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Your Fantasy Sonic Game!

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Alright, there's been a lotta talk about how all the new Sonic games are screwed up and "Sonic Team" doesn't know what the hell they're doing.

Soo...hows about we show them what we want?

Describe the Sonic game that you believe would fulfill your criteria of what would make the perfect Sonic comeback game.

*BTW, don't worry about contradicting yourself or saying something that isn't possible*

Name of Game:<If you have a good name for it, put it here>


Playable Characters:<Wanna add your own fictional ones? Sure, what the hell. Only Sonic? Your call.>

Game Plot:<If you have one>

Rating:<E? T? M?>

Game Style:<Sonic Adventure had an...adventurous feel to it. Sonic Adventure 2 had a more epic style. Sonic Heroes was sorta childish.>

Other Game Reference:<Would it remind of you of "Sonic Chaos"? "Sonic CD"? Maybe a mix of both?>

Music Style:<Ska-ish like "Sonic Adventure" or techno-y like "Sonic CD"?

Made in....:<Sega of America or Sega of Japan?>

Preferred Creators:<If you know any that you'd like to see working again.>

Misc. info:<Anything else you'd like to add about the game>

Anyway, here's mine:

Name of Game: Sonic Mecha
System: Gameboy Advance (2D FTW!)
Playable Characters: Sonic or Tails or <gasp> Nack!
Game Plot: Eggman rebuilds Mecha Sonic and unleashes him upon Angel Island!
Rating: E10.
Game Style: Adventure
Other Game Reference: Combo of Sonic CD and Sonic Adventure
Made in....: Sega of America, b1tches!
Music Style: Techno Rock!
Preferred Creators: I'd like Jon Senue(I know I spelt that wrong) to work in it. But not Yuji Naka.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Name of Game: Sonic Sonic

System: Portable would be nice and it would hypothetically squeeze onto the 1gbit DS cards, but high detail versions with bigger views of the scenery for the home consoles would also be available.

Playable Characters: All. I'm serious. As many as possible. Eggman both with and without several different ships including the classic standalone eggmobile, all the one-shot characters, all artificial dopplegangers, both new and old Chaotix{just for lanky hula hoop Vector}, etc. No Mighty though, jajaja.

Game Plot: Either none, retro silent style or Sonic Battle style cutscenes complete with soundbytes

Rating: E would be ideal, wouldn't it?

Game Style: S3K and earlier

Other Game Reference: More 3K/2 than CD/1.

Music Style: I dunno, they all worked for me.

Made in....: The old Sonic Team that we all know and love.

Preferred Creators: Ohshima? Naka?

Misc. info: Each character would be unique and refreshing to play as, somehow. Some, like Eggman in a ship, would have their own levels to cater to their vastly different playing style. Also, the sprites would look like artwork{minus the Uekawa highlights}, reminiscent of Super Paper Mario.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Name of Game: Dunno really, Sonic World maybe.

System: Wii

Playable Characters: Sonic and maybe Tails

Game Plot: Nothing too major, something similar to Sonic Adventures plot in that its fairly simple, yet big enough to have an enjoyable adventure. Lets say Sonic sees robots attacking South Island or somewhere similar, he stops them and immediately goes to Eggman, assuming its him, it turns out hes being attacked as well and offers to assist Sonic in tracking down the unknown enemy (which is Metal Sonic). Part way through Robotnik will seize the opportunity and betray Sonic, becoming the main threat. Despite Robotnik being the main threat, the last battle will be between Sonic and Super Metal Sonic. The story wouldnt be too serious, light hearted humour that pokes fun at its own world would be a good focus.

Rating: E/3+/U, what ever my little brother can enjoy just as much as me or my Dad.

Game Style: The game will be a 2D platformer, like the classics. Super Paper Mario is the main influence I have, where characters, despite being 2D artwork, are still 3D models, and the main levels would be 3D with Wind Waker like shading. You hold the Wiimote on its side, both buttons jump, up and jump together will allow Sonic to charge the old Peel Out, and down and jump the Spin Attack. When jumping, flick the pad down to bounce, a new move will be during a spin attack or roll, when charging, or rolling along the ground, flick the pad to burst into flames for a split second, this will make Sonic faster and burn away certain materials to find hidden areas. Adventure fields/town stages will be featured, but much more like Super Paper Mario or Zelda 2. Bosses will be in the same style as Sonic Rush.

Other Game Reference: Sonic 3 and Knuckles would be a strong influence for level design, though Id like less tradition themes used.

Music Style: A bit like a mix of Sonic Rush and Sonic 3, plus a bit of rock in some areas, but still sticking to Sonic style.

Made in.: Wherever a good developer is located.

Preferred Creators: Dimps would probably be the best choice of those we know, though as a choice of my own Id say Intelligent Systems, seeing the talent there thats been on the Paper Mario series, plus Super Paper Mario is my main influence here.

Misc. info: While Id like it to be Sonic solo, I wouldnt mind Tails being there as a second player, like Sonic 2 and 3, though the levels would need to feature hidden areas for Tails to fly Sonic too. Other old characters would return, though theyll feature as NPCs, though Sonic will mostly remain silent, having a personality closer to the OVA.


Also, the sprites would look like artwork{minus the Uekawa highlights}, reminiscent of Super Paper Mario.

Glad I'm not the only one. :)

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

Name of Game: Sonic Adventure 3

System: Wii, PS3, and 360

Playable Characters: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow.

Supporting Cast: Amy, Cream, Rouge, The Chaotix. No one from the future please.

Villains: Eggman, Metal Sonic, Metal's "Brothers"

Game Plot: Metal Sonic, after recovering from his defeat at the end of Heroes, has freed himself from Omega's hold. He goes on a salvage operation to all of Eggman's abandoned bases. Along the way Metal builds an army of upgraded Badniks, and reactivates his "Brothers" Mecha Sonic, Tails Doll, and Metal Knuckles. A flying fortress that transforms into a giant version of Metal Sonic serves as headquarters for Metal and his robotic minions. Meanwhile, Eggman is building an army of E-2000s and Upgrade Eggpawns. Retcon Shadow the Hedgehog(The Game) out of existence.

Rating: I couldn't care less about the ESRB. Just keep the content within the Shounen classification.

Game Style: Sonic Adventure had the best feel out of the 3D Sonics. I want a game with the same feel. Give me a massive overworld(Think Station Square on the scale of Defino Plaza from Super Mario Sunshine, and a few other Adventure fields of similar scale), and unique gameplay for each playable character.

Gameplay Styles:
Sonic: Fast and acrobatic.
Tails: Exploration and Puzzles(Give him some of his gadgets from Tails Adventures, Sonic Battle, and Sonic X)
Knuckles: Combat
Shadow: Stealth and infiltration, mixed with some speed segments.

Other Game Reference: References to most previous mainstream Sonic titles. Adventure, S3K, and Battle are top priority.

Music Style: The music should fit the environment.

Made in: Japan

Preferred Creators: I think Sonic Team could do it if they gave a dedicated 2 or 3 year developement cycle to it. As for another team doing it: Give it to the people behind Mario and Zelda.

Misc. info: I'd like to see "Dark Eggman" from the Sonic OAV to appear a final boss. Also one-on-one showdowns between the Heroes and their Metal counterparts is a must.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

I was thinking of this the other day, actually :O

Name of Game: I dunno Sonic 1.5?
System: Multiplatform home console.
Playable Characters: Sonic
Game Plot: The exact same as the first.
Rating: E
Game Style: The very original Sonic 1, in a 2D side scroller but with decent character models and 3D backgrounds.
Other Game Reference: Sonic 1 only.
Made in....: Wherever the original was made.
Music Style: Remixes of the firsts songs.
Preferred Creators: Whoever did the original o.o
Misc Info: Basically a remix of the original Sonic 1 for the Genesis, however differ things up, specifically the levels. How about mixing the themes of the original levels around a bit, so that Green Hill is all metallic, and the Scrap Brain zone is more green and lush environment? Replace Marble Zones lava with the Labyrinth Zones water, and dive into er, lava, in the Labyrinth zone. Try speeding throughout a race course with plenty more spring obstacles in the Stardust Speedway, and as for Spring Yard, replace it with a load of fans and more loops or something?

I dunno, but more games could be based on the other 2D originals but swapping some of the levels designs with the themes of other levels.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

Name of Game: Sonic Genesis

System: Xbox 360, PC

Playable Characters: Sonic. Possibly Tails and Knuckles in future updates.

Game Plot: You are in one world. Initially, it is South Island, as it'll initially be a complete Sonic 1 remake (in 3D). The game will be updateable with expansions, and will expand into a larger world, with Westside Island for Sonic 2, Angel Island for Sonic 3 & Knuckles, and for Sonic CD, the Little World.

Rating: E

Game Style: Think "Sonic the Hedgehog" the movie -- it was both serious in areas, and it was also comedic, if that's a word. It'll lean more to the serious side of things, to keep Sonic with the teenage and adult audience, but it'll have some fun areas.

Other Game Reference: Feeling wise, Sonic CD, and Sonic 1 - 3&K.

Music Style: Sonic CD

Preferred Creators: Well, Sonic Team can't seem to do it. So me. 😛

Misc. info: Level Design wise, the maps are all made to be of great scale, and openness, to allow Sonic to run and jump and spin and whatever as fast and as hard as he wants. Players should be pushed to want to play around with their speed and acrobatic abilities, so pitfalls will be quite rare. Think of the first Sonic360 trailer, and imagine the environment Sonic was running through being an actual level.

Multiplayer will exist. People love to race each other, timeattack wise, so there should be the option to have a 1 on 1 race with a friend in any of the game's levels.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

Name of Game: I kind of like the name Sonic Renaissance.

System: Wii

Playable Characters: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Espio, Vector, Rouge

Support Characters: (they work like summons that give you extra skills, and you can choose one or 2 that would follow you Tails-style and pick up rings) Tails (airlift), Amy (attack enemies or break walls), Cream (low range airlift and weak but easy to use Cheese attack), Charmy (save you from any fall, pit or otherwise, and helps to detect hidden items), Omega (extreme attack power, but can be called less often than Amy. sort of a Team Blast equivalent), Shadow (freeze enemies and timer)

NPCs: Besides generic town NPCs, some classic cameos would show up in a side mission type NPC role. Mighty, Ray, Bean, Bark, Honey. Big would be hidden in each level as an easter egg like SA2.

Enemies: Nack and Metal Sonic would show up as bosses. Nack might only show up once or twice as an early mini-boss and comic relief, while Metal Sonic should get a straight fight and a race late in the game. Eggman would be the boss most of the time. The final boss would NOT be some monster that turns on Eggman, but a huge Eggman vehicle that could be called a level itself where you have to defeat a number of systems while dodging cannons a la Sky Deck in SA. So you might fight an Egg Carrier while having to hit multiple generators, hang on when it maneuvers to make you fall off, land in different areas depending on the direction of gravity like Crazy Gadget, but based on the maneuvers of the ship, so floors become slopes or walls, etc, then finally enter a control room with some sort of room based boss like in the original Sonic the Hedgehog.

Game Plot: This could be any number of stories, really. I'd rather concentrate on gameplay, so I'm just going to say what's gamepkay-related. Eggman sends out large boss robots to keep any opponents busy. Sonic starts as the only playable, with Tails as support, and other characters are unlocked by rescuing them (or helping them evade capture; maybe you run in on a scene where that character is fighting a mini-boss and you join in).

Rating: E

Game Style / Other Game Reference: Level art would be like Sonic 2 or Sonic Heroes, very colorful and abstract. The dialogue would be light-hearted with occasional humor like Sonic Battle, but with a bit more comedy.

Music Style: Very eclectic, with some rock, but mostly ethnic and electronica music suitable to the settings.

Made in....: Don't care

Preferred Creators: Masato Nakamura AND Jun Sunoue, and the Sonic 2 level designer (Hirokazu Yasuhara), plus me (hey, you said I'm designing the game)

Misc. info: Heavy emphasis on freedom of both speed running levels and exploring them for secrets, and switching at any time. This would be a choice of taste and you wouldn't be forced either way, but I would include emblems for certain challenges, like a certain score, time, or number of rings.

Enemies should range from single hit types on speed oriented and high up paths to in-level mini-bosses like the hammer bots in Sonic Heroes in the lower combat-oriented paths.

Challenge mode would also let you do some crazy things, like fight 2 bosses at the same time, or have an enemy like Metal Sonic chasing you through a level and attacking.

Pits would be mostly replaced by a floor at the bottom of the level which is an alternate path with less items and more enemies, except in later sky-themed levels. You generally get faster paths or more secrets in higher areas, but you have to navigate platforms and such.

Loops are implemented early on with speed pads, but later in the game you have to build up your own speed to run a loop, and the camera would follow you so that you can avoid loop obstacles. Sometimes getting hit in a loop would send you to a lower path.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

Name: I don't care. Sonic Adventure 3 for simplicity.

System: Whatever home consoles it can.

Playable characters: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Chaotix, Rouge, Big, Blaze, SUPER SONIC IN THE LEVELS any other characters that aren't Shadow or Silver. Cameos by Metal Sonic/Knuckles and Tails Doll are also necessary. Oh yes.

Plot: Stopping Eggman WITHOUT any other stupid lifeform which Eggman fails to control and ends up teaming up with Sonic to stop it.

Rating: E

Game style: Sonic Adventure style with a more up to date look and feel, adventure fields return, not like the crappy ones in Sonic 06, Each chaacter has a unique story, apart from chaotix, who would have heroes styled levels, with them splitting up occasionally.

Characters like Big, Omega, Blaze, Eggman and minor characters would stay in minigames. On the subject of minigames, there would be plenty like the tornado sections in SA, and some for each character. Levels would be lengthwise between Sonic Adventure and Sonic Heroes. Also a Sonic R style minigame.

Special zones would be found in Adventure Fields, but would require a lot of exploration to find.

References: Sonic Adventure, Sonic CD, Sonic 2-3&K.

Music Style: Again, Sonic Adventure.

Made in...: Japan, never trust SoA after they released Shadow.

Creators: Keep the current ST away from this.

Misc info: Replayability is the key. Levels should be exploration based first time around. But time trials allow you to make a good speed route out of it. Minigames would be addictive, and the return of non-compulsory chao. Cream would be your guide around the Chao garden. Adventure fields would be HUGE, like the apace to running forever around a city, or collect emblems as you explore a jungle like in the Mystic ruins. The voice actors can stay the same, except Omega will have his old voice back. Oh yeah, and GOOD CAMERA.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Name: Sonic Boom.
System: PSWii60CubeBoxStation2PortableLite or Sega Lindbergh.
Playable Characters: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Omega, Rouge, Espio, Silver, Blaze.

There would be also NPC characters from Sonic's past would set you missions, Cream would ask you to find Cheese, Vector would ask you to find his missing CDS (NO MOAR COMPUTER ROOM) etc.

Story: Rather than intertwine each of their stories to make one story at the end, three or four stories will happen.
You would have your main story featuring Sonic, Tails and Amy against Eggman. Which would be about 7 levels long.

You would also have a side story based on what GUN wants Shadow to do about Eggman, where he meets up with Omega and Espio throughout the story. The levels would be similar in art to the Sonic levels but the design would be different and the time of day/weather would be different.

Then you would have another story based entirely on Angel Island where it would be Knuckles chasing Rouge/Babylon Rogues through the level because everyone wants that Master Emerald. About 5 levels long.

Another Story set in the Blaze/Silver Future world where you would swap between a bad future or a good future a la Mushroom Hill Act 2(Watch the background, it changes seasons), because of Eggman Nega's role in Rush and Rivals, only the awesome power of the Sol Emeralds would stop it. About 5 levels long.

I Fan-gasmed didn't I?

Rating: R for Really Good.

Game Style: 2.5D. Think Sonic 3&K, Rush and Adventure mashed together in an orgy of goodness.

An example would be multiple routes from Sonic 3&K/Rush, The moments in Rush where the character would dive towards/away from the screen and there would be moments where the camera would be set facing or over the shoulder of the character. (Think the rock chase from Lost World, that sorta thing)

The levels will be set to the advantages/disadvantages of characters.

Knuckles would be able to smash a rock blocking a path but Rouge would have to go though a different route, her advantage would be a ceiling climb.

Sonic would be Sonic, but there would be part of the levels set off by a starpost and there would be a closing door that shuts. If you make it the level is easier but if you don't the route is harder. Tails won't have these routes but he is able to explore higher routes to avoid the more difficult route.

Espio is able to walk on walls/ceilings and turn invisible to avoid enemies for a limited period of time. Shadow has a gauge of Chaos Powa. You can choose which power you want before the level begins. Omega is the gun man. Infinte ammo, think Metroid Fusion with hovering.

Blaze uses her fire powers, to flick or concentrate on a single object. Silver uses his psychic powers to throw certain background/foreground objects at enemies, etc. also to manipulate parts of the level.

When you complete a level would would be able to then play it in a Time Attack mode when you can then play as any character.

Other Game Style: Dunno really. Hopefully something for everyone really.

Music style. Different for each series of levels. Sonic/Tails would be more to MD Sonic Music with instraments. Shadow/Espio/Omega would be more Adventure 2/ Shadow/Secret Rings with a mix of Techno and Rock. Knuckles/Rouge would be more percussion/orchestral. Silver/Blaze would be more Jet Set Sonic Rush.

Made in: My Head. You see what I did there? Sega. AV, AM2, Sonic Team etc. They would have adequate time to produce the game to the highest quality.

Preferred Creators: Jesus Christ, Superman, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, The Fat Controller and Jaws.

Misc Info: I think I crammed most of that in Game Style really.

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Name of Game: I don't know, it could be Sonic Team Hunger Force for all I care.
System: Something 2D
Playable Characters: Sonic. All the other playable characters are DEAD.
Game Plot: Every character except for Sonic and Eggman have just been brutally killed in exceedingly graphic manners which are all shown on-screen, so now Sonic must fight Eggman for whatever reason.
Rating: E. Graphic bloody murder scenes still in.
Game Style: Retro as f**k.
Other Game Reference: Sonic 1, RKA?
Music Style: Retro 16-bit stuff.
Made in....: Why does this matter again?
Preferred Creators: Sonic Team is full of f*ckups, so dimps?
Misc. info: Basically the gameplay of the first game with a little shine and polish, some new 2D sprites, and new stages. Cutscenes would be in cartoon format (NOT anime.)

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


Rating: E. Graphic bloody murder scenes still in.

For this to happen, they will have to bleed out delicious candy like in Viva Pinata.

Posts: 534
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Made in....: Why does this matter again?

Well, Sonic games made in Sega of America are pretty different than Sonic games made in Sega of Japan.

Posts: 378
Reputable Member

Here's a game I thought up a long time ago:

Name of Game: Treasue Hunter Tripple Trouble

System: Any, as long as it's a 3D platformer

Playable Characters: Knuckles (Punching and climbing), Rouge(flying), and Fang/Nack (shooting)

Game Plot: Rouge, Nack/Fang, and Knuckles are after the ME, and they compete for the ME.

Rating: E 10+

Game Style: Treasure hunting like in SA2, Somewhat different depending on the character

Other Game Reference: More like SA2 Treature hunting than TT

Music Style: Usual music for Knuckles and Rouge, I don't know what music to use for Nack/Fang

Made in....: SEGA of Japan

Preferred Creators: Uh, me 😛

Misc. info: I just want anything with Fang/Nack 😛

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Name of Game: Sonic 2.5

System: DS / PSP. Only cos I dont think they'd risk 2 D on a console

Playable Characters: Sonic, but with Knuckles, Tails and Super Sonic unlockable near the end.

Game Plot: Limited but with decent scriptwriters and minimal voice acting

Rating: E, but not childish

Game Style: Sonic Adventure 2, but with a few less cutscenes and a few more levels

Other Game Reference: Were there bits in Knuckles Chaotix where you could flip between the background and foreground? I'd expand on that.

Music Style: Ska ish for some stages, gradually getting more epic ish as you go along, i'd give each level it's own feel.

Made in....: somewhere good

Preferred Creators: Now Nubuo Umetse (sp>) has gone freelance any chance we could get him to do some character themes? Nobody does atmosphere or action quite like him.

Misc. info: Not rushed,time spent in production and the unlockables should be worth getting (no constant replaying through levels you've already done, I wnat new levels, enemies, bosses and the works)
Oh, and no load times :p

Posts: 504
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Evil smile)

Name of game: Erm, Beats me.

System: Gamecube/Wii (Main gameplay),DS (For rare unlockables)

Playable Characters: Every forgtton Char. In the enire Sonic universe - But Bean and Bark as DA STARS!

Rating: E (With mild violence)

Game Style: Puzzle/Fighting/Shooting/Other.

Other Game Reference: (Kinda hard for me to explane, But I'll try.) For example, whean you first play Ray, you will see what happened before and after SegaSonic Arcade, like a flashback.

Music Style: Dependes on what Char. your playing.

Made in....: At the Moon for all I care or My Dreams (The Moon Is a better place)

Preferred Creators: Hmm, I really don't know any game Creators. Someone good.

Misc. info: Not too long, not too short. Aleast a year In developement, let fans vote on a few stage they will like to see. No crappy script to ruin the gameplay.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

*Because I'm evil* :evil

Name of Game: Like it matters. Someone would complain about it

System: Like it matters. Some people would complain about not being able to get it

Playable Characters: Like it matters someone would either complain about too many or too little characters

Game Plot: Like it matters. Someone would just complain about the plot

Rating: Like it matters. Children today don't play Sonic.

Game Style: Like it matters. Someone would just complain about the style

Other Game Reference: Like it matters. Someone would complain if they thought that game wasn't canon.

Made in....: Like it matters. Someone would complain about the company

Music Style: Like it matters: Someone would complain about the genre

Preferred Creators: Like it matters. Someone would just complain about the creators.

The ironic thing is that people would still buy the game they complain about.:lol

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

I just thought about it. Maybe it's not sega messing the games up it's the whiny fans that can't settle for less than perfect games. I'm still thinking of a perfect game that I would like to see but when I think of it I'll post about it.

Posts: 534
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<delete this post> ;;^_^;;

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

I thought Abac loved Sonic 2K6?


I just thought about it. Maybe it's not sega messing the games up it's the whiny fans that can't settle for less than perfect games.

Nah, I'm pretty sure it's just Sonic Team now sucks in making Sonic games.

Posts: 534
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Ah shoot, I mixed you two up again.
No one will ever know.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

I know.

And that's "Ms.I-think-Sonic-2K6-sucks", bubby.:]

Posts: 37
Eminent Member

In my humble opinion, _no_one_ can think of a Sonic game that even just all the fans would like, let alone anyone else!!

For example a number of people have already posted that their ideal game would be something like Sonic 3 or Sonic 3 and Knuckles. I've always considered myself a massive sonic fan, but I really don't see why others like those games so much!

I always liked Sonic 2 best, but I'm not convinced that it's a great idea making another game like that. I'm one of the few who _really_ likes Sonic Riders. I thnk it's the best thing since Crazy Taxi! (y'all think I'm a nutcase now, right? XD)

Just for the sake of the topic, I'd like a Sonic RPG, maybe something like the ancient Discworld game, so they'd have to really develope the character's personalitlies. I'm not a big fan of puzzle games though, so I can't think really how it would work! Maybe a bit like the Lord of the Rings games where it was like acting out a movie. I expect that no-one else likes this idea, but I'm not bothered! ^^;

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

Name of Game: Sonic Destiny. Nice, cliched, not used yet.

System: PC

Playable Characters: Sonic, poss. Tails and Knuckles, poss. Robotnik

Game Plot: Irrelevant, other than Tails building Sonic new shoes, which will be addressed in a moment

Rating: Unrated. All the cool kids are doing it.

Game Style: LSD-influenced techno madness. Stardust Speedway on even more drugs.

Other Game Reference: None, really

Music Style: Trance

Made in....: Irrelevant

Preferred Creators: Also irrlevant

Misc. info: Now, here we have the crucial elements that would make this work far, far better than any attempt at putting Sonic into 3D. Yes, even Secret Rings.

1: Mouselook. Camera problems a thing of the past.

2: Bullet time, specifically allowing Sonic to lock onto targets while slowed. This would make the homing attack useful instead of irritating, and would have unlimited use.

3: Here we have the biggie.
Sonic possesses new shoes (see above) that let him stick to (and walk/run on) walls and ceilings as much as he likes, defying gravity while he has a surface to stand on.
Bottomless pits would no longer be relevant.
Far more potential for interesting, non-standard level design.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Reminds me of Sonic Xtreme.

In short, I like it. Although I should think they'd be able to make it a console game in some fashion, too. Then again, consensus is that Halo's control scheme works for first-person games, so...

Posts: 731
Prominent Member

Name of Game:Meh, SA3 or something like that.
System: I dunno, PS2, GC, X-Box, X-Box 360, PS3, Wii.

Playable Characters: Sonic, Tails, Knux, Robotnik, Shadow, and maybe some others.
Others: Um, Amy, maybe Team Chaotix+Chaos+Rouge.
Villians: GUN military.

Game Plot: It starts out with the GUN military chasing Sonic and unleash their new weapon; The Chaos Energy Emulator.
It can create energy similar to that of the Chaos Emeralds.
Using it, they capture Sonic. Tails learns of this and tries to free him. Knuckles entire island is well, stolen from him by the GUN military (Due to the sheer power of the ME, they claim the island belongs to them and kick him off. I'm still trying to figure out exactly how it happens). So he tries to get back what belongs to him. Robotnik is angry at the fact the GUN military is a lot more powerful than him and they pose a great threat to his world domination plans. Shadow wishes to find out all he can about that fateful day on the Ark.

Rating:Probably T because there will be some drama to it.
Not to mention some bloody scenes.

Game Style: A cross between SA and SA2.

Other Game Reference: Maybe have the adventure feel of SA and the epic feel of SA2.

Music Style: A cross between SA and Sonic CD.

Made in....:Which ever one will produce the better game.

Preferred Creators: See above.

Misc. info: A story based game, but the levels will be reminiscent of SA2 while having adventure fields.

Posts: 40
Eminent Member

Name of Game:Sonic The Hedgehog 4 and Shadow: Light and Darkness paths for the Nintendo Wii.

Playable Characters:Sonic The Hedgehog(Pure Speed and Rival to Shadow) Shadow The Hedgehog(Pure Speed and Rival to Sonic), Eggman(Main Villain), Blaze the Cat(NPC), Cream the Rabbit(NPC), Rouge The Bat(NPC) and Metal Sonic(Unlockable villian). (no lameass Tails and Knuckles to slow Sonic down, because they are so damn @#%$ up as characters and I hate them)

Game Plot: Picked uped from Sonic 3 and Knuckles or a new game the elaborates Sonic and Shadow's rivalry further than Sonic and Knuckles. Plus, I dislike Knuckles Shadow is a much better arch rival. It all starts when Sonic is chilling out at a place called cool shores zone and suddenly a black blur passes him, it's shadow. And he's itachin for a fight with the Blue Blur for no reason, he fights Shadow and wins but in the the duration of the game he must race through fifthteen levels alal S&K 3 style in order to stop Shadow in find out why he's fighting him and trying to destory him, in the later game finds out Eggman is behind all this,, so he must save the world and his rival from doom. For Shadow he broods into the sunset in a place called Twilight Metropolois aone and meditates when suddenly Dr. Eggman threatens him by him caputuring Rouge, shadow suddenly goes berserk and trashes his base while suddenly Eggman puts a Mind control collor around his neck to do eggmans bidding, Eggman asks Shadow to go and find Sonic and destroy him so he will be able to rule the world with his new invention. Shadow blindly does what he says and goes through fifthteen levels of speed to try and stop Sonic from saving the world once again.

Rating:E because everyone wants a a game thats speed, speed, speed. Fun, fun, fun.

Game Style: I a cross between Sonic Three and Knuckles, Sonic Rush, SA2 and Sonic Wii. Only it's in 2d and alot more challanging. New Shadow running motions like from SA2 only much more complex, and great use of chaos control and the speed meter from rush.

Other Game Reference:classic elements from the old school games mixed with a new age twist. And most importantly breakneck speeds bia Speed Sneakers or Speed Hover Shoes.

Made in: Japan plz.

Misc. info: Unlockable music and Metal Sonic as a Playable character.

There my most awesome sonic dream game.:insane

Posts: 23
Eminent Member

Name of game: Sonic Over The Top

System: Wii or Xbox 360

Playable characters: Sonic, Tails, Sally, Bunnie, Rotor, Antoine, Mina, Shadow, Knuckles, Julie-Su, the Chaotix. (The last three are practically tacked on). Also, have everyone have a super form.

Non-playable characters: Robotnik and the rest of the enemies from the Archie comic. Amy defects to the enemies.

Plot: I dunno, but it's gotta involve going from Knothole to Robotropolis, everyone dying (from a catastrophic blast) somewhere in the middle and going into the underworld, only the good guys getting revived, and a new world being built on the ashes of the old.

Rating: M, this is supposed to be over the top! (Unfortunately, I'll be too young to play this by about a year and a half!)

Game Style: Different for each character.
Sonic, Tails, and Shadow play like in Adventure.
Knuckles, Mina, Julie-Su, and the Chaotix play like Genesis-era Sonic.
Sally plays like Mario
Bunnie plays like Mega Man or Metroid
Rotor plays like Tails' SA2 mech levels
Antoine plays like Zelda 2
Huge levels for all!

Music style: New Wave in the overworld, and any genre of metal in the underworld.

Made in: America, except for Knuckles and the Chaotix' games. That can be left to Japan.

Misc info: Have Bunnie de-roboticized and then put a suit like what Samus has on. Also, in the underworld, have as much blood and gore as possible. The girls will be in nothing but their fur.

Posts: 781
Prominent Member

Well, I'm not sure if this is what I'd consider the perfect Sonic comeback game, but I assume this topic is more so for sharing different Sonic game ideas than necessarily to say what we would be looking for...

Name of game: Sonic the Hedgehog Retold, or maybe just Sonic Retold...

System: I'm not really sure about that one...

Playable Characters: Sonic, probably Tails and Knuckles, (with that Sonic and Tails teamup idea like in Sonic 2 and 3; Or maybe with that kind of teamup structuring idea like in Sonic Advance 3) maybe Amy except her gameplay more like the other characters... and if not removing the Piko Piko hammer idea then not having it so that little pink hearts appear whenever she strikes with it, I appreciate that not everyone found that as awkward as I found it, but it's also sexist... and which character you play as and whether or not they're in a vehicle would be separate things... the latter would have more to do with which level they're in...

Game Plot: Basically has the same main idea in Sonic 1 (the introduction of roboticization) be the basic idea here, but instead makes it deeper by mixing in some new ideas and ideas from other Sonic games... I'm not sure about the story idea from beginning to end, but one idea I have is that in introducing his roboticization technology, Eggman has it so that some robot control center can be moved, on something similar to the Egg Carrier, and said thing similar to it he first takes to weaker opponents to roboticize them, then works his way up so that at each stage of his progress he has the upper hand to the extent that attempts to fight Eggman only give him more robots... or when Eggman is defeated the same attack also destroys the robot control center so that those with robot bodies at least gain free will back, for a "Eggman's curse has been lifted with his defeat" kind of approach in somewhat of a reference to fantasy stories which have that kind of concept, and then also as a way of mixing a fantasy-style approach with sci-fi ideas...

Rating: I guess somewhere along the lines of T, or maybe E10, although you didn't mention that one...

Game Style: Well, I guess given what Elias mentioned, SA2-style, epic... actually other aspects of SA2's style could probably describe this game idea as well.

Other Game Reference: As I said before it'd mix in ideas from different Sonic games and newer ideas, so it'd remind players of a lot of different games...

Music Style: Rather than a specific genre, try to mix different genres for more BGM variety... that and mix them with references to the BGM of the earlier games... such as, for example, maybe some sort of rap with a remixed version of Sonic 3's Launch Base Zone BGM as a beat? Just an example to show what I mean...

Made in: I don't know much about the differences between the different country branches of SEGA so I'm not choosing here...

Preferred Creators: Similar thing here, I don't really know much about the specific developers, so I'm not choosing here either...

Posts: 462
Reputable Member

Name Of Game: Sonic Smackdown (Remiscent of coin-op days gone by).
System: PC, PSP or Nintendo DS.
Playable Characters: 20. Amy, Big, Blaze, Charmy, Cream, Espio, Jet, Knuckles, Mighty (or new hero) Nack/Fang, Omega, Rouge, Silver, Shadow, Sonic, Storm, Tails, Tikal, Vector, Wave.
Game Plot: It's a brawler so you don't need much. Big honkin' tournament, everyone has different reasons to be there (backstory is mostly spelled out in the manuals no-one reads, a few cel-shaded cutscenes supply the rest). In "Story Mode" you will face a boss such as Black Doom, Chaos, Eggman, or Metal at the end of a ladder of opponents. Other modes include training, soundtest, some basic mini-games, and straight-up brawls for 2-4 players.
Rating: E10.
Game Style: Fighter, "button-smasher"
Other Game References: Street Fighter, Tekken, Sonic Battle
Made In: A branch of Sega Corporation. Or my house. Whichever.
Music Style: Varies depending on arena and character. Synthpop, metal, blues, etc.
Preferred Creators: Toshihiro Nogoshi or Yu Suzuki.

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

Well it took me a while to come up with this but here it is.
Name of Game: Sonic the hedgehog ver. 2
Basicly its sonic 2k6 but with split second loading!
And they make sonic a tad bit faster.
So what do you think?

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

That's far from fixing everything that's wrong with that game, but the loading, at least, is a step in the right direction.
