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Posts: 1355
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The SPA now has 4 stickies.

April 13, 2006 Edit: Making new threads to advertise will result either in links being removed OR threads being deleted from the forum. Advertise in this thread ONLY.

Posts: 800
Prominent Member

and can i quickly please beg that people do not put stuff they're selling in here, that goes here.
i can see someone doing that...

Posts: 1
New Member
Truth, Lies, Earnestness, Deception and Lust are all apart of our every day lives. Even in school you can drown in your darkest hour of embarrassment or flourish in a garden of following Red Roses. Either way theres only one way to find out what your true destiny is

Join us at Richmond Valley and venture into the depths of your mind

Richmond Valley

[Please do not hesitate to join or even advertise with us either by an Advertisement or Affiliate.]

Posts: 1355
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Topic starter

Holy s**t, someone listened. Cool.

Posts: 1367
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Posts: 3
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Just wanted to say what's up and how's it goin'...

Also, to get to know me a little better, I like playing online PC games.

and I was wonderinf if anyone could help me! I'm in this contest where I could win some cool prizes.. if you could vote for me, that would be awesome!

Here is the info:
then click:
then select bubble 28. verGe n0it - N.Nowakowski
ty 🙂

Look forward to talking to you all in the near future!!!

Posts: 1321
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Posts: 1334
Noble Member


Section 1204, yo'

Posts: 1
New Member

Hey, this board is really coming around and I think it looks great. If you don't believe me then just check it out yourself! It's still being worked on and only getting better. It's a fun place to just hang out and chat and I hope you stop by. :D Btw, you can advertise their if you want. We have an advertisement forum which opens up chances for affiliation and possible board hops, etc. Give it a try and check out Origins of Chaos. :D

Posts: 2
New Member

just click on the link in my sig
maximum carnage gold and a great baord

Posts: 512
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Posts: 428
Honorable Member

Guess I might as well...

Crystal Plains MuseWorks

Crystal Plains MuseWorks is an internet creative community with the drive to support artists of absolutely any media. Literary, visual, interactive, physical, conceptual, musical, cinematic... If it's something you've made, we want to see it! Whether it's for some constructive criticism or just some publicity, we have a community waiting to see your work! Looking for talent to help with your next big project, or want to offer your services to someone else? CP MuseWorks is the place for you! We also offer free hosting to any member projects!

(Membership is lacking nowabouts, but maybe this will help.)

Posts: 127
Estimable Member

Spriter's Sanctum
I believe I have advertised this plac ebefore, but it's a forum I admin, and it could use more activity. So... yeah.

Posts: 1
New Member

Join my forum Quick as Lightning! It is very new, and we really need members to vote in the upcoming tournament plus to host wi-fi battles and such! We also need nominations for our Best Video Game Character tournament as well! The winner receives $1500 forum money! We also have general forums, so come to QaL by clicking on the link below!

Posts: 1
New Member

Immortal Media Inc. is a forum for everything from movies, books to video game forums (we have a lone World of Warcraft player on there thinking they are alone playing it so if someone plays, click on the link in my sig to that forum and prove them wrong).

Everyone is welcomed there, bring your aunt flo or pet dog spike there as we are still fairly new and could use the members.

Thanks :)

Posts: 530
Honorable Member

SPAMCAKES! Get your SPAMCAKES! Made from 100% SPAM! Only $.99 a pound!

Posts: 178
Estimable Member

Yes, default site = teh ulgies. Just read the comic, not the gubbings ;P

Posts: 1
New Member

Feel free to advertise on mine too. (Unless this gets deleted for not being in related to an actual video game lol)

This is a City of dreams and glamour. Where every day pretty girls step off the bus from nowhere-Ville with a suitcase full of dreams, hoping to become the next great thing. Where every waiter can sing and has done some Shakespeare and is now just waiting to be discovered. Here million-dollar-deals are closed over the phone and multimillion deals over the proverbial "lunch".

The city of somebodies...

This city has another face too. A completely different side. The scarred, tired face of crime and pollution, of loud music and dirty deals. Here you will find the hard working masses, barely scraping by a living. You will see the gangs that fill the inner streets, making fear into commonplace phenomena. In truth, they are merely the puppets of larger crime families - Italian, Russians and who knows who else. Here there are criminals and destitute, prostitutes and drug dealers. All share the crowded, dirty streets. All breathe the heavy, dense air.

The city of nobodies...

In addition, there is a deeper truth to Los Angeles as well. A hidden truth. The most nefarious, laden in obscurity. The third face of the city is that of the true underworld, of those who move in darkness, who hide in the shadows. Unrecognized by the world of man they are the stuff of legend. The beautiful, the breathtaking, the life taking. Creatures of myth and mystery whose existence in the year two thousand and five is laughable, deniable and yet so very true. First among them are the Vampires. Ancient, powerful and alluring creatures that live off mans life fluid. The truth of their identities is closely guarded by the rigid rules of the Masquerade. Hidden from the eyes of men, led by the powerful Prince Garith Monroe and his council of elders. Los Angeles is home to some of the most powerful families the world of darkness has known, like the Levesque family, headed by the beautiful, tragic Mortisha, Primogen of Clan Toreador. It is the summer home of Londons Prince Loki Deborique and the permanent residence of other powerful Ancillas like Primogen Daedalus Luna, Fallon Adair, Dralyn Stolichnaya, and Elliot Remmie Reneau. Each lead a Clan of their own beneath the Masquerade veil of night. Other forces move among the vampires as well, and they are darker and growing in strength. The dreaded Sabbat Council, is tightening its hold on the city of Angels. The Sabbat Vampire. The rival's of the Camarilla Council led by Prince Garith Monroe. Their packs are growing in numbers, strength and influence. Soon, a battle must be waged between the Camarilla and its long time enemies.

However, the vampires are not all that lurks in the shadows. Were-creatures also walk the streets. In addition, they are wild, untamed, beautiful and proud. They make their own laws, and answer neither to those crafted by mortal men nor to those contrived by the elder vampires. The Lycan Pack is led by their Alpha male Malek Sebastion and his Alpha female, Gitana De La Vina. The Weretigers Pride answers to the beautiful Julian Von Nacht and his Die Frau, Magda Goetz. The Wereleopardss run in a Pard and adhere only to the enigmatic Nimir Raj Sabin Chappelle and his Nimir Ra Queen, Gabrielle Negra. And that is not all. Others are here too. Hunters, Mages, Sin Eaters, other Werecreature (All sorts), Lycan and Fae (Changeling). Creatures that are the essence of natures elements and angles that have been thrown down from heaven.

The human race walks obliviously among them, tittering on the edge of true knowledge but shying away from it for the sake of its own sanity. Welcome to Los Angeles. Here there are fighters and storytellers, gamblers and survivors, teachers and tormentors..

Which will you be?

We are White Wolf based. If you have ever seen "Kindred: the Embraced", we base the spine of the RPG off that with twists of our own. Below are the Races we allow.

(White Wolf) They make the following creations:
V:TM Vampire
Keui Jin (Kindred of the East)
Nagah Weresnake
Blood Dolls (Vampire Donors)

We also allowing the following:
Ann Rice based Vampire
Anita Blake Vampire
Anita Blake Wereleopard

As well as our own creations:
Lycan (Our Version)
Fallen Angels
Sin Eaters
Haflings (Changeling/Mortal)

And so on. SDL DOT COM is an Adult community. We take TIME with our Stories/Posts so they come out good. We love Detail and description as well as adding the right amount of Action/Drama and "Feeling" to the stories -- which aid in animating them within the readers mind. We've been up for 8 years; we run a Fair, Understanding community. Our Writers are always willing to help and aid in the creation of New Ideas and the like. There is ALWAYS a NEW storyline being created either for the WHOLE board to jump into or smaller ones involving only a set amount of characters. We do our best to keep things Alive, and Interesting! So, If you are looking for a Fun community with Dedicated Writers, then come to us ^^

The Domain: SDL DOT COM || The Board: SDL DOT COM //
Posts: 800
Prominent Member

lol, im advertising a so-far-very-successful music site.

Posts: 1
New Member
Rival Nations!

Large-scale high-quality role-playing!

Hello, I'm creating a board called Rival Nations, with a new style of forum RPing. Basically, this style encourages activity by giving players new options as they make more posts and write more role-plays.

It also ensures that players are able to make a difference in the world by using these options that they gain. There is an organised system for attacks, espionage, diplomacy, etc. There is also a loose system for nation building, so that nations may grow in power with the work of players.

This board isn't finished and I would greatly appreciate anyone's input! (Or just page visits.) Please, pop your head in and take a peek at the rules!

Thank you! I would really really really appreciate anybody's comments!

Posts: 1104
Noble Member

Language warning~

Everyone go here.


Posts: 1
New Member

Ashford is an elite performing arts college set on the west coast. Known for it's excellence and tradition it is a prestigious school that only accepts the best of best ... Do you have what it takes ? Find Out

We are looking for skilled rp'ers with interest in real life simulations. Ashford is an up and comming rpg with tons of potential. Centered around a suburb of LA, Ashford has a lot of opportunity for different experiences with talented writers and many different chances for drama.

Ashford College

Posts: 1
New Member

This is the fifth season of my game and the last before All Stars. I'm trying to go all out and get as many new players as possible, and since a lot of this board is associated with TV, I thought some of you may be interested. I promise if you do decide to try it out and play, you will NOT be disappointed. Feel free to check out Season 1 through 4 by the links provided below. I'm hoping some of you will decide to give it a chance!

In Distant 1, Katie beat the Buddha and the Island of Lantau to become the first Sole Survivor in a 5 to 2 vote.

Then, in Distant 2, Donna conquered the pyramids and the sands of Egypt to become the second Sole Survivor in another 5 to 2 vote.

And then in Distant 3, Thomas survived the frigid wasteland that was Siberia and escaped extinction to become but the third Sole Survivor in a now infamous 5 to 2 vote.

At the present in Distant 4, Clara, Monique, and Tom are battling it out to become the fourth Sole Survivor in the mystical and magical Forests of the Celts. But now...

Step into another dimension, where dreams reign supreme and nothing is beyond your imagination. Here, high among the clouds, where a city holds its darkest secrets, a new journey awaits...
This summer, 16 New Survivors will depart on the adventure of a lifetime. They will be taken to a world far away, lost among the clouds, in a city high above for 39 days, without any food, water, or shelter. In a world where dreams are reality, and reality is your imagination, where nobody knows what is real, and what is a fantasy, these strangers will have to adapt to the changing environment or they will be voted out of the tribe. Can they survive in a dreamworld where fantasy becomes one with reality and a dream is only what you make of it? One by one, they will fall, until only one remains... The Sole Survivor of...

At certain times over the Strait of Messina, which divides Italy from Sicily, an elaborate scene of crystal castles, palaces, and streets shimmers between the water and the sky. This vision is named the Fata Morgana after King Arthur's half sister, the fairy Morgan le Fay, who according to legend lived in a shining palace beneath the sea.
Fata Morgana, also known as Morgan le Fay, was a fairy enchantress skilled in the art of changing shape. In one traditional story she was King Arthur's sister and learned many of her skills from Merlin the Magician. A special type of complex mirage, one that sometimes gives the impression of a castle half in the air and half in the sea, is named after Fata Morgana.
Sometimes the enchantress made this castle appear reflected up in the air, causing seamen who mistook it for a safe harbor to be lured to their deaths. This summer, 16 unsuspecting castaways will take a journey to a time and place never before explored...
This summer, those castaways will be transported to a city found only in dreams, but to them, it will become but a harsh reality. Who will be able to distinguish between the real and fake? Will dreams of the past dredge up new memories, or will their imaginations make new friends? Find out this summer, as Survivor Distant travels to a new time and place to begin the adventure of a lifetime and find a new Sole Survivor, in Survivor Distant 5: Fata Morgana - Cities of the Sky!
Can you survive the city in the sky?

If you would like to take part in Survivor: Distant 5, please fill out the following form and e-mail it to I would appreciate it if you put "Survivor Distant 5 Application" in the topic title. Do not apply if you think you won't be active, only if you know you are able to fully participate. This game is slated to begin in early July, as I am allowing time for as many applications as possible in order to find the best cast. However, the start of the game is ultimately up to how quickly I receive applications.


EzBoard Name:

What are some other games you have participated in? How did you do? Were you active? If possible, please provide a link.

What kind of people annoy you? Are you easy to get along with?

Do you intend on being fully active? What could prevent you from being active?

What are your normal online hours?

List 2 Positive and 2 Negative Qualities.

How many other games have you participated in on EzBoard? Would you consider yourself a Novice, Average, or Veteran player?

What is your game strategy? How do you intend on getting far?

Do you prefer Live or 24 Hour Challenges? (Live, meaning that being there when it is posted would give a greater advantage.)

Tell me about yourself. Anything you'd like to share, put here.


That's all. Once I have received enough good applications and the game date draws near, I will post cast selections as well as send out confirmation emails on the game's starting date. For now, please post if you have applied!


*NOTE* Jury Members and Final 2 from Survivor Distant 1, 2, 3, and 4 May NOT apply for Survivor Distant 5. However, Pre-Jury Members from either season may apply, however, new applicants will be given preference over previous players.

*Once again, the board will be revealed to the public shortly before the game commences. It will once again include an Alumni Forum exclusive to alumni of any 4 previous seasons.

~ As a last note, this will be the Final Season of Survivor Distant before All Stars! Consider this your "Second Chance" Season. Although I will always accept new applicants over old players, if any previous non-Jury player feels as though they would like to have a chance at participating in All Stars, but may not have done well enough to merit an invite, they are welcomed to apply again. You may or may not be accepted to play. This goes for anyone else who has been thinking about applying, this *may* be your last season to do so. Just a heads up.
Posts: 1
New Member

The Forest
Inspired by the dramatic ABC show "Lost"
Come in and follow the dramatic story of a group of survivors of a riverboat wreck in the middle of the rainforests in Brazil. As the days get longer, the suspense gets greater. Will they make it out of the forest alive? Who else is in this seemingly empty forest? If you like Lost, then you will love The Forest. -- The website -- The message board

Posts: 10
Active Member

My deviantART. Please take a look, I want some opinions on my art.

Posts: 18
Active Member

I want to help spread the word on this:

The Summer of Sonic is the place to come celebrate Sonic the Hedgehog's 15th Anniversary. You can sign a Birthday card for him, submit fan art, fan fiction, and even videos and fan games. There are still tons of things that are coming in the near future! This event will last a few months!

Posts: 1
New Member
The Crimson Ferret's Revenge

Now as long as you're just hanging there, pay attention. The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can't do. For instance, you can accept that there is a place where you can role play as a pirate in space or you cant. But space pirate is in your blood, boy, so you'll have to square with that some day. And me, for example, I can let you not hear of our proposition but we can't run our ship on our own, savvy? So, can you sail under the command of a space pirate, or can you not?

Pirates in Star Wars may sound mad at first but remember this How you doing, you old pirate? Lando to Han. So ok he wasnt the raid, pillage, plunder and otherwise pilfer my weasley black guts out type and that is why we exist. Join us at the Crimson Ferrets Revenge in plundering the coffers of Coruscants rich and famous, pillage the Jedi Council for its expensive artefacts and pilfer from anyone whom stands in our way. Join Captain Marcus Gray and his motley band of pirates, the less human the better.

We have a wide range of positions to fill from cook to gunner, from brig officer to boarding party, and guess what. To keep up with the times we even have tie fighter squadrons for those who love their dogfights. So be you an Edward Teach (Blackbeard), a Jack Sparrow, a Han Solo or even a Guybrush Threepwood you will be well welcome abord, as long as ye follow the code (our own code).

So, can you sail under the command of a space pirate, or can you not? Just click on the flag.

The Crimson Ferret's Revenge
Posts: 1201
Noble Member

Thanks to Lighthead, I actually have a site now. It's not much yet, but I plan to use it to host my artwork, editorials, and possibly fiction.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Music Generation

It's a site a friend of mine has made. I'd love you forever if you actually post here.

The site's right now JUST about music discussions, but the site will grow.

Posts: 428
Honorable Member

Just in case anyone actually reads this topic...

SonicVerse Team

I joined SVT two and half years ago, right before the whole site died and was offline for two long months. When it was finally brought back from the dead, almost all our user base was gone. In the year that followed, half of those that remained also left the site. Speaking purely from the Role-playing Board's perspective -- what drew me to the site in the first place and the first area I became moderator of -- we have only three or four members that stayed from "the old days". Fast forward to July '06, and we have just over 100 registered accounts on the message board.

Recently the entire community has drawn together to help pull us up by our bootstraps, and we're finally seeing progress. As a chart derived from our mb stats shows, our hits per month is finally pulling out of its downward spiral, and it's the most activity we've seen for the past year. For this we are relieved.

SonicVerse Team hosts and boasts the Internet's largest selection of Sonic the Hedgehog fancomics. This summer we've really gotten the ball rolling, and are hosting a slew of new content: Cap'n Chryssalid's Through Fire and Shadow, Sapphire Luna's Successor's Dawn, the hilarious Collision Chaos by Hyper, Equinox by J Szasz, and Shadowprime's Sonic Iblis -- in addition to old favourites Tails Away by Darkspeeds, Psyguy's Chaos Diamonds 3, and Ian Potto's old project Other-M!!

Any fan of Sonic comics should really stop by and check out the things we've got cooking at SVT. While you're at it, why not join the message board and get to know our friendly community, take part in some discussion, and stick around for the coming developments. A special "Sonic's 15th" edition of the SVT Comic-Con is coming later this year, so stay tuned for that! We hope to see you there!

Posts: 2915
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Did you ever want to live in the time of King Arthur Pendragon and his Queen Gwenhwyfar (Guenevere) ? Did you want to be a lady or lord of Camelot? How about a knight at the round table? Well now is your chance, this is a new board that just opened a few months ago and we are need of members. We are currently looking for any kind of characters, include some from the story of Camelot such as Lancelot and so on. So if you have the will to be a member of Camelot and let the story live on than come and join us at :

Posts: 1
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Please take a look at this free online comic book - Night Warrior

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Oooh, I keep forgetting about that *re-reads*

Posts: 1
New Member

This is a Knuckles fanbase forum that is actually not Invisonfree. You may of heard of Emerald Guardian becoming one of the lastest Sonic Stadium's new affliate as of Late March. Yes, Emerald Guardian is the website and Rad Red Forum, is the forum.

You see this is unique, because no one has really done a orignal Knuckles site like RRF. We have many fans of the enchidas there, who live and talk Knuckles every once in a while. Its an active board without n00bs and members consistanly post coherently on RRF (Except the spam forum, thats a diffrent story.)

About the staff, we are moderately strict, we don't have time for arse's and such. Thats what the spam forum is for. But then again don't worry, this only applies to n00bs who literally want to screw with forums.

So join today, that would be appreciated, and i'm Celius the admin of the forum. :thumbsup

(Sidenote: True Red is on this.... or am I daydreaming?)

Edit:Yeah she is..... wow. 😛

Posts: 1201
Noble Member


You see this is unique, because no one has really done a orignal Knuckles site like RRF.

Posts: 114
Estimable Member

TISFAT (This Is Stick Figure Animation Theatre) related links!

[]N-Spiritus movies[/url] - Not 100% TISFAT but all made in it's name.

[]Official site[/url] You can download it here

[]Official Forums[/url] The official forums

[]TISFAT Movie Portal[/url] The unfinished Movie portal, host will soon change

[]TISFAT Movie portal forums[/url]

[]TISFAT at Wikipedia[/url]

[]The Soul Sucker[/url] My first TISFAT movie in ages.

Posts: 3
New Member

At Marapets users range from ages between 8-80 and there really is something for everyone.

You can care for your virtual pets or if that isnt your cup of tea you can restock and build your business empire,take part in plots and wars and undertake quests.There is a stock market for those financially minded and many forums and clubs to chat away in to your hearts content.

Just use the link in my sig and joining takes 2 minutes!whats more its totally free!:cackle

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

My website for my stories, for art done by other artists, and for Tergonaut-related stuffage.

Getting this game on since 2001.

Posts: 3
New Member

Click the Marapets link in my sig if you would like to join an online gaming suite thats friendly and fun.It has also just expanded its forums to include general discussions and online gaming tips and has one of the best Gaming Guilds Ive found.Plus it has a Sonic Pet for you to adopt;)

Posts: 1
New Member


We are a Hogwarts based Rpg, but stationed in the United States rather than in Europe. The drama is real and the chaos just gets better everyday. Our Roleplay is current to the year! Applications for Professors and Students are OPEN! Classes are set to begin October 1st and running through December 31st.Come join you will love all the fun! You won't regret it! We are a brand new site, but equally good as others. We are in need of Staff members and Students.

Liberty Academy is located in the heart of New York. Everyone thought witches only existed in Europe, but what they did not know was that the United States was full of wizards and witches. What is even worst, evil has risen and no one is safe anymore. Good has been tampered with and nothing has been able to stop this horrible truth. Another issue wizards are facing is that even in the Land of the Free they are being oppressed by muggles. Wizards have been assassinated, trying to defend the right to co-exist as one nation.

The school was founded by wealthy wizard investors whom thought that, by separating their children from the muggle schools they would learn how to defend what gift they have been given. The school was built with as much opposition that can be handle by the government, finally it was agreed that it could be built if it meant keeping this kind of children away from public schools. The school is located in the remote parts of Upstate New York, children from all over the United States are being taught the same as the counter part schools around the world. Liberty excels in its fine education and in accepting all kinds of wizards and witches.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Drop on by to this friendly forum.

Posts: 2191
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Posts: 1
New Member


Law and Order SVU and CI

This is a brand new RPG based on Law and Order: Special Victims Unit and Law and Order: Criminal Intent.

The year is 2010, the place is New York City, and the crime rate has sky rocketed. As a lawyer, detective, prosecutor, or even a judge, you will work to put a stop to these heinous crimes one case at a time. Expect the unexpected as you RP through a tangled web of inner precinct relationships, partner conflicts, and surprising trials. Fight your way to the top in a city brimming with dangerous criminals, a city where anyone could be the next victim.

Applications are currently open.

Posts: 14
Eminent Member

Press Start Online, UK gaming site. Please take a look. :]

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Do as I say.

Posts: 1
New Member

Do you want to get science fictin and fantasy books for free? You can -- All you have to do is review them!

Hi, I publish an online webzine called The Thunder Child.

I have just received two DC Universe books to review, Helltown, by Dennis O'Neil (scheduled to hit the street in November, 2006), and Trail of Time, by Jeff Mariotte, not scheduled to hit the street until March 2007.

I'm a DC fan so of course I could review these books myself, but I figured this would be an ideal opportunity to add to my staff. I need a really knowledgeable comic book staff member (or two), from Marvel and DC of the present to the comic book publishers of the past like Timely, etc.

As a reviewer, at the moment, you're not paid a flat fee. You get free books (and other media) to read, and keep (and that does mean *keep*, by the way), and on your review pages will be links to material at If anything on your page sells, you get 75% of the 5% fee that I make off that sale.

So if this sounds interesting to you, please PM me. Send me a sample review so I can see what your writing style is like, etc. and we can talk.

And if you're interested in reviewing other books, please drop me a line also.


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Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Vec dealt with this.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

It's okay to advertise posts here. And a joke advertisement is ok, as long as the topic doesn't get taken over by them.

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