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Your first game overs

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The first night I played Sonic 1 I got a game over at Labyrinth Zone.

On Sonic 2 I got a game over vs. the Mystic Cave boss on the first night.

On Sonic 3, of course, I was up late trying to find out how to get past that &*^% barrel and couldn't do it until I heard how (I kept trying to jump high and use the momentum to push it down, because when I tried the up and down buttons, they did nothing unless you got it going first). SEGA had a good game tip hotline back then.

I think I beat or just quit slightly before the ending of Sonic & Knuckles in a SEARS before buying it.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

S1: Labyrinth Zone Boss.

S2: Wing Fortress slider of "throw you to your doom"

SCD: I don't think I've ever got the "OH DEAR!" game over screen, but I did die frequently on Metal Sonic.

S3: Carni Isle, either boss.

S&K: Final Boss with the Master Emerald IMMA CHARGIN' MAH LAZER!

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

There's a Game Over screen?

I KEED, I KEED. Like everyone else, I fumbled my way through the games until I learned my way around. But if you want specifics, well... you'll need a time machine.

Posts: 262
Reputable Member

I think my first game over was for the Sonic 1 Green Hill Act 2 platform bit. I was young and impatient and I had invincibility. You don't waste invincibility on going slowly through the platforms.

Posts: 3756
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S2: Wing Fortress slider of "throw you to your doom"

Dude. That only kills you if you try to run with it. Just stand still.

Posts: 146
Estimable Member

I'm surprised people can even remember their first game overs...that was a good 15 years ago for me...

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

At the risk of sounding arrogant, I remember, because it never happened in any other instances.

Maybe Sonic 2's final boss, but I certainly got done by Wing Fortress first.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Underground Zone, most likely Act 3.

Many, MANY times.

I probably got game overs a lot on Super Mario Bros. and/or Ghosts & Goblins prior to this (I distinctly remember playing both games on the old NES, despite being, like, five or younger at the time), but this is South Island, not the Gaming Academy, so that's irrelevant.

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

The earliest I can remember is a bunch of "Time Over"s from Carnival Night Act 2's stupid barrel.

So much swearing from my sister, and the "maybe if we both land on it at the same time" was a failed idea that we kept trying over and over.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

On Sonic 1, it was Marble Zone act 2 because of all the jumping on those blocks and stuff to get across the lava.

Sonic 2, it might have been Chemical plant zone, because I'd get lost whenever I got stuck in the mega mack (Or whatever it was called).

Sonic 3 was most likely getting crushed by either those spie things, or the act 2 boss.

Sonic Adventure, I constantly messed up on Sky Deck during the section when the wind blows you around, and when the level near the end decides to rotate.

Sonic Adventure 2 was fine up until Crazy Gadget. Horrible, horrible level.

Posts: 462
Reputable Member

Sonic 2: Chemical Plant Zone. Whatever that green stuff was called, I got sucked in deeper and deeper. All the while, Tails just floated there (great choice of friends Sonic x_x)
It took me many, many tries to complete that game and get all the Emeralds. 12+ years later I got reedemed in Mega Collection. No level select cheat, all the way to Death Egg w/out continues. Tails don't bother me with your plane, I'm flyin' solo!

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

My first game over was that infernal ant lion boss of Underground Zone from the 8-bit Sonic 2. I remember I was so happy when I finally beat it, only to get a game over in Sky High Act 1. To this day, I can't beat that game without cheating.

Posts: 609
Honorable Member

Sonic 2: Chemical Plant Act 2.

Hey, I was 7 at the time! My first video game.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Oh! I know I know!
It was the Gigalopolis boss in Sonic Chaos! I was 7 or something and I didn't know where its weak spot was! D:
Nor did I know the trick that if you went through the top tube the boss would be smaller.

Posts: 1573
Noble Member


Nor did I know the trick that if you went through the top tube the boss would be smaller.

Eh? I've never heard this before. How much smaller is the boss doing this?

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

As far as I can remember, if you go through the bottom tube it is 5 balls tall, through the middle tube it is 4 and through the top it is only 3 balls tall, thus allowing you to hit it anytime.
This is for the Master System version anyway, I've never played the GG one and don't know if it's any different there.

Posts: 37
Eminent Member

The first time I played Sonic, I barely made it a couple of meters in the first zone. (I couldn't figure out how to jump. )

Posts: 1573
Noble Member


This is for the Master System version anyway, I've never played the GG one and don't know if it's any different there.

Ah, that explains why it never happened to me. I've only played the GG version.

Posts: 33
Eminent Member

Sonic 1: Green Hill boss: In my defence, it was my first time ever playing a video game...and I had used up a couple of my lives negotiating that platform/spike pit sequence just after the Invincibility in Act 2.:evil

Sonic 2: Probably Chemical Plant.

Sonic 3: Hydrocity Act 1. Oh, the humiliation, it burns...I got better pretty quickly though;)

Sonic & Knuckles: Sandopolis Act 2. Sand + Ghosts = Death.

Sonic CD: Tidal Tempest boss, I think

Sonic Spinball: Very start of Lava Powerhouse

Sonic 3D Blast: Somewhere in Rusty Ruin.

Posts: 55
Trusted Member

You couldnt figure out how to jump!!! theres a d pad and 3 buttons and all 3 buttons jump lol

Posts: 1376
Noble Member


The first time I played Sonic, I barely made it a couple of meters in the first zone. (I couldn't figure out how to jump. )


You couldnt figure out how to jump!!! theres a d pad and 3 buttons and all 3 buttons jump lol

XD! That's funny.

S1: Labyrinth Zone Act 2. I HATE SPONGE ROCKS! I could dodge stabby things of death all my life. Sponge rocks sucked.

S2: Ironically, It HAD to be -wait- Game Overs?! I thought thi was first deaths. Naa chill i didn't get a game over till Metropolis Zone Act three. It would either be TAILS KILLING ME WITH A GIANT NUT >O!! or that part RIGHT before the boss, where there's that big ass gap-and I *think* you have to ride a platform over to the boss fight. I'd either

a) get hit by a flipping pair of Scythe claws
b) get overzealous and try to jump, dying in the process cause that platform moved too danged slow.
c) reach the boss, only to be overwhelmed by MANY ROBOTNIKS OMFGZ!!!

SS: Final Stage. Barring the fact it took FOREVER to even reach the danged spaceship-none the less get IN it, I always somehow bounced off, missed a bumper and fell to my doom.

S3: ...I don't think...I have a game over in this game. I really don't. If I do, it would be the last boss, he was the SINGLE hardest boss to take on in the Sonic Franchise. He catches SUPER SONIC AND BREAKS HIM LIKE BANE!

S&K: Hands down, Hidden Palace.

S3&K: Death Egg. I remember having 4 lives. Died once after boss 1. {That flip-screen spike smash thing]

Died again after Boss 2. {Hands}

Died again after Boss 3. {Gun}

I'm all happy I lived with one life, don't even NOTICE Boss Four fly off with the Emerald. Quite upset I was.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Chemical Plant Act 2. I hated the Mega Mack (That what it's called, right?) and for months me and my dad could NEVER get past that level.

Aquatic Ruin Act 2: I just hate water levels.

Wing Fortress Boss: To date I have NEVER beat it.

Hydrocity Zone Act 2: Ya know that big moving wall at the beginning? That freaked me and my brother out for the longest so we always died there...

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

As far as anything pre-SA goes, I can't remember. It's been way too long. SA onwards though... (Only deaths. Can't remember Game Overs)

SA - Twinkle Park. High speed. Thin path over bottomless pit. gg

SA2 - Eggmans first level. I was used to the faster, more mobile Gamma, and I got overwhelmed with the life bar instead of rings.

Heroes - First level. Bottomless pit again.

Shadow - The level where you have to hunt down all the Artificial Chaos.

Rush - Mirage Road. Bottomless pit again.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

Only two Game Overs I clearly remember from the youngin' days (and behold, they're from the same game!)

Sonic 2, Final Boss: First of all, I couldn't EVER figure how to beat Silver Sonic, and once I finally did manage to beat him, I could NEVER beat the second boss! (They're both extraordinarily easy now, but back then, I could hardly read).

Sonic 2, Super Sonic, Mystic Cave: Finally, I got Super Sonic ... then I die in this nasty zone, learning that Super Sonic wasn't invincible after all. My expression after witnessing Super Sonic for the first time looked like this: Well, something like that anyways.

Posts: 814
Prominent Member

S2: Chemical Plant Zone - Drowned endlessly in the tasty chemicals.

S3: Carnival Night Zone - Timed out at that one barrel thingie. And I'd also like to point out that I got stuck under a curved corner thingie that you normally just run up. If you go fast enough, you end up inside the wall instead.

S&K: Sandopolis - Drowned. ...In quicksand.

And that's all I can recall at the moment.
