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Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

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Posts: 1367
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Real? What is this... real?

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There you have it. :p

Posts: 2354
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Here's a clue: Real is not made-up. :p

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Well, someone wants to play. o.o

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*giggles* youre making me horny

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*giggles* youre making me horny

*Suddenly thinks: SAILOR NUDITY*

Posts: 4885
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Don't summon her... without my restraints, I'm powerless against her. Remember what happened the last time she smiled and winked at the lackey?! SAILOR UPRISING!

I don't want to be a part of that again. Please, either keep her hidden or pin me down so I cannot betray the forum!

Posts: 512
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Sorry Craig, but it is a bit too late!

Sailor Nudity was present in the chat room last night, so begins the next phase of the sailorness.

*Hums Captain Pugwash theme*

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*pokes Sailor Nudity*

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Sailor Nudity is now just a generic product of torture for people who can't handle nudity.

And stuff.

Posts: 622
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Oh jeeze.

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"And stuff"?

What...."stuff"? o_o;;

Posts: 2354
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You know stuff, Cooki. It now comes on a can.

Posts: 763
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They are a mixture of the COBRA unit (from MGS3) and the Sailor Scouts (obviously)

They say fire beats fire... So... To be safe.


Posts: 4885
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Ok, my eyes, I'm ripping them out and selling them on Ebay, you've burned my retinas *Stumbles around, now blind*

Posts: 1269
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I know how to get people horny...

*releases Live Nude Robotnik*

Ha! Beat that for scum-full-ness!!

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member You're right. You DO know how to make people horny! Take me now, you beast of a woman!

*Sarcasm detectors across the land explode*

Posts: 1269
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*places a sarcasm detector in Craig's head. Both explode*

Die, sucker! DIE! DIE!

*loses it gracefully*

Posts: 4885
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I love it when you play rough with me, babe ;)

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I'm almost tempted to do something uncalled for just to get Harley off Craig's business, though it would seem he's handling it okay as it is...

Posts: 1269
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I've still got that sprite picture where I stab you in the back with Eon's sword, you know. I could post it at any moment.

Posts: 4885
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OHNOS! Anything but that, Harley! You know how much fear and terror I suffer whenever you polish your ego by shining out another one of your random killing comics, I can't bear the thought of you thinking anyone cares about them!


hehe, ok, I'll stop being mean. Let's kiss and make up ;)

Posts: 1269
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Weeeell... Okay, lets.

*Kisses Craig on the cheek and gives him a hug*

There, we've made up, and I'm not temporarily poisonous either.

Posts: 4885
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*Hugs back* It's over!

*Runs to the window* IT'S OVER! IT'S OVER! *Dances a little jig* YEEES! No longer shall Lackey and Sex/Corruption-Spreader be bickering constantly! A NEW AGE HAS BEGUN ON CYBERTRON

UNTIL ALL ARE ONE!!! (How does that work out anywa... ARGH! MY BRAIN!)


Same time tomorrow, Harl?

Posts: 1367
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lol u guys are funny

Posts: 527
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They make a cute couple. =)

Posts: 1367
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OMG they do. Let's get the cake.

Posts: 527
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Hmm, a wedding already? Seems like we're getting ahead of ourselves.

It could work with a little luck, maybe.

Posts: 4885
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I will never wed. Unless it is to the one I truly love, and even then, it'll be a cold feet'y wedding because the idea of all the other women would draw me away <3 <3

I'm male scum. Leave me be!

Posts: 1367
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Don't make me sic Sailor Nudity on you, Craig. o.-

Posts: 4885
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My heart says no, but my hips cry proceed! :p

Posts: 622
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Wes, I was drawn to the link on your sig that says: Foxy Grandpa and decided to click on it.
Turns out to be a good little site.

Posts: 1367
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Thank you. =O It's my pretty little interportal that hasn't had a real update in forever.

Posts: 527
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I will never wed. Unless it is to the one I truly love, and even then, it'll be a cold feet'y wedding because the idea of all the other women would draw me away <3 <3

Oh, I'm sure Harley will be disappointed when she hears the news. ;)

Posts: 622
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@ Shin!!!

Oh- you're welcome, Wes.

Posts: 763
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I'm planning of marrying Cameron Diaz sometime... Or anyone with a lot of money with good looks. o.o

Posts: 1269
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I heard that, Shin. I hear all! I always hear when someone says something about me.

What's there to be disappointed about? I am the one Craig truely loves. Thusly he must marry me.

Posts: 4885
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I see a sitcom brewing!

I shall call it THE LOVE TRIANGLE! it shall involve much sarcasm and innuendo and have David Schwimmer as the neurotic neighbour, because alliteration kicks arse.

Posts: 763
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And Samuel L Jackson for being Craig's Granpa (even though he's black o.o)! I can be the random annoying guy who eat's all the food in the apartment! And I could have a random pet monkey! Oh wait.. David Schwimmer already has one...

Posts: 527
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By the way, Harley. My comment was sarcasm, hence the winking emoticon. You really aren't good at picking up that up. ^.~

I'm going to love this show, it hasn't even aired yet but the sarcasm has already begun!

Posts: 1367
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I'm planning of marrying Cameron Diaz sometime... Or anyone with a lot of money with good looks. o.o


Posts: 622
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Yay! A sitcom!!
I shall be the Grandma who spanks everyone with a spanner!!!

Posts: 1367
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omg u can spank me 😉

Posts: 622
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*spanks wes very, VERY hard*

Hope that was enough!

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Posts: 4885
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Well MoFo isn't a word, it's a curse shorted from the words Mother and *ahem*

Jin was the first to coin the phrase and it STUCK.

Posts: 1367
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*spanks wes very, VERY hard*

Hope that was enough!

It was. 😀

Posts: 1355
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It was.

*rolls eyes*

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