Here's a poll for ya.
We have timed polls now?
I shall have crossfire soup.
19 days left on the vote? Man, screw that.
OMG, I remember seeing commercials for that game. I forget how they went, but I remember them.
we need to keep this thing up for 19 days...I wanna see the results xx;;
I do not plan to join forces with you, but if I get pulled into the battle, I doubt I will fall so easily.
Voting time remaining: 19 days 5 hours 28 minutes.
Câ–ºCâ–º(A)(A) Câ–¼Câ–¼
My friend has a copy of that game!
crossfire, not zelda, that is
I AM THE A.W.E.S.O.M.-O 4000
This poll kicks ass!
When it comes down to it, you may not have the time to choose when the offer comes around. So,plan ahead and choose wisely.
lmao I've seen that video @ Princess Peach's avatar