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cant believe it >...
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cant believe it >_

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Posts: 1656
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i cant believe this actually happened, but people we have a crisis.........


light the sky, we need more spams in the SPA thread.
i used to count on at least the SPA to have some life in it!!! the mofo is in need of you!

Edit: why no one told me i missed an eye on the title 😛  

Edit2: oh man! i forgot to add the eye the first time i edited X___X so that's why i'm gonna edit this again.

Edit3:..... what? why didnt the edited eye show >__< in the title???

Posts: 1191
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Sounds like a job for a Spam Agent like myself, let's get spamming!

Posts: 1866
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Pistachio pudding?

Posts: 5772
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Sounds like a job for a Spam Agent like myself, let's get spamming!

Why does that sound...



YES. I love me some Jet Set Radio!


Posts: 1656
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wow psx you just made 3 jokes, 3 COOL jokes!  you deserve a ...


and one of these  
i cant believe a jet set radio fan like me didnt notice this sooner about swanson's avatar XD such a discovery! swanson make your avatar's hair bounce like the dude in jet set radio, that would make you the guy with the best avatar here for sure.

Posts: 1191
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I would...but I don't wish to sully the already perfect picture of the Doctor 1.0.

Posts: 1866
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It is an incorruptible thing that should be shown respect.

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did you ask him? i bet the real doctor wont mind, he'd want to be hip and with it.

Posts: 1866
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He IS hip and with it, Sonicsfan.

Posts: 1656
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waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  i edited my first post 3 times... why isnt the missing eye in the title work  i wanted to make this face >__<   but its not fixing it.
some one edit fix it for me, it feels weird with one eye

Posts: 1191
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Sonicsfan is starting to give Lucille Ball a run for her money with all this whining.

Posts: 1866
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Wine tastes good, though. *sips from a glass filled with motor oil and dies*

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

D'you want a little cheese with that whine?

No, really, it makes it taste better.

Posts: 1866
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Posts: 1656
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whine tastes better with salty stuff since ... you know it usually ends in tears 😛 

Posts: 1055
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waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  i edited my first post 3 times... why isnt the missing eye in the title work  i wanted to make this face >__<   but its not fixing it.
some one edit fix it for me, it feels weird with one eye

The face is broken because of the forum's protection from code execution, I'd like to think. Though this is Yuku, so it may just be broken.

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

With Yuku, I'd go with the latter.

Yuku's only slightly more stable than EzBarf.

Posts: 1055
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Indeed. In fact, I seriously MISS Cheezybread. 

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

Me too.

For all the issues EzBarf had, the user account area was a lot more user friendly.

Posts: 1055
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Yeah, everything is just so confusing now. D:

Posts: 1866
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Posts: 1656
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Indeed. In fact, I seriously MISS Cheezybread. 

i'm so jealous of your conversation, i always here members talk about how much they miss ezboard ... i dont know what made it better than this -__- but maybe its better i dont so i dont miss it like everyoen else.

and ramza <places cookies in a trail leading to a construction site> XD


Posts: 1866
Noble Member

*follows the cookie trail until it dead ends under a conveniently placed boulder.
