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Your least favorit (worst) Sonic Games

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I have a top three list, in order. You can do yours however you like.

1. Sonic 3D for both the Genesis and the Saturn. Pure dumbness. All you do is rescue "Flickies".

2. Sonic Advance 1. Too short, too slow, too easy, and too lame.

3. Sonic Pinball for the Genesis. No speed, no control. Nuff said.

Posts: 4607
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Shadow the Hedgehog. For fixing nothing of the prior game, but further breaking the entire concept of Sonic with gunplay (VERY out of place in the game, even if mechanically it worked kinda well), a crappy good/evil system ("KILL 50 PEOPLE!" "DESTROY INVINCIBLE SHIPS!" "GET TO SOME OBSCURE GOAL OTHER THAN THE MAIN ONE!" "MAKE ME A SANDWICH!"), WORSE voice actors than we'd had before (Griffith sounds even more wooden than Drummond; while Drummond didn't do much emotion other than happy-go-lucky, he certainly did a better job of it than Griffith did), unmemorable music, horrid level design (bottomless pits don't make good walls!), and so on. It doesn't even FEEL like a Sonic game - and it's part of the same universe/series, so don't go excusing it with "BUT IT'S TEH SHADOW GMAE!!!1!1" - that really doesn't excuse the game for not being good.

Oh, and I found 3D Blast to be quite enjoyable. Just because it doesn't play like other Sonic games doesn't mean it's automatically "lame"; the only real problem it has is that the license works better in faster games...

Posts: 407
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Boy. I like all the Sonic games, but my least favorites are as follows...

3. Sonic Heroes: I just didn't like the way the game played. I wanted to play Tails and the other flying characters WITHOUT having to drag their team mates around too. The story was a bit boring too and it was too easy for me to beat it.

2.Sonic Shuffle: It was a rip off of Mario Party and I hate party games. I couldn't beat the first board either. Not even when the comp players were on easy. XD Also, the story seemed bland here too.

1: Sonic Spinball: That game was just weird! I again couldn't pass the first level, but it didn't feel like a Sonic game for some reason either.

Posts: 1789
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I think it will be faster for me to list which Sonic games I did like.:lol

Ah well, here's the list in no order anyway:

--Sonic Heroes: The team system lacked the smooth flow of previous Sonic games making it very clunky. The bottom-less pit level design sucked. The bugginess sucked. The downgraded and shiny character models sucked. Everyone seemed OOC for no reason. For the most part it was pretty forgetable.

--Shadow the Hedgehog: Yeah, yeah I never played it. But based on many people's impressions, looking at story spoilers and seeing it in action via video, I have a huge feeling that I would hate it even more than Heroes.

Those two are the biggest offenders since it illustates the current Sonic Team's lack of sense of not knowing what to do with the Sonic franchise. Maybe they should stick to PSO and outsource Sonic to some other Sega team like Amusement Vision.

Other black sheep includes:

--Sonic Shuffle--which has some cheap AI and awful loading times

--Sonic Blast--EW, just ew...and extremely easy and boring platformer that is hard to look at because Sega wanted to be RARE.

--Sonic Laybrinth--yeah, it didn't really do it for me. The controls felt wonky and it was too slow. Truthfully, I would be bored of it even if you took the Sonic motif in this game.

--Sonic Spinball--This was my first Sonic game disappointment and unfortunately as you can see it wasn't my last. I wasn't fond of the visual design or the music and I felt I was overall wasting my time. Then again the only pinball game I enjoyed so far was Dinoland(I think it mostly had to do with the music).

Posts: 2723
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Of all the ones I've played, I hated Sonic Spinball and Sonic Pinball Party.

Spinball was too hard (I only ever made it to the second level) and Pinball Party is like a GBA version of it. Only a little easier, with other Sonic Team Characters, Tiny Chao Garden, and worthless mini-games.

Nuff said.

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Definitely Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
That game was pure garbage, everything about it was trash.
I mean, the art, the music, the level design, the gameplay, EVERYTHING was atrocious.

Sonic Heroes, now THERE'S a great game.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Oh heck yes @ Wonderbat.

Sonic Heroes. I could stand the fact that as soon as you pressed B you were in "THE CHAOS THEORY". Where you could go flying of a cliff if a robot sneezes. I could stand the endless bottomless pits. I could stand the overly shiny, happy chracters. But what i couldn't stand is Brand new look for Metal Sonic in about 30 seconds of a dark video.

Sonic Labyrinth. Way too slow. I bet it was some drunken conversation in America "Right... I love you but...lets put Sonic in an isometric 3D game...and put it on the Game Gear... And we make of some story about Sonic having to wear some...slow down boots...or something.

Sonic Blast. It was just...really ... really bad.

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I can't tell if Johnnyboy is going along with my sarcasm or just didn't get it.

Posts: 1827
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Yes, I did get it.
But you do realise that Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.

Still funny though.

Posts: 3468
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Sonic. Heroes.


Posts: 194
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Sonic Shuffle: Slow, super cheap AI, and few of the minigames were actually fun to play.

Sonic Spinball: Frustratingly hard to control and it had SatAM characters. I hate SatAM.

Sonic 3D Blast: It was clunky and slow, with or without Sonic.

Unlike the rest of you, I can't say I disliked Heroes becuase when I had it, I was adamant about finishing it and collecting the emblems. Maybe I was just too happy about the return of the Chaotix.

Posts: 81
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I thought Spinball was good, but I hated the Game Gear version. It's just...ugh.

Also, I found Tails Skypatrol to be overly frustrating.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Sonic Heroes, for wounding me. I had to complete all 4 stories in a week, with the emeralds and I was like "YES!!!" and then Metal Sonic appeared for 9 seconds.


I cried. I tossed my Gamecube at my best friend saying it was too soon, too painful, I cried more, I stopped playing videogames for almost 8 months.

Sonic Heroes took what was left of my soul and it ruthlessly crushed it.

At least with Shadow, Pinball Party and the Game Gear games, I knew I was in for a crap game. Shuffle, I've had alot of fun with at CJ's house, so can't complain.

But Heroes scarred me in a way no game has before.

Posts: 222
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Sonic Heroes had great character development, lots of climactic character moments, and all-around great game- *SHOT IN THE HEAD*


Posts: 139
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sonic heroes had one cool team. i really liked playing chaotix, but that was about it.
shuffle and sonic spinball party were bad because i couldn't understand the gameplay so i never won them and i don't know if they really did have a story.

shadow is the worst game in sonic's history first of all the title second it has guns, and from what shadowhog said it's pretty cruel to put points on killing people :( he's a bad hedgehog.

Posts: 439
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Shadow the Hedgehog is the worst. It's done for me what Sonic Heroes did to Craig; turned me off Video games. I haven't been playing video games much latelly, although that could be looked at as a good thing (as in I'm finding other ways to waste my life). :(

I gave Sonic Team some benifit of doubt that they'd deliver a worthwhile game, after disappointing me for so long. But no, they had to let me down again. I'm not looking forward to any future Sonic games because of this, no matter how promising it looks.

Other than that, Sonic 2 on the Master System is as far from fun as Chevy Chase films are from being funny.

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I forgot all about Sonic 2 for Game Gear, the only Sonic Game Gear I played (I don't own the GG, but my cousin does, and it is the only Sonic game for it she has). Yes, it was crappy, and hard as hell.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


Shadow the Hedgehog is the worst. It's done for me what Sonic Heroes did to Craig; turned me off Video games. I haven't been playing video games much latelly, although that could be looked at as a good thing (as in I'm finding other ways to waste my life).

Jeez, don't let one awful game from a spotty development team turn you away from all video games. There are plenty of awesome games I can reconmend as an antidote that will get you back into the hobby.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Don't listen to her! Gaming is an evil demon trying to drain you of time and money while increasing your stress levels and leaving you discontent in the end. RUN JACK RUN! Run Charlie! as fast as you can and don't stop until you get home!

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

I've been thinking that the reason most people HATED Sonic Heroes was because of its too much hype. I, myself, enjoyed that game *runs*

*comes back* My least favortie game would be Sonic 2 for Game Gear. I never could get past the first boss *runs again*

Posts: 439
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Jeez, don't let one awful game from a spotty development team turn you away from all video games. There are plenty of awesome games I can reconmend as an antidote that will get you back into the hobby.

I know, but Shadow was a traumatic experience. I need time to recuperate. I'll be back to health by the time the new Zelda game comes out. :thumbsup

And Heroes suffered from more than just hype. Very few games make me want to throw my controller at the TV screen and scream. Bloody game should've come with an anger management pamphlet.

Posts: 104
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1.Sonic 3DBlast. Terrible, slow and easy.

2. Sonic R. Annoying music,broken control.

3. Sonic Jam Was SEGA on acid when they released this?

4. Sonic Labyrinth. WHAT in THE HELL IS THIS? Sonic without speed?! What was going through the heads of Sega Of Europe when they made this abomination?My God!

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


Don't listen to her! Gaming is an evil demon trying to drain you of time and money while increasing your stress levels and leaving you discontent in the end. RUN JACK RUN! Run Charlie! as fast as you can and don't stop until you get home!

You are just saying that because you haven't played any good games lately. ;)


I know, but Shadow was a traumatic experience. I need time to recuperate. I'll be back to health by the time the new Zelda game comes out.

Get Psychonauts! You need the good game-age now!

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Spinball was okay. I thought it was a wee bit on the hard side but I beat it and was quite ticked off at the ending. I did all this work for this?? Sonic Heroes was okay but going through the same stages with all the characters just doesn't sit well with me...

The most offensive games have had to be Sonic Rush and Sonic Advance 2. They were fun but their downright abuse of the bottomless pits proved to be a huge turnoff for whoever designed Altitude Limit and Sky Canyon must die fiery deaths in the sevent circle...

Posts: 139
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1.Sonic 3DBlast. Terrible, slow and easy.

easy is good but the graphics were new, it makes you dizzy when you play. that's the only thing i hated about the game.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

The most offensive games have had to be Sonic Rush and Sonic Advance 2. They were fun but their downright abuse of the bottomless pits proved to be a huge turnoff for whoever designed Altitude Limit and Sky Canyon must die fiery deaths in the sevent circle...

I thought Rush was better than most 2D Sonic games on the pits. I really thought Rush was a lot better than the Advance series, or maybe, at a stretch, Sonic 2. Or Sonic 3 if you don't put S&K on it.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

I loved the Advance games, especially Music Plant and Toy Kingdom. Don't ask why. I dunno if Rush was better than some of the Sega games, those are tough to top. Though if I can still play it 10 years after it came out, then I'll rate it one of the best.

Posts: 30
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Jeez, don't let one awful game from a spotty development team turn you away from all video games. There are plenty of awesome games I can reconmend as an antidote that will get you back into the hobby.

Yea, like Metroid Prime/Metroid Prime 2, Halo/Halo 2, and Socom/Socom 2. :D

Posts: 270
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Last I checked, Craig doesn't care for first-person shooters. Which, incidentally, is what all that you listed amounts to.

Well, Metroid's more an adventure game, but you shoot things in first-person, so still...

Posts: 1789
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Besides that comment was addressed to Spite not Craig. :)

Posts: 270
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Which just means I'm going senile like a certain Florida lawyer. Meh.

Posts: 81
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The most offensive games have had to be Sonic Rush and Sonic Advance 2. They were fun but their downright abuse of the bottomless pits proved to be a huge turnoff for whoever designed Altitude Limit and Sky Canyon must die fiery deaths in the sevent circle...

Rush was brilliant. Although I do agree that the bottomless pits were annoying in some levels.
Actually, the worst game for bottomless pits I've ever played is the fangame When Tails Gets Bored.

Oh, and apparently there are nine circles. :]

Posts: 270
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You mean the Virtuous Pagans, Lustful, Gluttonous, Greedy/Indulgent, Wrathful/Slothful, Heretics, Violent, Fraudulent, and Traitors?

Posts: 21
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Believe it or not, the only one I can think of right off the top of my head is Sonic Spinball. It's the only Sonic Game I refused to pick up again after playing it the first time.

Maybe because I couldn't get off the first stage.

Either way--I hate it.

Though I'm not too fond of Shadow the Hedgehog either, even if I do like the character. But to be honest, I didn't have high hopes for it after I found out guns and cars would be involved. I will NEVER understand what those items were needed for. And the first stage made me want to rip someone's throat out. I was homing attacking constantly into bottomless pits. Stupid, stupid, STUPID!

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Though I'm not too fond of Shadow the Hedgehog either, even if I do like the character. But to be honest, I didn't have high hopes for it after I found out guns and cars would be involved. I will NEVER understand what those items were needed for. And the first stage made me want to rip someone's throat out. I was homing attacking constantly into bottomless pits. Stupid, stupid, STUPID!

I don't have that problem with pits when Homing Attack, but I do have that problem in some stages when trying to jump from one platform to the other. Especially in The Ark trying to get the fourth key.


To get the fourth key, you have to get off your Black Hawk just before the Fifth Save Point , which has a barrier before it. Go to the left side of the barrier, and just inches before you touch the bottom most barrier cube, jump off. You will land on one of the two floating platforms that have grinding slides on them (one of them will have a spring). Now this is where I fail. You have to jump to a large platform on the left of the two grinding platforms you fall on. Problem is, your jump is not high enough to get to that platform, and if you jump a while in a mid jump, you end up homing attack the spring on that platform and end up back where you started, on one of the grinding platforms (going on the one with a spring, towards the spring).

Edit: How do I use the Spoiler code here?

Posts: 378
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Sonic Heroes by FAR. What a kiddie little... (goes off on a rant)

Posts: 76
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sonic heroes, sonic labrynth, sonic spinball for gamegear*i am a fan of the genesis version* i imagine if i played shadow i would hate it...

Posts: 21
Eminent Member

Ah, let's see-- (In no particular order.)

Sonic Advance 2 - Just hold down right on the direction pad. (And avoid the 9721 bottomless pits, but, other than that~)

Sonic Shuffle - Loading. ... ... ... ... ... ... Great! Back on the map and-- dude, what?! Tails just stole my 'S' card!! (An dwh. y. ar. eyourl. ips. movingli. thisincompa. rison. totheactualwor. d. s. peopl. e?)

Sonic Pinball/Spinball - ... pinball? Pinball. While it is a fun minigame every now and then it... ... pinball.

Sonic Heroes - I liked the Chaotix. (Did I just fall through the floor? I just fell through the floor. What.) I think that was about it. (... bottomless pits... I...) Oh, and I haven't even finished this one. (METAL SONIC WRRRRRRY!?!?eleven) So. (SHADOW. YOU DED. D.E.D. DED.) There you go. (BOTTOMLESS. PITS. AUGHguhghhhht-- *kzzt* ---)

And there you have it. (Also. Beforehand. I am not touching the Shadow the Hedgehog game. Ever.)
