I sampled a bit of Street Fighter 4. Oh boy. I'm not even a fan of that franchise. I just...saw one of the movies. And I played one of the older games when I was a wee one at my cousin's house one day. But I was thinking. "Hey I like Sonic. I like fighting games...um....another Sonic Battle?"
Nnyyaaaa I didn't really like Sonic Battle that much. I'd like for it to be in Street Fighter style. Some impressive 3D graphics on a 2D plane. Then you could section off parts of old levels as battle arenas. I guess it could also be 2.5D
If it's made in the same vein as Sonic The Fighters and has the same kinda charm that game had (in my opinion, anyway) then yeah, sure, I wouldn't mind another Sonic fighting game. Never really cared for Battle though. It'd be pretty epic seeing Shadow in the middle of a battle uttering 'ZA WARUDO!' 'CHAOS CONTROL!' and then freezing time for a few seconds.
^ You mean cheap.
How about Sega Superstars Smash?
^ You mean cheap.
You heard me.
He means Shadow using chaos control to stop time would be a cheap move thus making Shadow a character players would hate to have to fight against. Though I'm not against chaos powers. Time freeze would be bad.
What if it used a MvC2 style where they get uber powers and chaos control could be one of those?
Perhaps a crossover game? Oh wait, there's already SSBB.
Kinda like Marvel Vs. Capcom.
Weird. I thought the same thing after playing SF IV.
I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel to Sonic The Fighters/ Championship. Although it should have more fighters than the original did to give the game some variety.
Although it should have more fighters than the original did to give the game some variety.
Not hard.
I was thinking about this the other day, and I think it would work best if it played like Power Stone, similar to Battle only without sprites, include interactive scenery and some weapons. Have the fighting fast paced and easy to play.
Also a story line and characterization akin to Battle.
Also a story line and characterization akin to Battle.
It´d be nice to have an extra Emerl-like (Gemerl anyone?) character where you can choose and combine different character´s abilities into one.
Also, online play would be a must!
Kinda like Marvel Vs. Capcom.
Sega vs. Nintendo would be quite fun. But I was initially thinking Sonic only characters. But I guess it would be fun to incorporate other Sega characters as well.
I would personally like to see something along the lines of Sonic Battle style controls in a 2-D game with Rivals style visuals. That and I third the suggestion for a story mode like Battle.
I would personally like to see something along the lines of Sonic Battle style controls in a 2-D game with Rivals style visuals. That and I third the suggestion for a story mode like Battle.
Blarg. For some reason I have a hard time picturing that.
I just want something street figher with Sonic style tweeks. Its simple
I would love it to be in Power Style style as well Robo. That way she characters with speed could actually use it and have an advantage over the slower characters. While stronger characters could maybe...throw items faster and further and move heavier things, etc. I hate topics like these though[no offense to you D.B.] because we come up with all these great ideas...and they never see fruitation. Cuts like a knife, I tell yea. lol
A Smash Bros. styled Sonic game would be pretty sweet. They certainly have the character roster for it.
When it comes to SEGA VS Nintendo I'd love it to be made by the SSB team, it's a great way to bring non-fighter characters in like the guy from Space Harrier, or the Jet Set Radio characters.
When it comes to SEGA VS Nintendo I'd love it to be made by the SSB team, it's a great way to bring non-fighter characters in like the guy from Space Harrier, or the Jet Set Radio characters.
Not to mention NiGHTS, Alex Kidd, the Samba De Amigo monkey, the Burning Rangers crew, Joe Musashi (Shinobi) and the Virtua Fighter crew (assuming they are a part of Sega and, if I remember correctly, they are.....).
You do remember correctly.
I think Shadow Hog posted a Sega Vs Nintendo roster a while back...
Also, yes, I would like a new Sonic fighting game.
You do remember correctly.
Just making sure.....
I bet any sonic fighting game made on the console would instantly be branded a Brawl clone.
Only the version on a Nintendo console. The Nintendo 'hardcore' will label it a Brawl clone, not buy it, then complain about games being made for them. lol
I wonder what special moves would look like. Would they just be 10 second spectacles of fluid animations or one of those mini game deals where the effectiveness of the move is measured by how well you do a button combination.
I would love if they were like the Ultra Combos from Street Fighter IV.
I would love if they were like the Ultra Combos from Street Fighter IV.
I think Shadow Hog posted a Sega Vs Nintendo roster a while back...
Sega vs. Capcom. Which would probably be debatably more epic, considering Sega vs. Nintendo's already been done a few times (albeit it's largely just been Sonic vs. Mario or Sonic vs. Nintendo, but still).
I wouldn't mind a Capcom-made Sonic fighting game. Especially if you got to fight Shin Apuma if you didn't lose a single round and got three Perfects.
Not unless Ristar is playable.
Ristar isn't an exclusively Sega character...
... is he?
If I recall correctly, Ristar was designed by Yuji Uekewa (Current Sonic illustrator)
you know how NiGHTs got all those cameos in Sonic games? Well I think Ristar deserves some too!
And the chance to be a fighter. Secret hidden unlockable of course.
Ristar could be an unlockable skin for Werehog. I also feel a Powerstone style would work best (though I do share the desire to see some nice, fluidly-animated 2D characters duking it out). You could bring in various items from the series' history to take the place of Powerstone's weapons. The secret book in PS2 let you customise your character - the level-up items (SA1&2) could work that way. And I don't need to tell you what you could replace the actual Power Stones with.
The precioustones ?
<strong class="quote-title"
B Vulpix wrote:
you know how NiGHTs got all those cameos in Sonic games? Well I think Ristar deserves some too!
And the chance to be a fighter. Secret hidden unlockable of course.
Slaggin' right he does!
Why does NiGHTS get all the attention anyway? Is it because he's Naka's baby or what?
you know how NiGHTs got all those cameos in Sonic games? Well I think Ristar deserves some too!
And the chance to be a fighter. Secret hidden unlockable of course.
Slaggin' right he does!
Why does NiGHTS get all the attention anyway? Is it because he's Naka's baby or what?
I believe so. NiGHTS is the baby.
I thought so. Parental favorism. Not surprising, considering who the father is.
i think sega should make a sonic fighting game 2 make up 4 the old sonic championship arcade game. i mean with all these new games out like street fighter 4 and mortal combat vs. dc and sonic teams bad luck streak with sonic, it would have 2 b awesome
It would have to be mind blowing. Or at least high on the decency scale.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArPkGloNVQQ - Slight language warning (peppered with swears)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8Uf_TM23rk&feature=related Part 2. Same warning
You know you should put a language warning on that; otherwise, it looks pretty cool. But good gosh that guy is so freaking annoying and his voice is argh!
Oh wow! D.B. That looks great, reminds me of those DBZ Super Famicom games in the 90s. Those things rocked!
That looks great, reminds me of those DBZ Super Famicom games in the 90s. Those things rocked!
Yes, they did indeed rock. And they still do. *goes to play his ROM versions of those games*