*SLAPS Jaffa*
Ok, don't listen to him. You read the rules which are at the top of the forum, marked (READ) and notice that there IS a specific rule for smillie abuse.
Meanwhile, Jaf, "don't do unless a mod does" sounds really bitter, what is you alluding to?
*Kicks HSW*
I had the weirdest dream last night. It was my birthday, and my dad gave me a really crap car. I mean, crap. I was trying to drive it, and I think I was drunk, and the car didn't help, and I stopped in front of a bin, and I think I drove it through a hedge and into a big field.
Anyway, there were these weird people, and one of them looked like my mum, only older and uglier, and she turned mice and 20p coins into policemen.
And I was in that field, and somehow I wound up flying a plane, and it turned from a kite into a biplane into a jet.
And after that, I wound up in hospital, and doctors were taking my blood pressure. And a crap doctor kept accidentally setting off the alarm button and I was scared that I'd be really ill and nobody would come.
And I got up and walked around, and I was told off for it, and there were other people in the beds, and I was in the children's ward. And I nearly walked out of the hospital.
And all the time, these policemen and KGB guys kept asking me questions, and I was trying to explain to them why the blue blobs that had parachuted out of the sky didn't have parachutes because they'd disappeared.
Actually, I've been playing that game recently...
And there was my dad, only he was shorter. And he admitted that the car he gave me was crap. And then it struck midnight while I was having my blood pressure taken, and all the policemen turned into mice and 20p coins again.
And it all felt so real.
Now that's a weird dream.
**killed all smiley abuse she noticed**
Also, HSW, if you're going to keep doing that "table" thing, you need to keep the width of the table at 575. I editted it to be 570 though. **hates seeing the horizontal scroll bar** ;p
Don't make me get evil now. 😉
**goes to get ready for school**
The table's still all stretchy....oo;;
Somebody do something about that Sailor Omega. I hate the scroll bar.
Sailor Omega?!
OHNOS! That poor newbie got swallowed by Sailorness Virus almost instantly after joining, the conainment of the virus has failed, Sega City is doomed!
...oh, no, wait, it's still Saber Omega.
Was worried for a second, there.
Well, what were you expecting, Sailor [meat]y[you're this now dog]?
![]() *Kicks HSW* In English: Why kick me? Omega's platoon of smilies caused far more lag than my 7 smilies and 2 marquees{3 if you count the one used in the overlap to cause the big smiley to continously bump into the 3 medium ones} could have. On my computer, at least. I wouldn't have posted it if I thought it was lag-inducing. -.- |
what is you alluding to?
Well, they're certaintly kind mods/admins, but they sure are damn strict.
NOt that I'm saying that them banning me was tight (I'm not -_-), but I'm saying I've never seen a forum as strict as this...
And I'm NOT saying it's bad! They keep order and I praise that, but... PLease don't attack me... nn;;;
![]() but I'm saying I've never seen a forum as strict as this... By meaner, I'm talking about insulting you when telling you off for something and you can't talk back or you'll get punished even more, your avvies/sigs/titles being changed to embaressing things, etc. |
sorry everyone.......my smiley abuse didn't stretch the tables on my computer....so i didn't notice. honest.
By meaner, I'm talking about insulting you when telling you off for something and you can't talk back or you'll get punished even more, your avvies/sigs/titles being changed to embaressing things, etc.
I mean on GOOD forums 😛
Like I clearly stated, I like you guys being strict! Sometimes >>
Ever have one of those days where you are driving over to a class, but along the way (too far in to go back) you realize you forgot the textbook, and even further in you realize you also forgot your driver's license?
...yeah. I'm having one of those days. Getting back shouldn't be too hard, but if I get into an accident, I can kiss transportation (and consequently, the class, a job, my internship, etc.) goodbye.
Well, SH... No, I haven't had one of those days... Poor you...
I threw my brother-in-law's glasses away and now my entire paycheck is going to him.
How's that? o.o
I've had one of those months where everything stops working one thing after another.
The central heating boiler started burning.
My Dreamcast died.
My PC monitor goes bang.
The monitors in my Sega Mega-Tech start failing.
The red warning triangle appears on the car (Engine fault).
A flat car tyre (puncture).
Sky digital LNB fails.
DVD player died.
The TV is making funny noises.
Oh joy. Most annoying is the Sega Mega-Tech. How the hell am i going to get 2 monitors for a sixteen year old arcade machine?
(If you know were i can get two Hantarex MTC-9000, 10 inch and 20 inch monitors in the UK please tell me)
1) Marquees are notorious for causing lag, especially when there are multiple ones combined. That's why GT was told to knock it off a bit with the marquees at one point and the main reason I never even attempt to view that marquee topic on the EliteBoard, unless I'm actually on a high-speed connection (which I don't have at home).
2) When anyone goes nutsy I notice it due to my sucky connection at home and therefore I don't like it being made worse.
3) When you see someone doing something wrong and decide to imitate it, you won't get off just because it appears to not be as bad to some people. Don't encourage bad behavior. ;p
My Dreamcast died.
every time the dreamcast race comes a step closer towards extinction baby jesus sheds a tear and causes something crazy and vengeful to happen. fact.
Let it be known, Visitor parking at UMCP is Hell.
I mean, I was informed $42 would save me from paying $4 a day for 30 days ($120 for the math-impaired). Sounds good, right? Well, it is, but you can't get it if you're not a student. And I'm not. Well, that sucks, so I decide to head to my usual parking lot (the $4 a day one)... and it has a traffic cone in it. It doesn't help that the area that I was up at prior has fire trucks and police cars and ambulances galore (the Physics building had some kind of chemical spill or somethin').
So, I find a permit-only parking spot and sit there while I try to call my mother for a little "WTF do I do now?" one-on-one. And I do. For a very short time, since the signal goes to the crapper. Calling back doesn't help any.
So, very tempted to just leave, I roll around campus very confused and infuriated, looking for more parking spaces. No dice; pretty much the only parking is at the stadiums, and I'm not into sports (that and I don't know the rates or anything like that). It's only when I'm already 4 minutes late that the parking lot I had been at FINALLY has the traffic cone removed.
The conclusion? We need an angst topic.
The conclusion? We need an angst topic.
.... you need a hug, Shadow Hog.
**gives you a trademark Cari-hug (or for those who are less familiar with my character, a Spirit Sage hug)**
~Shadowed Spirit Sage
I'll get the Linkin Park albums, you grab some black make-up and razor blades. Meet me in the graveyard at midnight.
I'm down with that.
UNREQUITED LOVE *slits wrists* 😛
*puts in a Linkin Park album and cranks it up to max*
I'll get the Linkin Park albums, you grab some black make-up and razor blades.
Linking Park aren't a gothic band though. o.o
No, these Linkin Park are a whingey and moaney lot. They made a song which became a symbol.
Linkin Park are an angst band, plain and simple, across the net (especially YTMND) the song "Crawling" is held as the epitome of whinging teen angsters who think that being "dumped" (or rejected) by someone who doesn't even know your name is the end of the world, despite their collective interest in said person radiates around their physical appearance or one or two minor details which are irrelevant ^_^
yoha dudes, anyone else notice the new theme looks like a kaleidoscopic ku klux klan gathering?
just me?
also, I resent that craig, I am neither angsty or a goth and I listen to linkin park.
also crawling is a good song
I listen to Linkin Park and... Damn it. Craig, yes, you ARE right. I should REALLY stop wearing black. >>
Wearing black and being obscenely perky happy and loving and yay is easy.
Wearing black and being obscenely perky happy and loving and yay is easy.
I'm slightly yay and happy, yet I still wear black, come to think of it. But then again, I'm pretty violent sometimes. >>
well, it's difficult to wear black and be obscenely happy in a heatwave
s'why I wear blue and try to be halfway happy
Blue is the best color to wear. Because Sonic is blue. o.o
And Craig is right, Linkin Park are aaaaaaaangsty all the way. o.o Though I do listen to their music occasionally.. kinda reminds me of Shadow 😛
I never noticed how angst the music I listen to is... >>
Meh, it'll do.
Offtopic: Forgive me for being so random but, BFFG, your sig matches the rhythm of the X-files theme.
Ontopic: Angsty or not, Linkin Park is a pretty good band. My favorite song is "Breaking the Habit." I love the drumming in the background.
You call this closed, Cooki?
That's what I thought the big K was for! O__________O
Damn, I love this layout, but it confused me. xx;;
Make me, HSW. o.o
*squeaks* >>; *hides*
Come out. I won't hurt you. o.o
*holds out some food for HSW*
I think it's just that he hates being poked.
Oh. Well, forgive me, HSW.
*holds out a wreath of reconciliation out as well as some food*
No, that won't get him out... The only thing I that will!
HSW... I'll give you a free left-hook to my face if you come out...
SH is on da monay.
I don't kneed a free punch to hit you, you know that. >_>
I'm not coming out regardless :O
Awwwww. I'm sowwy. ;_;
Now get out before I throw a smoke bomb. o.o
No fair T.T
*thinks of other pointless things to say to reach 200th post*
Hey, peeps.
How do you know the difference between loving and fancying someone? I know it's not a multiple choice question... But I still wanna know what you guys think is. I'm kinda in a limbo, not know what I like or love at the moment.
You know what I think?
...I think Alan Wake looks like Barney Calhoun.