameplay. Knuckles needs a decent reason for just showing up. Eggman being betrayed is no longer a 'good twist'. Four times is enough.

Maybe they should think of a new title instead of Sonic mark a completely different Sonic game in it's own class (hopefully closer to the genisis games).

Posts: 7
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They don't really need to keep releasing an Advance game every year. Advance 1 was an excellent game, but the special stage springs are impossible to find. I havn't even played Advance 2 yet, but I'm pretty disappointed with the length of Advance 3. The levels might be tough, but most of them are too short. The tag team actions, most of the time, are all but useless. It's easy enough speeding through the levels with Sonic, or any of the other characters.

Maybe Advance 4, storywise, should focus on Sonic's past, rather than a corny "Eggman's trying to take over the earth. Can Sonic and his friends stop him?" because that's basically the storyline for every Sonic Advance game.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member


Maybe Advance 4, storywise, should focus on Sonic's past,

Don't start that again. :nono

Posts: 94
Estimable Member

Hmm, well, for me, I felt that Advance 3 was the best, followed by the first, with the second one being the worst..

Advance 3 was definitely a nostalgia-inducer, that's for sure. With stuff like a remixed Green Hill theme, familiar enemies, and a Metal Sonic wannabe (here's lookin' at you, Gemerl XP), the game was full of old memories.
The tag system was interesting, especially when you had certain characters paired up; but it just didn't really add too much to the gameplay...Well, unless you link up with somebody else.
I guess the major downside was there was no (interactive) chao garden this time around. Plus, the game was a tad short, despite returning to the three-act system from the past.
The special stages are okay, though they're basically rehashes of the first Advance's specials.

Advance 1 was decent, but lacked something...The game felt a bit too slow, but at least it was easy to get Sonic to speed up (unlike the other two Advance games). I'd have to say it was the easiest of the games, with few frustrating bosses. Nothing too exceptional in this game, but nothing to make it the worst Sonic game in history.
Special stages were a bit tough, trying to judge the distance between your character and the incoming rings was a pain at first.

Advance 2 was the consequences of someone ticking off Sonic Team (At least, that's how it seems to be XP)...
The speed that the first Advance game needed was there, alright...But it proves that you can have too much of a good thing. Trying to hold on to rings without colliding with an enemy or spikes was a chore in itself.
Do I even need to mention the pits? I won't mention how many times I've had to restart levels because I was thrown into an abyss at mach speed.
I can't really comment on the Special Stages for this game, because I've never actually gotten the chance to enter one. I want to smack whoever thought it was a good idea to throw a bunch of rings that the player must grab (and survive the level!)...
Perhaps one of the redeeming factors for Advance 2 was the introduction of cutscenes. Though very brief and consisting of stills, it was neat to see them. And the ending was rather decent (God bless you, ActionReplay!).

As for if there should be a fourth Advance game...Heck, if it's good, go for it, Sonic Team! Just as long as there's no Heroes-esque team system <_<;

Posts: 42
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I don't have a GBA. I can't afford one at this point in time. Personally, I'd rather Sonic Team work on console games.

Posts: 13
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they all sucked but 1&2 was quite all right.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

newthunder, you have to explane why you don't like them, otherwise you just bashing.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member


You didn't get those too often in the Mega Drive games.

Having just played through some of said old megadrive games, I'm inclined to disagree. There were plenty of springs that sent you straight into hazards...
As I've said before, I really liked Sonic Advance 3. The level design ranged from average(Twinkle snow) to excellent (Chaos Angel), the bosses were good, the tag system innovative, the whole thing just... good. Except for the somewhat frustrating special stages.
Sonic Advance 1 was ok, but I never really took to it. The level design just seemed rather uninspired most of the time.
Sonic Advance 2 I disliked, as it seemed just... empty. None of the ingenious bits of design that marked the original games or SAdv3, just long levels, empty of everything but slopes, bottomless pits and the occasional enemy.
I quite liked the boss fights, but they weren't enough to save the game.
However, due to SAdv3, I think the series is justified, and I would like to see a fourth one.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Sonic Advance 2...I'd rather not see the name Sonic Team with this title because it was that bad...who enjoyed trying to find those rings to get to the special zone? Anyone?

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Its not that bad, Sonic Advance 2.
It's hard to unlock the last level, but it was also hard to unlock the last level in Sonic Advance 1.

It wasnt easy, but if you got a guide it wasnt that hard.

Posts: 15
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1) Which Sonic advance game do you prefer and why?

In this order:
Sonic Advance 3 over Sonic Advance 2 waay over Sonic Advance

I favourite of them all is the 3rd one. I have a lot of fun experimenting and playing with the tag system. (And abusing it to finish the level faster) The levels were nice and the special stages were fun too. I think the way of accessing it is the best one in this game. (Though, I'd like it at you can recollect the chao again when you've found them all) Plus, there kinda has a story here ^^

Then comes Sonic Advance 2. Speed and challenge are the main reasons I like this game. Unlike the majority of people, I had fun trying to find and mmorizing the location of the SP rings with tails and come up with a way to collect them all with Sonic =P. The special stage seemed impossible at first but in the end, it turned out quite easy.. I had a LOT less problem getting the last emerald in this one compared to the 3rd one. I love the way you fight bosses here but I agree that you get tired of it little of it because it's the same all over again for the oner ones (But I'd have really like it if they put at least one boss fight of this type in the 3rd =/)

Finally, I place Sonic advance in last position. It wasn't a bad game at all... (I played and obtaines 89000 rings o.o;; .. and of course transfered them =P) Just.. when I compare to the other 2, this one seem really slow and easy.. The special stages were easier to access and clear than the other two. It wasn't challenging at all.

2) Do you think the Advance series was a good idea? Why? Why not?

Of course! New 2-D Sonic games are always welcomed!

3) Should there be a Sonic Advance 4, or will there be no point thanks to the DS (which is backwards-compatible with the GBA)? Why do you think this?

..Err doesn't matter, just bring the next portable sonic game ^^

Posts: 13
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Ok one was cool cause it was fun and easy and there were chao.Two was good cause of cream,And they made everying 20x harder.three was bad cause there was no fun.Just sonic cracker like crapness.

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