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Ask Bizarro

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Posts: 25
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Am Bizarro Bayfield here. Am think that regular Mobius Forum am not know too little about Bizarro MoFo. Am thinking me Bizarro should make things worse.

Am Bizarro will answer any question about Bizarro Universe. Am think it be very uneducating experience. Bring many tears to sad faces. Bad boredom for everyone.

Who am ask first question?

Posts: 1694
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What's my Bizarro counterpart like? What about Kayla's?

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How much metal am metal thrower throwing if metal thrower am not throwing metal?

Posts: 513
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I wonder what Bizarro Mewtamer would be like.

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Will you marry me?


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Am ashamed to see such slow responce! Am not expect to have answer these many questions so late!

Am get right away from point, then.

Sailor Unicron: In Bizarro world we do not have Sailors. Instead we have Bikers. Big men, leather jackets, nobody draws them naked, except Biker Immodesty, but he am have much problems, like that no one am love him. Biker Primus am the Bizarro version. He am actually a big planet with a leather jacket. Am not very much fun at parties. Me Bizarro am think he am in need of stress pill.

THS: In Bizarro MoFo metal throw you. No, wait. Am thinking of Soviet MoFo. Bizarro MoFo metal throwing am same as MoFo metal throwing. Am think if you want number, I pick holy number 666, which am the answer to all Bizarro MoFo prayers.

Mewtamer: Am not sorry to say that me Bizarro am most powerful person in all Bizarro MoFo (if someone more powerful, me Bizarro throw them out window and scream "EVERYTHING FINE!"), so am not able to know all people in Bizarro MoFo. Am think that MoFo Mewtamer am so popular that me not know Bizarro Mewtamer. When me Bizarro go home next, am sure to see and come back to answer.

Toby: Am also not sorry. Me Bizarro married Bizarro Rico Overmetal long ago. Am big on idea of bigomy, though... but Bizarro Rico am devout Christian and am not do anything which am sin. I not know why he am marry Bizarro Bayfield thinking this. Maybe Bizarro Bayfield am woman? Am not really check. Too lazy and powerful to use time checking.

Hope this am unhelpful and make you all sad.

Hello until next time!

Posts: 1827
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Are the recent Sonic games good in Bizarro world?

And now the question is: Will I understand the answer?

Posts: 1694
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Bizarro Bayfield wrote:
Sailor Unicron: In Bizarro world we do not have Sailors. Instead we have Bikers. Big men, leather jackets, nobody draws them naked, except Biker Immodesty, but he am have much problems, like that no one am love him. Biker Primus am the Bizarro version. He am actually a big planet with a leather jacket. Am not very much fun at parties. Me Bizarro am think he am in need of stress pill.

Oh, slag. My Minicon muses are acting up now...

Posts: 25
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Sonic games in MoFo world am become very awful. Suprises Bizarro Bayfield very much. Am think nothing in series could top Shadow the Hedgheog, which am most beloved game in francihse. But am sad to report that Sonic LAST was even better! No load times and beautiful plot am make it the most perfect game in all worlds. Tops all lists and wins awards, which am first time non Phoenix Games entry am ever win.

New games am coming soon. One am Sonic Captured which am make everyone sad from publicity images and videos. Am thinking it am not be good, but we am also think that Sonic LAST was not be good as it am look like horrible old games which no one am play or like. But it am masterpiece. Am hope that it terrible for all Bizarro MoFo to hate.

Posts: 4336
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How do people treat Bizarro Ultra?

Posts: 955
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What kind of fruits typically grow on Bizarro trees? ^^ And are there any Purple Trees there? **pounce** Tell me what bizarro me is like! And how many clowns they can cram into Chevys there.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 4607
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While you're at it, why aren't you and Bizarro!Sage married like Real!Craig and Real!Sage are?

Posts: 2
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Cyan Bizzaro am happy to see Bayfield am still making such lousy topics, it am distract from Cyan Bizzaro's awesome sense of humour and greatness. It am make Cyan Bizzaro so happy me am go rub lotion on me am arms.

Posts: 25
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Am annoyed to see thread with this much replies. Am have to work at speed of Bizarro Vector to get all work done.

Ultra: Bizarro Ultra am treated with much respect and dignity. Him am very beloved and am certain to make all out-jokes live long and prosper when he am use them. Me am like Bizarro Ultra very very much. Him wanted to be Bizarro Bayfield's son but me am say no.

Sage: Bizarro trees am not grow fruit. Am grow vegetable. Carrot tree am Bizarro's favorite. Make him see in the light if he not eat too many. But spinach tree am by far most loved, with brocolli come a close second. Beet tree am purple. Beet tree am also have killer tofu, so not many people am go near them. All run and scream "oo-ee-oooo" while flailing their legs. Bizarro Sage am a very scary lady. Am like to catch Bizarro Bayfield and make him feel bad. Am not like her very much... am very mean ;.; ...and am not understanding much of MoFo world, but am shocked to find that "clowns" are fun party creature in this world. Bizarro clowns are what MoFo world call "Zombies".

Shadow Hog: She am never ask. Even if she am ugliest person Bizarro Bayfield am ever see (this good in Bizarro world. She am repluse everyone, people all jealous)... she am mean to Bizarro Bayfield. In MoFo World mean people mean I love you, but am mean... like Harley and MoFo Bayfield, but in Bizarro world mean is mean. Am not sure why Bizarro world am mean that mean am mean. Think it should be other way around.

Hope that am help confuse you all! Until next time!

Posts: 3756
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0o *eyes fall out with all the meanings of mean*

Posts: 2354
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Do I have a Bizarro counterpart and if so, what does he/she/it do for you?

Do you like our dimension best?

Posts: 3756
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Relevant Questions:

* Jerry: Yeah. Like Bizarro Superman. Superman's exact opposite, who lives in the backwards bizarro world. Up is down, down is up. He says "Hello" when he leaves, "Good bye" when he arrives.
* Elaine: Shouldn't he say "bad bye"?
* Jerry: No, it's still goodbye.
* Elaine: Does he live underwater?
* Jerry: No.
* Elaine: Is he black?
* Jerry: Look, just forget the whole thing, all right.

Posts: 4607
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Right, here's a mind-bender.

...what other Bayfield spinoffs exist in Bizarro world? Bizarro Stressed Bayfield? Bizarro Beyfeild? Bizarro Biker Bayfield? Bizarro Bizarro Bayfield?

Posts: 2016
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How many licks does it take to get to the Bizarro Tootsie Roll center of a Bizarro Tootsie Pop?

Posts: 1694
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What is the meaning of 42 in Bizzaro world?

Posts: 25
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Am back to make less sense from your questions! Am have much boredom writing this. Hope you am hate it too! Let us end right away!

DoN: Am very lazy man. Keep saying this. No time to know all people in Bizarro MoFo. But I am hate this dimension worst. It am have McDonald under dollar menu, which am delicious nutritious food for price we no have in Bizarro world. Am deeply saddened each day to think of such bad offer and how it am effect me every day. Oh and Sonic am popular in west here, instead of east. This am always bad thing.

Turtle Guy: Am actually common mistake non-Bizarro make. Am love it so much when they say "opposite" my face am turn red, which am quite something. Bizarro #1 am imperfect copy of Superman and Bizarro World am imperfect copy of Earth Prime. Not opposite. Just sane and logical. Just same as SPA am sane and logical of Mobius Forum.

Shadow Hog: Ah. Bizarro alternates am a touchy subject... but me am fight for lies and slander, so will persist. Mellow Bayfield am a boring hippy with long long hair and am always make peace signs and post in most mellow place in forum, Marble Zone, he am always get on Bizarro's case about throwing people through windows. Am think I may have to kill him. I did kill Beyfeild. I threw him out of a window. He was broken robot, am always roll around and say "You, my good sirs, are the authorities." and am always make us feel uncomfortable. That am no good, so we am break him. Biker Bayfield am work in the biker bar and am sometimes do detective work. Am very odd, am not sure why Biker Bayfield and Sailor Bayfield am similar. It am question for ages. As for Bizarro Bizarro Bayfield, that am your Craig Bayfield.

Spiner: Under eight thousand. But in Bizarro world we am suck, not lick tootsie pop.

Unicorn: It am what Vegeta's scouter am say about his power level.... that am a serious statement. Actually it am the meaning of death. When people am at end of their pole and am ready to go down to the great desert in the sands, we am sometimes yell Tomato Soup! but in most case, it am 42. Which no one am quite sure why. Am think it because of song, how many roads must a man run down before you can say he am dead. Bizarro songs am weird.

Posts: 4336
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How did Marvel/DC comic events like "Civil War", "World War Hulk", "Infinite Crisis", and "52" pan out?

Posts: 1986
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Are all of your base belong to us?

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Can one simply walk into mordor?

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Can punk rock stop the metal?

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What would you do for a Klondike Bar?

Posts: 2354
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Did the London Bridge fell down? (you know, like in the nursery rhyme)

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