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Why do they ignore the classics?

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Posts: 721
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I just heard about Sonic Riders the other day, and, while I was reading about it, something hit me- hasn't Sega introduced almost a dozen characters in the past few years? Whatever happened to old favorites like Mighty, Fang/Nack, as well as one-hit-wonders like Ray, Bean, Bark, Metal Knuckles, the Tails Doll, Heavy, and Bomb (although some would argue the last two are "one-hit blunders"(check out Knuckles Chaotix to see why (I'm lucky enough to own it"> )))? I mean, they even managed to bring back Gamma, Emerl (if you subscribe to the G-Mel/Gemerl= Emerl theory), and Shadow after they "died", so why not these guys?

What the heck is going on here?!?!?!?

Do we have to give Seag a rude wake-up call so they'll pay attention to a host of ready-made characters, or are they heck-bent on playing Frankenstein with creations Jet, Web, and Storm (from Sonic Riders)?

Anyone else notice this? If so, can't we DO something about this?:(

Posts: 38
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You're not the only one that feels this way. This is a topic that gets tossed around a lot here. I think Sega believes that bringing back the old, lesser-known characters would be like stepping backwards, especially since not all of the old characters would be considered "classic" by everyone. They probably think that the public at large would rather see brand new characters than reappearances of characters they've forgotten about. But I do agree with you. I'd rather see some of the old characters reused than to have Sega introduce a host of mostly filler characters like they have over the past few years.

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Mighty: Wrestles in Japan. He has a advantage in Explosive Barbed Wire Cage Death Matches.
Fang/Nack: killed by another bounty hunter: Nara Sumas*.
Ray: Really Shadow's stunt man. Only used for the last scene in SA2. Was never seen again.
Bean: Unfortunant accident in the bomb factory.
Bark: Hyperthermia.
Metal Knuckles: Rusted up after falling into water in Reactive Factory.
Tails Doll: Craig has him.
Heavy: Left behind on the Egg Carrier. 🙁 No love.
Bomb: Was the accident in the bomb factory.

Well I do see what you mean. But most of the characters are a bit dull. I can imagine Fang coming back but as a lackey for Eggman Sonic does need a secondary villian. Also Bean as a pyromaniac :D.

* Actually thats a cool name.

Edit: Edited the Mighty joke for sonicknight. I think its funnier now.

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HEY! Mighty is one of my favorites! And Ive always wanted to see Ray in action (read: never played Sonic Arcade, but owns and loves Knuckles Chaotix)...

The bit with Bean and Bomb WAS pretty good, though:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

So I llike to laugh, so?

Posts: 1446
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If, God forbid, there's ever another Sonic Heroes, the missing characters could very easily be inserted into a new team. Bean could be flight, Bark could be strength, Ray could be flight or speed, and Fang and Mighty could both be either strength or speed.

Posts: 139
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Mighty: down the old ........
that's a bad joke. please put in consideration there's lots of kids on this site. you might unintentionally give out a bad message.

about the topic, personally i think sonic is the one getting ignored. the game should focus on him and not any other character. hes the coolest idea ever and their not giving him enough notice.


What the is going on here?!

sonic team cant stop their character designers creativeness from designing new sonic characters? Or maybe their not satisfied with the old ones (like big, cream and shadow: making them a storyline is too hard) so theyre trying to find a perfect replacement?

Posts: 4885
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Sonic has never been the focus for any game or story, just the hero who saves the day at the end, such is the duty of the protagonist of a videogame (as we're supposed to be them), so Sonic will always have a flat personality, no backstory or focus because he's us.

and since when have Bean, Fang, Heavy, Bomb, the Sonic R rejects, Mighty or Ray been in "classics".

They're all obscure characters from obscure games, until I got Gems I'd not played as the majority of them (exc: Sonic R-ejects) and still haven't Heavy and Bomb.

Heck, it's a small blessing they dragged the failure known as Chaotix back to the present. Give the poor guys a break, they're trying to satisfy the MARKET, not the fanboys. If they tried to make us happy we might get a game starring one particular character because fanboys wanted to know more about his backstory or something...

Posts: 2723
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If they tried to make us happy we might get a game starring one particular character because fanboys wanted to know more about his backstory or something...

Does Shadow's game count as one of those?

Posts: 4885
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Darn, I knew I needed to add more irony, perhaps if I had made references to black/red hedgehogs or guns it would have been less noticeable?

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Good Grief! I just wanted Sega to at least ACKNOWLEDGE already-existing characters. And besides, I found Chaotix to be quite fun. And THAT's how I know Mighty.

Also, when I said "classics" I was referring to their longtime existence in the Sonic mythos- even if it's only been a marginal one.

To sum it up, I was just expressing my feelings, and I meant no offense to anyone, so if you took any, I'm sorry.::o

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I don't think so. It probably would have made it more obvious.

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Posts: 2723
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Sorry to confuse you, sonic332, I had replied to a previous comment.

And I'm sure you didn't offend anyone... at least not me, anyway...

Posts: 4885
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You didn't cause offense to anyone, don't be so touchy :) I'm just stating that none of the aforementioned characters are well-known outside of the hardcore fanbase, Knuckles Chaotix (like Sonic CD) was a good game which few had the opportunity to play, so it doesn't suprise me that it's characters managed to escape obscurity, but the majority of the other ones which haven't returned are either one-shot multiplayer characters (Sonic R), created by AM2 (Bean/Bark) or Fang.

Fang gets a category to himself for being a widely adored character who has the popularity to not be obscure (thanks to the comics on both sides of the ocean, mostly), but doesn't have the fame within the games to warrant a return.

Had Xtreme been made, Fang would probably be among the regular cast of rogues and we'd be made to chose between Amy Rose and Tiara Boobowski for love interest.

Alas, history has dealt us our current reality and everything Fang stands for has been covered by the SA2 newbies, mostly Rouge, but a bit Shadow too.

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Sorry again. I was teased a lot by nearly every kid in school when I was littler, so I tend to get defensive sometime, so please be a little patient with me, okay?

Posts: 1044
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Speaking of ingnored characters, what about characters that will (probablly) be ignored? I'm talking about these new characters in Sonic Riders. It won't be long until they're long forgotten!

Posts: 150
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With the previously announced "Sonic Riders 2," I seriously doubt it. |I

Posts: 5035
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They probably think that the public at large would rather see brand new characters than reappearances of characters they've forgotten about.

Funny thing is though, the public most likely has never seen, Fang, Bark, Bean, Mighty, etc so they would be new to them pretty much. But yea I would hate for them to come back now, with the 1,009,674,500,232 new characters they've added now. XD @ John's explanations.

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I still maintain that, if Sega can give Shadow his own game, they can at LEAST have Mighty or Ray make a brief cameo a la Big in SA2.

I'd prefer more than that, but.... (sigh).

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I did keep reading somewhere about Cream making a cameo in SADX or something.

As for a Mighty or Ray cameo in SA2, I think it's a bit late for that.

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I meant along the same lines as how Big appeared in the background in SA2, NOT Ray and Mighty being in it!

Still, that WOULD'VE been cool....

If no one else, then PLEASE bring back Sonic's two old-school arcade buddies. I miss them (I never got to play as Ray, but he seems like a good idea, anywho).

Posts: 2723
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I never got to play as Ray, either. I've got to get SGC one day...

Posts: 143
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Kaze, do you by any chance mean Gems?
If so you've been direly misinformed.
SegaSonic Arcade wan't included in Gems.

Sorry ^__^

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I gotta say, I've always LOVED that Mighty avatar!

BTW, if you live close enough to Sandusky (the one in Michigan, not the one in Ohio), I might be able to lend you my copy of Knuckles Chaotix amd my 32X. Mighty awesome game! (DUMB PUN ALERT(you'll get a lot of these out of me)).
Just be sure to get it back.EDIT: Wonderbra, how'd you sneak in there! When I started typing, you hadn't posted yet...

Oh. Answered my own question there:insane :cuckoo :crazy

Man, I LOVE these crazy smilies!:thumbsup

Posts: 4885
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Cross your fingers lads. Hopefully the next Sonic collection on the Revo will let us use our remotes as a trackball. According to Sega the only reason they ignored Arcade is the inability to effectively simulate the trackball movement.

Alas, the reason Chaotix is abscent is that the 32X is pretty dang tough to emulate on another system.

Posts: 2723
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My bad.

And sorry, sonic332, I live to far away. I live in northern New Jersey.

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Oh, pooh.

And I was actually being serious about lending it to you...

BTW, Craig, I can cross all my fingers and toes. I think I'll do that tonight in the hopes that it will tip the scales of good fortune in the favor of the return of Mighty and Ray, even if it's only in a port...

Posts: 1446
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Mighty and Ray won't be re-introduced as proper characters because they were effectively the prototype of Tails and Knuckles. Sega needed a cute little character, and a mysterious strong one - people didn't accept Ray that well, but Tails was a big hit. Mighty was only put into Chaotix because they needed someone to share Sonic's sprites. If we ever see them again, I'm guessing it's only going to be as a nod from Sega to old school fans, and not because the story demands it or anything.

As for Chaotix emulation... I kinda feel that Sega should hire some outside contractors. =p

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I don't see how Ray could be a prototype for a character that was unleashed to the world a whole year before he was.

Posts: 1446
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Prototype was probably the wrong word =p. But I mean, you introduce two lovable sidekicks, only one of them is going to do well.

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Gee, aren't WE negative.

I'm not giving up hope, though. I also plan to annoy Sega into bringing them back.;)

Posts: 2723
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Good luck with that! ^^

Posts: 2915
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I don't understand why the 32x is so hard for SEGA to emulate...hackers can get it to work on the PC (not like I have it on my computer or anything like that)

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I can annoy people like there's no tommorow!!

Problem is, I usually don't do it on purpose...:rolleyes

Posts: 1446
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I'm not being negative, I'm being realistic. Sega probably knows by now that there's people that want to see Mighty, Fang, Ray, etc. back. But until they have a good reason to re-introduce them, they probably won't, and no amount of letters, petitions, etcetera, are going to change that.

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Well, maybe I'll practice by annoying YOU:evil

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Yeah. :ohbrother

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I was joking, but if you don't think I can....

It's a small world after all...(sings in a loud, whiney voice, while grinning evilly)

Posts: 1446
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Oh lords, someone writing song lyrics at me on the internet. Whatever will I do.

Posts: 4607
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Oh lords, someone writing song lyrics at me on the internet. Whatever will I do.

Obviously your only option is to BREAK IT DOWN!

Oh, oh!
Oh, oh!

Oh, oh!
STOP! Hammertime!

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:"> I WAS JOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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everything Fang stands for has been covered by the SA2 newbies, mostly Rouge, but a bit Shadow too.

Not realy. Fang dosent have an "I'm so sexy" attitude or an "Angsty" attitude. He's fit in great.

Posts: 1037
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He probably ment the sniper thing. Fang was the first and only Sonic character use guns as a primary weapon (not counting the robots, I guess) then Shadow came.
Although, while Rouge and Shadow are somewhat on the evil side, Fang would be a more fitting character for the villain role. If he were to be in a game I'd have him hired by Eggman or trying to get the emeralds for himself, like an extra opponent in the game, pretty much like he was in triple trouble. =)

Posts: 194
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It seems like the only character that could be revived is Fang. I have never cared for the Sonic comics (any of them), but many more fans acknowledge him in comparison to the others. (Also, their are a lot of open character slots in Riders 2! So maybe...)

Posts: 1702
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I'd personally like to see Metal Knuckles and Tails Doll make a comeback. I had hoped that there would've been an unlockable Team Metal in Sonic Heroes.

Posts: 5035
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Honestly, Metal Knux would own so much. He could easily fit into the scene. As many characters ST is throwing into their games can be done. =P

Posts: 143
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I'd personally like to see Metal Knuckles and Tails Doll make a comeback. I had hoped that there would've been an unlockable Team Metal in Sonic Heroes.

There's a cheat to do something like that in VS. mode I believe, but I've never actually seen it, so I wouldn't know.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


I'd personally like to see Metal Knuckles and Tails Doll make a comeback. I had hoped that there would've been an unlockable Team Metal in Sonic Heroes.


There's a cheat to do something like that in VS. mode I believe, but I've never actually seen it, so I wouldn't know.

Well, it's not exactly those 'bot characters. Essentially each character gets a metallic skin, evil Metal Sonic-esque eyes, and I think only some have minor visual tweaks (Big's belt buckle, IIRC, becomes more akin to a jagged gear). So no actual Metal Sonic, Metal Knuckles, or Tails Doll.

Posts: 89
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what about the battle bird armada?

Posts: 194
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I don't think they could be since the game they appeared in wasn't exactly known. (Tails Adventure for the Game Gear, for those who didn't know.)

If Sonic Team chooses to have the Babylon Rogues appear in another game, they perhaps could relate them to one another, but it's very unlikely.

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