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Oh great, Yet Another Bloody Acronym (YABA). =/

Posts: 1986
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Poo snake is nowhere near as evil as LNR.

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Neither Poo Snake nor LNR are scary. Y'all are pussies!

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I chose not to post my most recent incarnation because this Hukos' topic.

Elsewhere... well, just be cautious with hidden links.

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To be fair, I did leave a warning. :<

Posts: 1982
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I'll just post a poo snake instead.


Looks more like a yogurtzard to me... o.o

Posts: 1986
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More like messy poo if anything o.o

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omg i wanna put in in my mouth ^0^

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I bet you do.

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it's pink and seemingly edible. and kinda looks like an ekans. >> *eats chicken nugget instead*

Posts: 1986
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You scare me. o.o

Posts: 1982
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You enchant me! <3

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I just keep seeing that mouth as challic.

And there's the snake of course.

It's some kind of scary Freudian glob.

Posts: 1986
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Freud would have a field day with this whole forum, tbqh

Posts: 899
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Freud would have a field day with this whole forum, tbqh

"First, let us start by discussing zis 'LNR' picture you keep drawing and showing other people."

"Well, doc, it all started with a video game in 1991..."

Posts: 1986
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Freud would have a field day with this whole forum, tbqh

"First, let us start by discussing zis 'LNR' picture you keep drawing and showing other people."

"Well, doc, it all started with a video game in 1991..."


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And then Freud would tell you that Dubs is too wacky to be a real person; just a mischievous figment of your imagination.

...And then Dub would appear out of nowhere and tell you he isn't imaginary.

Posts: 1986
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And then Freud would tell you that Dubs is too wacky to be a real person; just a mischievous figment of your imagination.

...And then Dub would appear out of nowhere and tell you he isn't imaginary.


Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Oh, I'm fairly convinced that none of you here are actually real. I'm come to the realization that all these exchanges over the internet, the forum... the many years of good online times?

Just a fever dream. A hallucination. A trick of the brain, trying to cope with an unknown trauma.

And inside a hospital somewhere my family makes the fateful decision to finally take me off life support... and what I deemed to be real slowly fades from memory, and soon all that is and was my reality turns to whi

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Oh, I'm fairly convinced that none of you here are actually real. I'm come to the realization that all these exchanges over the internet, the forum... the many years of good online times?

Just a fever dream. A hallucination. A trick of the brain, trying to cope with an unknown trauma.

And inside a hospital somewhere my family makes the fateful decision to finally take me off life support... and what I deemed to be real slowly fades from memory, and soon all that is and was my reality turns to whi


Posts: 899
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Sometimes I like to think I'm the only one on the internet and you're all just part of a giant computer program testing me psychologically...

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Y'all are figments of my imagination. Solipsism rules!

Posts: 1982
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I wanted to be one of your nightmares, not some darned imagining of an idle mind.

Posts: 3291
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*downloads psxphile onto a VMU, plays him through a chao adventure run* ^-^

Posts: 1986
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*Quickly copy's said Psx* :O

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*trains her psx to be more powerful! and faster!* >>

Posts: 1986
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*Sets VMU to auto-train*


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That is NOT a Dreamcast and I demand my money back.

Posts: 197
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LMAO i loved vmu's. and my choa prizes. NYUUU

Posts: 1986
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Let's just hope that none of our VMU's gets a virus or think what will happen to wittle psx ;_;

Posts: 5772
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Let's just hope that none of our VMU's gets a virus or think what will happen to wittle psx ;_;

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ghost in the machine? o-o;

Posts: 1986
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Now that's just disturbing Rishi.

Posts: 5772
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Posts: 1986
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I'm speechless. o_o

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psx seems to be pleased with his new VMU friend! *gives him a chao nut*

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*Intercepts the delivery* 😮

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This thread is so JANET!

Posts: 1986
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No it isn't.

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Yes it is.

Posts: 1986
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That's what they all say.

Posts: 197
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*find berry @ VMU*
NYUUUUUUUUU now my chao will be plump and well ^^

Posts: 1986
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Too bad it has rabies.

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How is rabby formed?

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