Curse Steebay`s demented mind for making that...
On-topic: I wish QOTWs didn't need to be so short, this deserves to be remembered for at least a while. XD
Seriously, like some sort of way to preserve this Crowning Moment of Funny in MoFo history...
leave steebay's magnificent brain out of this
It's demented!
DEMENTED I tell you!
Wait, why is my smiley Stee's poo-pile? I smell dastardly deeds in this feces!
I bet someone on staff made a filter...
I filter so dastardly bastradly that the very world may implode!
*dresses up as a marriage counselor*
I think I can fix this... for a fee
You think I have the money to just throw around on things like this? How dare you! Taking advantage of a helpless server? I oughtta BAN your hide ;___; Nothing you say can save me now. NOTHING.
~Shadowed Spirit Sage
Dude, cheesecake is one of the greatest desserts ever. I commend you, good sir, for allowing me to dwell on such thoughts.
~Shadowed Spirit Sage
what is this
Some days after coming home from school at 10AM I'd sit and wait until 6 PM quietly