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Posts: 1656
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well i'm curious about this and sure you all are, and the best way to find out without having to say it if you dont want to is using the pole.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Wow there are some oldies here o.o I'm 21, 22 next month!

Posts: 1866
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I am 22. Just two months older than you, Pach.

Posts: 2234
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Posts: 1656
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no one has to tell their age if they dont want to its just so we'd know how many of us are over a certain age. also i'm getting depressed being the only 25 year old, there must be another fitting my age X___X

Posts: 1982
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'Tis me.

Posts: 149
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Twenny-Eights REPRESENT!

For all your lightgun shooting needs and some other insanity too.

Posts: 2116
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Thirty over here.

Posts: 1241
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24, but with the behaviour of a spoilt 8 year old. =D

Posts: 899
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To say I'm twenty-one on a Sonic forum and still be one of the younger ones feels so odd.

Posts: 5772
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Posts: 1986
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The Mofo... it's all grown up ;_;

Posts: 1866
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No you're not. You have to be older than me. There's no way that you're eighteen.

Posts: 1694
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24 as of April 12.

Hard to believe I was around 15 or 16 years old when I first joined.

Posts: 119
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15 when I joined. Banned for a week within my first six months. (The chat ban was broken at the time.)

23 now.

Time flies. 😮

Posts: 1982
Noble Member

Velotix Lexovetikan wrote:

15 when I joined. Banned for a week within my first six months. (The chat ban was broken at the time.)

23 now.

Time flies. 😮

I was 7 when I joined and I was perma-banned for being a repeat offender.

...I'm only here now because I behaved when I joined after they started up EliteBoard.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

I was 17 when I joined. It's been a while...

Posts: 1758
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15 when I joined. Banned for a week within my first six months. (The chat ban was broken at the time.)

23 now.

Time flies. :o

What the *&^% were you banned for?

Posts: 841
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I was 14 I think and THS tried to get me banned on my first day in chat. Fun times!

Posts: 217
Reputable Member

I was 15 when I first came here, now I'm 21. Also I'm pretty sure I got banned in the first week that I became a a member. I was trying to find entertainment by flaming and spamming forums because I had no life :(

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

I'm 23 now. I was 15 when I joined all those years ago...

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

I joined when I was... 15 I think?

I've never been banned, ever.

Get on my level.

Now outside the MoFo, I've been banned from many, many message boards! :/

Posts: 119
Estimable Member

IIRC, I called CJ a jerk.

Or something equally trivial. The MoFo was hardcore PG at the time, this was 2003 and all, before Facebook, Youtube, and almost before 4chan.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

14 when I joined. 22 now. Still act the exact same way though. Like a 13 year old.

Posts: 781
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14 when I joined, 21 now.

And it appears that my age is the most common one.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

13 when I joined, just turned 22. Holy mother of pearl, I've been here for almost ten years. o__o

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 2232
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24, and still sporting the beard and hair man.

Posts: 1656
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Topic starter

Shadowed Spirit Sage wrote: 13 when I joined, just turned 22. Holy mother of pearl, I've been here for almost ten years. o__o

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

waaaa XD how cute omg i wish i could've saw you then. i bet you were like a cartoon all cuddly.

omg! CRIMSON!!! you're back smiley: eek where have you been? now that you're here the forum is sexier smiley: roll waaaa and you're gorgeous with or without the beard dear. did you bring the awsome duo too? : ( i havent gotten another chance to talk to them.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Tweedledim and tweedledimmer havn't been back I think, they only dropped in to play with your mind =3

And I was only gone for like a week and a bit X3 I'm a busy man. This much sexitude takes careful preparation after all.

Posts: 874
Prominent Member

29 here.

Been here going on 9 years in 4 days.

Never been banned. Been warned, been scolded, never banned. This despite many debates/arguments/crapstorms with Ultra, Cycle, and a few others.

Posts: 528
Honorable Member

Wow. It's so funny how people in their late teens/early 20's are saying how they're like the youngest members on this forum.

I joined when I was seven.

I'm eleven now.

And if I hadn't made it brutally obvious, and you're not one of the people who I *DIRECTLY TOLD* this, I was previously known as LWSrocks/Quiksilver09.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

20 now; I was probably 13 when I joined. Wow.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

Socks is like our mascot now.

I'm a gnarled old man of 30. D:

joined at... what, 19 or so? I don't recall.

Wait... this is 2011. 2006 plus 5. Oh dear...

*looks down at hands*

It is time. I need to prepare.

~ToBe foronlyalittlelonger
