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Who do you think is the worst Sonic character?

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I think Amy kind of is because she uses a hammer to attack enimies and only follows Sonic around. To me, she's just not that interesting of a character and kind of annoying.

Posts: 1827
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Metal Sonic! No, not really. XD

Theres too many really.

Robo 1 and Robo 2 from Sonic riders really take the biscuit. One is a speed type and the other is a power type. They are so replacable its not funny. Alright, I'll name two power characters better than Robo 1. Big and Omega. Two speed characters for Robo 2. Blaze and Metal Sonic. *sighs*

Shadow. I've never liked the look of him really. Then they gave him his own game. Where he was supposed to find out his past. And he did kinda. Thank goodness that saga is over. And any mentioning of change of character from Sonic Battle to Shadow the hedgehohg is purely looked at as this (by me): You are talking about a character that is so desparted to be a 21st century version of Sonic. He has died once maybe twice in storyline. And has had more plot twists than Sonic had plots. Let put it like this. Shadow in Sonic Battle loathed himself for being a weapon. Then he was slightly happier after finding out that He and Emerl were weapons but with hearts and abilities to make the right choice. In Shadow the Hedgehog he has distanced himself from humanity becuase he thinks we (yes, you, me and everyone on this board) are pathetic. Then Black Doom appears and he is like Get me the Chaos Emeralds like you promised lol. And Shadow is like I need those Chaos Emeralds lol. And it begins. Any attempt to look further into it will be madness itself. Spoilers (Select To Read): And the bastard killed Eggman. 3 times.

Bean the Dynamite Duck. An homage to Bin. Which would be nice really. But why didnt they use Bin really? Because Bin is blue and there wasn't a Green character to hold the Chaos Emerald. Vector? But he doesn't use bombs in Chaotix. Well he could of in his belt. He has a belt?...

Ray the Flying Squirrel. A Sonic clone. And the fact that he is a flying squirrel gives you the impression that he can at least glide short distances. But (and I assume this because I have never played Sega Sonic Arcade) that he can jump about the same height and length as Sonic

Mighty the Armadillo. See above. And the fact his name is Mighty gives the impression that he is strong. But the heaviest thing he has lifted is Chaotix style Vector. Knuckles, Espio and Charmy can do that.

Heavy and Bomb. Basically the nicest thing you can say about them is that they are 2 dud characters you can accidently play with. Thats the nicest.

Thats it really.
Charmy was cool in Chaotix (infinite flight for the win!)
I like Big and Omega and Vector (Shadow has sadly ruined him forever though)
Espio was hella cool in Heroes (Invisibility FTW!)
Rouge = easily upgradeable character in the Sonic-dom. Even I can think of new gameplay style with Rouge. They wont happen but still...
Amy is cool. full stop and a lady. (hold skirt down in Advance 2 and 3. For guess what...thats right the win!)
Cream = Entirely unnecessary. But hell shes ahead of Shadow. Admittidly thanks to Craig...(long forum post on why Cream rules. somewhere)

Posts: 16
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Cream is the worst character to me. What does she really do? nothing. she barely fights and just seems pointless to me, even in the games she really doesn't do nothing even in Sonic X. She's constantly used for the plot (espeically in the Advance games and the rush game) and it makes the plot seem really babyish at times. If they gave her something more useful maybe I would like her more. If not, putting her in new games like Sonic Riders is just a waste to me.
I don't like Sally nor Chris either but I don't feel like going to into detail on why I don't like them, I'm in a lazy mood to type a paragraph on why I don't like them:p

Posts: 1437
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That's a toughie. In my opinion, the worst character in the game is either the nameless commander in Shadow, or E-123 Omega. Both are essentially a stereotype. If you want my reason for disliking Omega in detail, see that thread.

The worst character in ANY Sonic continuity, hands down, is Tommy Turtle from the Archie comics. BAR NONE.

Posts: 3756
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Cream is the worst character to me. What does she really do? nothing. she barely fights and just seems pointless to me, even in the games she really doesn't do nothing even in Sonic X. She's constantly used for the plot (espeically in the Advance games and the rush game) and it makes the plot seem really babyish at times. If they gave her something more useful maybe I would like her more. If not, putting her in new games like Sonic Riders is just a waste to me.

The only game she's had much of a purpose in was Battle, where she shone. It explained why she never fought (she's a pacifist, which gets Emerl in trouble when he adopts the philosophy) and she was a major part of the plot in how she taught Emerl to be more human. And Cheese rules. A flying, punching, kamakazi chao. How much cooler can you get? Cream gets extra points just for hanging out with him. =P

Give her some slack, she's been hated ever since we first saw her. From the first screenshots we recieved from Sonic Advance 2, the main reason most hated her was how she stole Tails' special move.

I have to agree that Omega (a soulless revival of Gamma) and GUN-Comando were the worst characters. (Did I call it, or did I call it? Take my hypothesis from the Shadow thread, replace every "brother" with "friend" and....that's all. God, Sonic Team sucks, I could come up with their story. >>)

And *slaps Dirk one for bashing a turtle*

Posts: 194
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I can't really say which character is the worst. As far as the Sega continuity goes, there is something off or dislikable about every character, mostly becuase the creators have the strange need to keep coming up with new characters to fill in little gaps they may have for new games, like Blaze or Omega, rather than just work around it and use the ones we fans are already farmiliar with. The versions of the Chaotix are so new, however, that there isn't anything to like or dislike about them, yet (except maybe the voice work.).

I'll list it for all of the more recent characters.

Rouge: Made to fill the gap in SA2 as an opposite for Knux, when they could've just used Nack. At least she seems to have turned into a love interest for Knuckles, but we all know Knuckles is too dense to really notice her in that respect. Also, her new voice doesn't fit how young she is (about 17 years).

Knuckles: Knuckles has one fundamental problem, he's guardian of the Master Emerald, BUT HE IS NEVER AROUND IT OR ANGEL ISLAND ANYMORE. The games always seem to find some sort of cheap excuse to get him to hang around off the island. Why not just make a few levels take place on Angel Island? We know it's big enough and from SA and S3&K that it has many for the picking.

Amy Rose: Annoying to many, she is a weak fighter, and her bright pink presence can make even the most diehard of fans cringe. Way back when she first made an appearance, she was made as a girlfriend for Sonic (but we know how Sonic feel on that) and the plot to that game was to find and save her. She also is a Tarot Card reader, but many don't know that becuase the only mention of such an ability was a single line of dialogue in Battle. She has potential to be developed as a nice chracter rather than the clingy and annoying little girl that gets in the heroes way.

Tails: The problems with Tails don't arise with him as a chracter, but more or less how he is executed in a few of the games. In the old ones, he was simply Sonic's sidekick and a creativly designed little guy. Now that he's trying to come into his own, the games are pulling away from that and not all at once. Why oh why can't he get his own style of play? He's always doing the same as someone else in the game.

Omega: Do I even need to talk about him? He was thrown into Heroes as nothing more than an extra power character in Heroes and he wants to be a big bad robot. That's it. Moreover, he only appears in the dark and non-cannon storylines in Shadow.

Eggman: We all know how Eggman is the great evil genius who is a bit childish. But lately he keeps reverting to the good side when things get hot for him. Why? He's the villian! He should stay villianly! (Is that even a word?) The only explenation we can find is that he doesn't want anyone to die, which can't be true becuase he has been trying to kill Sonic and his friends for years.

Cream: Cream has the same issues as Tails, not the character itself, but the execution. One, she's way too easy! Sure, flying around and making Cheese go all kamikaze is cool, but it kills almost any challange you have while playing her. Worst of all, she stole Tails special ability.

Shadow: It can't be better said than before, Shadow himself has more plot twists than the Sonic series has plots. In fact, his presence in both Battle and his own game remove all chances of Battle being a cannon game, which sucks becuase Battle was a pretty good game.

Big: Nobody really knows why he exists. He was created in SA, so the extra power character excuse doesn't work, he was just dropped in without warning or purpose. He had the worst gameplay in SA, too. I wouldn't have played as him if I didn't need to for unlocking Super Sonic, and I know I'm not the only player who feels the same.

Sonic: Sonic is the main hero, the one everyone cares about. He's a blast to play as and the one that carries the wieght of the games. He's a good guy, always looking forward for the next adventure. And that's the problem. We hardly know anything else about him. No insights to his past, no purpose for fighting, no reasons for acting like he does, no explanations for his skills, nothing. He said it himself, "What you see is what you get, just a guy that loves adventure." Although, it's not neccesarily a problem now, perhaps instead of spending all this time and energy coming up with character after character and making a cool story for them, why not work on Sonic instead? Remeber the mural in the Hidden Palace in S3&K? Imagine if Sega based their next game off something like that surrounding Sonic. Here's hoping for Sonic '06.

And there you go. Anyone I left out is either too old or too irrelevent for mention. Or stupid me simply forgot. :D (Prepares flame resistant shield.)

Posts: 2723
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Cream is the worst character to me. What does she really do? nothing. she barely fights and just seems pointless to me, even in the games she really doesn't do nothing even in Sonic X.

Did you forget episode 46 so easily? She and Cheese fought Emerl and kicked him into the ocean after he tried to attack her but got Sonic instead.

Sure, she has her downsides, and she may be the youngest character, but Cream, like Amy, has the potential to be a better character.

And I agree with Mimiichimu. There is no truly bad character. Everyone has their good points and bad points.

As for my own thoughts on some characters...

Knuckles: He's not bad, but he's not great, either...

Tails: I believe he's pretty cool, especially now that he's doing more things on his own.

Amy: She seems to have changed a lot to me. At first she was all clingy, but now she's more independent. She still chases after Sonic, though, and sometimes I think her role in Sonic Battle was just comedy relief (along with Knuckles, who happened to get tricked again in that game).

Sonic: He's all right, just not my favorite. He just needs a proper origin story.

Eggman: Same as Sonic.

I can't really judge other characters, like Shadow and Rouge, as I don't really understand their characters too well.

Posts: 56
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Yeah, Cream was second on my list. She's kind of wimpy and really has no point. Cheese just makes her rock.

Also, either Omga or Gamma. Gamma was the original, but Omega was like a copy, but much stronger. Sonicteam should have just made a new Gamma in Sonic Heroes after it was destroyed.

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They....did. o.o Omega...IS a new Gamma.

Posts: 1827
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There was a new Gamma in Sonic Battle. Called Chaos Gamma. He wasn't really nice like Gamma and hurt Cream and Emerl.

Posts: 222
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Bleh. I hate... uh... Amy. She doesn't serve much of a purpose to me. Even Cream had an hour of glory in Sonic Battle.

Personally I like alot of hated characters. ^^() Especially Omega. *Beaten to death*

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I swear to Geddy Lee, you people are going to get hit with a torrent of Cream loving as soon as I get in to work...

For the time being I'll humour myself by saying Crazy GUN Commander is possibly the worst character to come into the series with his laughable charactureish personality, 100% unresolved plotline, ignorability and the fact that his mere presence in the game conjures too many questions none of which have any decent answers.

GUN Commander could have been left out and we would have got Sonic versus Shadow, and no crazy continuity mess-up and we would have been happy.

Even the worst characters in the series cannot compare to the sheer damage and annoyingness of that one background character.

I suppose Omochao comes dangerously close though...

Posts: 222
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Hheeyy! Omochao just wants to help, with his cold-metal frame, his eerie mono-tonic voice, his lack of ability to say anything other than pre-determined responces...

Um.. what was I getting at again?

Oh yeah, I agree about the GUN commander. Jeez, I liked GUN better when they were this cold faceless military-organisation that nobody liked. Now they actually have a personality and serve a purpose! What has the world come to!?

Posts: 81
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Cream is the worst character to me. What does she really do? nothing. she barely fights and just seems pointless to me, even in the games she really doesn't do nothing even in Sonic X. She's constantly used for the plot (espeically in the Advance games and the rush game) and it makes the plot seem really babyish at times. If they gave her something more useful maybe I would like her more. If not, putting her in new games like Sonic Riders is just a waste to me.

SO true. I despise Cream, not only because I don't like kiddie things :cuckoo but also because she is USELESS without her precious Cheese. She is weak, she has an awful voice, and there is no point to having her in the series.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Oh yeah, I agree about the GUN commander. Jeez, I liked GUN better when they were this cold faceless military-organisation that nobody liked. Now they actually have a personality and serve a purpose! What has the world come to!?

Which would be all well and good if that particular personality wasn't a laughable characture who spouts into monologue of super cheesy dialogue like every time he's left alone, or turns around and thinks he's alone.

They could have easily have ignored the "YOU KILLED MY FAMILY... by... ummm... hypnotising the soldiers to kill everyone on the ARK... except me... because... umm.... why did I join the organisation who killed everyone up there anyway?" character and had the President take a bit more of an active role in running the military operation, killing 2 birds with one stone.

Anywho, CREAM!

*Cricks neck* I have no tolerance for those who dislike Cream, just as practically every staff member has no tolerance for those who don't heil Eliteboard, you can have your excuses and reasons, but you're still wrong. Why? Because we said so!

"The game doesn't need a baby?" - Umm, it's opening the franchise to younger kids and female ones at that by giving them an "EASY" option which allows them to get through the game on an easier level than anyone else (applying to Sonic Advance 2/3), seeings as Cream is, at heart, the replacement of SA1 Amy, we really can't complain too much, they just drastically updated one character and moved another in to fill her role.

"She adds nothing to gameplay" - Name me one other character in the 2d games who has projectile weapons? Just because she makes the game "cheap and easy" doesn't mean that it's not a new feature and one that those who are young and unskilled would appreciate. Remember kids, just because we've been with the series since day one doesn't mean we're not twice (almost thrice if you're PSX) the age of the target demographic.

"Her character doesn't add much to the story" - You. Are. A. Liar.

Plain and simple, every hand held game since Advance 2 has featured Cream as the key focus for the ending, excluding Battle which most agree is Cream's finest hour anyway.

As I said, she's a rebirth of SA1 Amy, the innocence and purity that she possesses is very important in seeing options that the others wont see, while Sonic and Tails are content to SMASHSMASHSMASH, Cream is the one who stops them and asks them to consider for a moment that the robot isn't just a hunk of metal.

It was thanks to her innocence that G/merl was rebuilt and reprogrammed to goodness, she was the one who taught Emerl that fighting isn't the only option and sometimes there are better ways of dealing with situations, and of course, in Sonic Rush she is solely responsible for teaching Blaze the value of friendship and accepting help which was key to her unlocking the power of the Sol Emeralds.

Cream has huge potential in the series, and much more on the character side of things than any of the oldbies, because she's not just a "fight, fight, win" character, so she'll be able to take an innocent outlook on situations. If they ever get around to kidnapping Cream in the games (which has yet to happen, strangely), I'd like to see her dialogue with Eggman. Chances are she wont be all "I'LL ESCAPE" but genuinely try to understand why Eggman does the horrible things he does. No other character in the franchise would do that, and if we ever got another SA1 type game, you can see how useful this was in Amy, just imagine the same thing with a dash more innocence. It would work, it would work very very well.

Compare this to, say, Knuckles who has been redundant since SA2, what does blockhead add to the story, he just smashes THERE IS A BIG ROCK's and screams "WE'RE GETTING SUCKED IN!", even in Sonic Battle his only real areas of shining were righteous fury and stupidity. He didn't teach Emerl anything Sonic hadn't already gone over.

Really, there are alot worse characters than Cream, and it seems every new game she appears in she proves more and more how worthwhile she is to have about. Lay off her, ok?

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

Have to agree with Craig. In an era when Sega seems to be TRYING to make our favorite characters unlikable, Cream manages to elude that. In fact, out of the only three major female characters in the franchise (Cream, Amy, Rouge), Cream is the only one with any amount of depth.

However, Craig, Sonic Battle's canonocity is currently in question, and obviously the same applies to Sonic Advance 3.

Oh, and I know Sonic X is a seperate universe, but Cream has many great moments in it nonetheless.

Posts: 1355
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he just smashes THERE IS A BIG ROCK's and screams "WE'RE GETTING SUCKED IN!"


btw screw the shad game, if anything's going to be considered non-canon over sega's latest continuity blunders it's that pile of crap kthx

Posts: 2928
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Worst character...

Overhyped, popular for no real reason, egotistical brat. Tails.

~Rico (House Underwood will now refer to House Prower as Noname.)

Posts: 1195
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Considering I'm sick and tired of the angst crap, Shadow is already #1 on my list for this topic, which should not be a surprise by now.

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<3 @ Craig's Cream rant.

Anyhow, he may not be the most annoying character, but Shadow is probably the worst in my opinion. He had his moment in the sun in SA2, where he acted as a foil for Sonic until the last story, where he nobly sacrificed himself for the good of mankind and died. Most people assumed at the time that he would end up as a one-shot character and be fondly remembered as an edgier Sonic who made for a hell of a game.

They were dead wrong.

Enter Heroes, where Shadow is resurrected for no real reason other than to get an extra team in, isn't given any reason to be there at all, and disappears- you guessed it- without a reason. Also may be the cause for the invention of Omega.

This was damaging to the Sonic storyline, but nowhere near so much as the trainwreck of a game known as Shadow the Hedgehog, where (completely ignoring his 180 at the end of SA2) is once again prtrayed as an angsty badass with a shaky, confusing non-canon storyline(s) and a gun, which adds nothing to the character and lowers his already incredibly low standing in a lot of fan's eyes.

And since Shadow is not revealed to be removed permanently from the continuity at the end of Shadow, we can assume that he'll be back yet again, angst-ing it up in the Sonic world and causing untold thousands of people to groan in unison.

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What I meant was that Sega should have used the original Gamma in Heroes and not Omega.

I like Cream because she has Cheese. I really don't hate Cream, but she doesn't really serve any purpose and is kind of weak.

I think Shadow is the best and many people like him, so that is probably why Sega brought him back. Shadow makes the series more interesting to me.

Posts: 2723
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*sees Craig's rant*

Well spoken, dude! Cream just happens to be one of my fave characters besides Tails.

Emerl was a good character as well, even though he just copied everyone else's moves.

G-mel is a bit bleh. Sonic Team could probably done more with him than just stick him with Cream at the end of Sonic Advance 3. Then again, G-mel hanging out with Cream reminds me of the Emerl Saga in Sonic X.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

You see I thought we were only talking about playable characters. *cracks knuckles*

The GUN Commander. Now if you thought Cream added nothing to the game (as Craig proved that YOU ARE WRONG) This is the most unnecerssary character added to the storyline... ever! As the promotional site said that he hates Shadow. But what is his excuse. Trust me if you are dying to know you will be utterly devastated. I wasn't I was just expecting...more really. He really doesn't add anything to Shadow. He had one chance to redeem himself in the game. By shooting Shadow but he blew that. Plus he made a really ugly child.

Gerald Robotnik. Now if you thought Eggman has problems he is even worse. His premire (the first time we see him) into Sonic was to launch the ARK into the Earth. He had wanted to to revenge Maria's death at the hand of GUN. Which is understandable. He went kinda insane after he heard about Maria. So somehow he created Shadow on Prison Island to carry out his final revenge. But Shadow wasn't meant to carry out his final revenge no or maybe only up to a point. But full stop he was stopped. Then in Sonic Battle you read his journal extracts involving the Gizoid Emerl. About how he started out nice then slowly turned evil (I can't remember really). How to then go on about his involvement in Shadow without revealing a spoiler. Its Just No really. Plus he created Shadow. Did he not think 50 years later that Sonic would come along and pwn all of the things he tried to do. I wonder if we will meet Eggman's dad and find that there was a insanity triat in the gene pool that skips a generation. 🙁

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

You guys know how I feel about Shadow.

But Cream, she's way too cute. She was only created to fill in a Fly formation in Team Rose.

And she's a rabbit. We already have Tails, who can fly without wings. He's supposed to be special like that. But oh no, big flappy ears...

Posts: 2723
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Come on... if you take "flappy ears" away from Cream, then you might as well take away Tails' tails. You just ruin the character that way.

Besides, what's wrong with rabbits?

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But Cream, she's way too cute. She was only created to fill in a Fly formation in Team Rose.

*BZZT* Wrong. Cream was created as the basis of the storyline for Sonic Advance 2 (Which, by any account, was a pretty crappy game, but that's beside the point.)

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

>What I meant was that Sega should have used the original Gamma in Heroes and not Omega.

We ought to be kissing the game designer that he DIDNT bring Gamma back... His story was over, he's dead, gone, finished...
I'm glad they made someone new, simmilar but different..

Posts: 222
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Hehe. Team Dark would have been "Team Undead... with Rouge!"

Posts: 1827
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No that would be simple to sort out.

Sega: yeah she's a...erm...Vampire Bat...yeah...

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

*BZZT* Wrong. Cream was created as the basis of the storyline for Sonic Advance 2 (Which, by any account, was a pretty crappy game, but that's beside the point.)

*BZZT* Wrong. Cream was created for Sonic Heroes fly formation and DIMPS intergrated her into the series and introduced her in Sonic Advance 2.


Posts: 3756
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But didn't Sonic Advancve 2 come out WAAAYYY before Sonic Heroes?

Posts: 194
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Yeah, but Sonic Heroes was in production during the time SAdv2 was, and they integrated Cream into the game to give her a better introduction into the franchise. Amy was originally supposed to be the character, but she turned into an unlockable for getting everyone's emeralds.

Posts: 2928
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Wow... This whole thread is now people arguing whether Cream sucks or not? Hm, well ok, let it be known Rico does not think Cream "sucks". In fact I'd like to see more use of her. From this writer, people babbling about when she appeared and why she appeared need take a nice relaxing bath - in a sewer.

Point out these gaping character flaws and maybe I'll see fit to address them. But as far as I've seen the character is likeable, marketable, and has growth potential not unlike Tails did years ago. What more is there to a franchise character?


Posts: 456
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Shadow the Hedgehog and Cream the Rabbit are perfect representations of (almost) everything that is wrong with the Sonic series.

Whereas Sonic the Hedgehog was once a series that was able to draw in fans of all ages, in the past few years it has suffered an identity crisis, struggling to be dark and edgy in a few outings and then overcompensatingly cute in others - and frankly dumbed down in both cases. So we get the trite angst-driven anti-hero who shoots energy blasts and the sugar sweet six year old bunny rabbit with perhaps the blandest, most uninspired character design the series has ever seen (Tails Skypatrol villains aside).

That, and the fact that they're just Sonic and Tails clones.

Posts: 194
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VCP is right. Unfortunately, Sega appear to be struggling to draw in all different kinds of people by adding a unique character for every kind of personality they can think of. What's been happening is we fans that have been with the series for a while just have more unwanted and almost always unneeded characters that few really care about. At the same time, the one's we do care for and want are pushed aside. The only exception to this rule appears to be the new Chaotix, old and practically unknown in the games ripped back and updated for the series.

Shadow's appeal as far as I can tell has to be based around how he was presented in SA2. Imagine how much fonder many of us would feel if he had really died in the end like he was supposed to. Sure, we would still be stuck with many a fanfic that explains all sorts of survival stories for him, but that's a price worth paying if it means we would have better development for the characters we already had.

I have to be a Craig's side with Cream.

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Thanks @ Mimi for echoing my original point about Shadow: He would have been a better character dead.

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I don't know any Sonic characters that aren't based off being marketable to some cliche. I mean come on. Sonic? Smug, atheletic, heroic? That ones not hard. Tails? Almost as easy. The little guy with dreams, the shadow of the hero, the brainy kid that gets picked on? Pleeease.

List goes on, Amy? Head and heartstrong girl that will find love AND kickass with a huge hammer? Rouge? Boobs, nuff said. Flickies? Cute things that appeal to 12 year old girls.

Its ALL marketing. Plain characters that don't appeal to a certain marketing area? Die.


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What about Knuckles? Nothing about him exactly screams "appealing character".

Posts: 2928
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Nope nothing marketable about an guy that can punch through walls, wears dreadlocks, and has rap songs as themes. Not AT all... :D


Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Hey, Knuckles is second on my "Oh dear GOD he's HOT" list.

Okay, so his theme music SUCKS. And I'm not too keen on his levels in SA2. But that's no reason to hate him as a character. We need someone who isn't a smug bastard like Sonic is.

Posts: 456
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I don't know any Sonic characters that aren't based off being marketable to some cliche. I mean come on. Sonic? Smug, atheletic, heroic? That ones not hard. Tails? Almost as easy. The little guy with dreams, the shadow of the hero, the brainy kid that gets picked on? Pleeease.

List goes on, Amy? Head and heartstrong girl that will find love AND kickass with a huge hammer? Rouge? Boobs, nuff said. Flickies? Cute things that appeal to 12 year old girls.

Its ALL marketing. Plain characters that don't appeal to a certain marketing area? Die.

I don't think anyone's trying to argue that Sonic characters aren't or shouldn't be marketable. I however, do think they should have some substance and creativity to them, and fit in with the image the series had already firmly established.

Shadow and Cream are marketable, but I don't think that justifies the fact that they're poor characters, cheap imitations of the first two heroes and don't fit in with the image the series had. They're both redundant characters, shoe-horned into the series.

Posts: 4885
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Not that anyone else is a copy of any other character...

Big the Cat and E102 were the last and only original characters we've seen since the Mega Drive era and both of them have been cloned at least once.

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

That's a sad realization, Craig.

Rico has a good point. Every character is made to be marketed in ALL games, not just the Sonic franchise. Unfortunately, each character is just another cliche that some one somewhere will love. And that brings in more customers and more money.

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If Cream couldn't fly, everyone would like her a lot more than they do now.

Posts: 1437
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But... but... come on! The rabbit's cuter than Dot Warner!

Posts: 194
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Who's Dot Warner?

If Cream couldn't fly, her gameplay would probably be entirely based around her use of Cheese. Then, they could be creative and come up with different skills for them like combinations and attacks. That would be much cooler.

Posts: 1827
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The Warner Sister. Look up Animaniacs on google.

Posts: 439
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Well Craig has made it hard to argue why Cream is the worst character in Sonic, so I'll just come up with petty reasons.

Cream's the worst rabbit ever! She doesn't hop like a bunny, doesn't eat carrots, or burrow underground. She sucks.

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And Tails doesn't kill and eat Rabbits. What's your point?

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

And Tails doesn't kill and eat Rabbits. What's your point?
- - -
Well Craig has made it hard to argue why Cream is the worst character in Sonic, so I'll just come up with petty reasons.


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