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At least IMAGES sti...
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At least IMAGES still work for everybody

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I bet Superman was playing Halo!

Posts: 489
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I bet he was playing online.

Posts: 5772
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Wait a tic... Superman can't breathe in space.

Shenanigans! SHENANIGANS!!

Posts: 3756
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lol @ Halo being played on a N64.

Seriously, look at it.

Also, @ PSX. I'm pretty sure he can hold his breath and survive in space. He does it in a few movies. I doubt he could speak in space, though.



*pistol-whips PSX*

Posts: 2417
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But Psx! Batman can do it!!

Posts: 263
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Psh, TTG, that's obviously a Playtendo 6X. DUUUUH. Look at the controllers. Also... is Superman high? Cos those are some super munchies.

Posts: 1866
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Ok, who got ahold of a chibi ray?

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Thank you for your vote. The results of the poll will be revealed once the poll has closed.

Voting time remaining: 363 days 21 hours 56 minutes.


Posts: 1866
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It's a year long poll?

Posts: 3756
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We ought to dig it up out of CJ's stomach August 2009 to see who won. =D

Posts: 1044
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Howabout we just keep it a movin' until the year is up! Come one if we all work together I know we can pull it off!

Posts: 1866
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No we can't. We're to ADD for that.

Posts: 1127
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I disagree.

Posts: 1044
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We must it's our only hope! If we wait we'll forget! Likeyou said we're too ADD for that!

Posts: 1866
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The I propose this: Someone should bookmark this thread and then come back to it in a year. Then post a new thread with the results. Otherwise, we'll never find out. But it has to be someone who will remember. Toby. You say you wouldn't forget?

Posts: 1044
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Damn I think you and your genius are on to something Ramza!

Posts: 1866
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Um... thanks?

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Posts: 1982
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Goshdarn Batman is what had me lolling. Any canonical parody of Frank Miller is good in my book.

Posts: 263
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I think it's kinda odd that Robin's uncomfortable, I've always thought he was a loli .

Posts: 1982
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Well, since he's male, the correct term would be "shota".

Posts: 917
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What did I tell you two about making up words?

Posts: 263
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Oh, didn't mean he was a shota, meant he was a loli.... liker? Thats a lolicon I think. Whatever. For some reason I'm thinking of Rishi... them avatars of his...

Also, Soma's into that too

Posts: 1982
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I found that Batmobile thing more hilarious than I probably should have.

Posts: 4885
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Soma is a manly man and would eat your soul, BOY. He's effing DRACULA. You don't mess with that. No one messes with that. He has bullet souls he can shove right up your butt. He's best friends with The Grim Reaper.

Michael Jackson just wishes he looked like Soma. Which is why he turned white and flat faced. But he'll never be anime. NEVER.


...oh and Frank Miller is a self-parody.

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

I had a comment for all of this, but now it just seems kind of childish.

Posts: 263
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I dunno Craig... why do Soma's homunculi look like little children?

Could you believe there are T-shirts of this thing? Who would wear it? I don't even know which smiley to use for this...
