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Posts: 308
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For those of You who like Ghost Whisperer the T.V. show, the link I'll be offering in this post, leads to another message board forum to be a member and regular poster at, for fans of the T.V. show Ghost Whisperer. So If you like that show, and/or the type of forums and discussion material there is at this Ghost Whisperer message board feel free to come by, post, and post very often to liven up the message board with as much posts and members as their could be. Feel free to add comments to this topic/thread, over this post, so that we may have a discussion going on here. Here's the Ghost Whisperer message board link:

P.S.: I didn't know that this was the only advertisement thread there is while I originally posted this at MF Central in this message board, due to not seeing this thread ahead of time. So I apologise.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest
For those of You who like Ghost Whisperer the T.V. show, the link I'll be offering in this post, leads to another message board forum to be a member and regular poster at, for fans of the T.V. show Ghost Whisperer. So If you like that show, and/or the type of forums and discussion material there is at this Ghost Whisperer message board feel free to come by, post, and post very often to liven up the message board with as much posts and members as their could be. Feel free to add comments to this topic/thread, over this post, so that we may have a discussion going on here. Here's the Ghost Whisperer message board link:

P.S.: I didn't know that this was the only advertisement thread there is while I originally posted this at MF Central in this message board, due to not seeing this thread ahead of time. So I apologise.

I'll check out the Ghost Whisperer message board... for you, man. I'm doing it just for you... just to make you happy.

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

Ok thanks, that's greatly appreciated.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

You're very welcome, Spawn!

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Featuring an allstar cast such as:
Gt the magikoopa
Acrio the fox
Rico the rabbit thing
Also starring Kiorein.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

what the hell, man

what am i, chopped liver

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

what the hell, man

what am i, chopped liver

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... chopped liver.

Posts: 713
Prominent Member

what the hell, man

what am i, chopped liver

I'm pretty sure you joined after he posted this

Posts: 1
New Member

Greetings, we are advertising a Sonic RPG forum that has potential and we just need members to help us now, hoping for a possible affiliation.

-SW Support Staff.

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

Here's the link for the message board called Tell No Tales: Which is basically a message board about Disney, Disney related things, Pirates, Pirate related things, random chat, and the paranormal.

Posts: 111
Estimable Member

Instead of going "OMG LOOK AT THIS!!!1@11111@1!!!" I'll just tell ya

Have you ever had a wish that seemed impossible? That will never come ture? Prepare to be wrogned

It granest the most difficult wish in just 8 days. . .AND IT'S FREE!

Posts: 464
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Posts: 1191
Noble Member

While your at it, you should click the link in my sig too. First 3 members get Admin and the 4th and 5th get Mod. Why? Because I'm a publicity whore.

Posts: 464
Reputable Member

I've started a new online Sonic fanclub called the "Chaos Emerald Club" that has Sonic games, Sonic chat, Sonic discussion, and an exclusive fic called "The Chaos Chronicles".

Posts: 257
Reputable Member

Could somebody PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE attempt a guess on my turn of the Name That Boss Reborn Topic over on the South Island Forum. I worked hard on making a challanging set of clues and it looks like no one has even had a look at it! Sorry if this sounds whinney, but hey, I'm a whinney kinda guy ^_0

Posts: 160
Estimable Member

Every body is invited to join the craziest forum ever. The forum's name... Legends Incarnate.
It is still a relatively new forum and there is only 92 members, I am member #9 with 1172 posts.
Here is a link to it

And we have resently converted to Zetaboard.

Enter at your own risk

Posts: 160
Estimable Member

Why nobody join?

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

Just be patient, Quantom. You already made an advertisement post, so there's no need to make another post asking if anyone did anything. If people are interested, they'll check it out. If not, then that's that.


Posts: 160
Estimable Member


Posts: 880
Member Admin

Many potential members will want to see the content on the forums before joining. It generally turns away people if they have to register first before they can even see anything.

Just a suggestion.

Posts: 160
Estimable Member

I know. I am going to try to get Atlas to lift that restriction.

Posts: 103
Estimable Member

CUSTOM MADE PLUSH ONLY $5 EACH! (plus shipping)

Posts: 103
Estimable Member

JOIN THIS FORUM: where you can trade video game collectables:

see you there, or see you in hell.

Posts: 103
Estimable Member

MY WHOLE collection for trade here:

Posts: 1
New Member

Long since the time when things that went bump in
the night were first discovered, when the battle between good and evil
started to rage.When things that were Supernatural were fought and beaten, the true
stories of two brothers and their struggles toward making the world
they live in safer are documented... even as the battle reached an epic

Create your own character and join the
brothers as they fight for good or explore your truly evil side.
Discover that things aren't always what they seem... and some things
are better off left alone...

Meet on Friday nights after Supernatural in the Devils Trap for chat.
(10 p.m. EST) Chat is open and available any other time as well!

Join us at The Lost Winchester
, a free form role play board based on the CW show
Supernatural. We aren't just a role play board, but a group of friends
who gather to discuss the show, cast and crew. So you don't have to be a role player to stop by and say 'Hi!'.

We offer forums such as
, a place for you to post your favorite recipes,
music and more.

Ever wonder what would have happened if John Winchester didn't
die? Or if John would have died instead of Mary, if Sam finished
school?? Explore the flip and possibly darker side of Supernatural in Parallel Hunting .

Come on over to Harvelle's
, have a cold drink, say Hi to Ellen or Jo and hang
out. You never know who might come through the door.

Posts: 160
Estimable Member

An awesome new forum that is for the Metal Gear series.

It is a new forum so not many members are there yet but the place has a lot of potential.

If you are a fan of Metal Gear, this is the site for you.

I am good friends with the admin and the mod. I am not a staff member yet myself, but I may be soon.


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