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Darth Vader's OFFIC...
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Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

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Posts: 4607
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I once had an idea where you would play as Pikachu and had to summon other Pokmon (through the usage of Pokballs, naturally) to help you with various elemental-based puzzles on an adventure to help you save Ash (the trainer, not the SoR3 gay guy).

Of course, I was in 6th grade at the time (to illustrate how young I was, the DC had just come out, the FIRST Smash Bros. was all the rage, the GBC was in its prime (IMO), and, cripes, I'm going on into my Senior year of High School, so it's got to have been at LEAST 5-6 years...). But the idea has SOME merit, with a little reworking and a minor miracle.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

You just made me feel unbareably old!

I was at the deep end of secondary school when Pokmon came out, let alone Smash Bros.

*Whimpers and pulls out cane*

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*shoots Ash and castrates him so he cannot give birth to a game involving himself even in death*

Posts: 4607
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Yeah, he'd have to be nixed in the "reworking and minor miracle". I liked him THEN, but I can't stand him now.

Then again, we could just have the animals claim "we have to save Ash!", and at the end, have him hide behind a door so we can't see him, and when it opens... BAM SoR3 Ash. So technically it's still Ash, it's just a better Ash.

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*out of nowhere*

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Surfing is overrated.


(forum crashes)

...oops. :nn;

Posts: 763
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Surfing is overrated.

Ultra-sonic is foolish

Posts: 4607
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Surfing is overrated.

Ultra-sonic is foolish

This sentence lacks punctuation

Posts: 763
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Surfing is overrated.


Ultra-sonic is foolish

This sentence lacks punctuation

The Mofo lacks activity

Posts: 4336
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Is that a bad thing? Or is it a good thing? Neutral? Tell me what you think.

Posts: 1269
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Quoting quotes is really silly.

Posts: 763
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Quoting quotes is really silly.

Posting in nearly all the topics on the page is really silly

Posts: 4885
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Posts: 763
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I said posting last in the topics, Craig >>

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(stares at Craig's picture)

Crafty person, this 'Unknown'...

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I own you all. :p

Posts: 4336
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You shall never own me! NEVER!


(looks up definition of 'owned) :read

See 'pwned'...


See 'owned'?



Posts: 1619
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Topic starter

You posted in this topic.

Therefore, I own and pwn you. >:P

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Does that mean you own yourself? If so, then you're your own slave AND taskmaster. How's that for your conscience? :p

EDIT: Weird coincidence, but...


Ultra Sonic 007
Because I Said So
Posts: Sex is more fun alone

I don't know whether to be confused or disturbed...O.o;

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

** sends a letter to Ultra **

** Ultra picks the letter and opens **

Congratulations on discovering the scootered posts in the SPA, now featuring Koogle. Although others have found it about before you have, allow me to tell you how it began.

During the occasional theme switch, an evil thought came to an administrator and decided to create an Illegal Operation Performed theme to honor those mistakes that are rare in this modern age.

Alas, the forumers could not take the theme any longer (specially HSW who had a particular hatred for anything white [feel free to correct me, HSW :p ]). However, the same forumers wanted to keep these scootered posts for many reasons: to scare newcomers, to surprise others like yourself, and to overall cause chaos.

You will notice that ONLY two forumers have stable phrases in this forum: Harley Hyena and Craig Bayfield. Everyone else has a random post message everytime he/she posts in the SPA.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact the Emerald Visitors Center. Thank you for your time.

Sincerely yours,

Dreamer of Nights.

Ultra Sonic 007
Because I Said So
Posts: PiE!


Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Since when did you become an accountant Dreamer?

(tears up message and feeds it to a fireplace)

Here's what I think about the craziness: :razz & :0o & :lol

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*throws Ultra out*

When we allow nudies in here, I'll let you know. *slams door*

Posts: 4336
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Um...I'm not nude.

(forces door open and walks back in)

Posts: 0
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You will be when I'm done with you... *purrs in Ultra's ear*

Because I purr when I get nervous and imagining everyone in their underwear isn't helping me fix it anymore. =

Posts: 4336
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Um, my persona happens to wear a tuxedo (at least, until he 'officially' returns to the MoFo in an RP...). Also, your purring reeks.

Cats purr better. ^.^

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Why can't you just be the better man and strip down to your underwear?

Posts: 4336
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Tell that to James Bond. (Especially the Sean Connery version. He could kick your butt ten ways to next Wednesday)

Posts: 0
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I'm sure James Bond would be polite and charitable enough to ablidge my disorder you insensitive monster!

Posts: 4336
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He's too busy going after @#%$ Galore to hear you. 😛

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You swore.

Posts: 4336
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Not my fault it was her actual name.

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Do you wanna go out Saturday?

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Ratty the Hand-Puppet: Oh SNAAAAYYYY-AAAAP.

Posts: 0
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Does Ratty?

Posts: 4336
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Ratty the Hand-Puppet: Sho thing'. But you'd better get my bill ready. I don't work for cheap, and if you ain't willin' to pay, well you can just suck it!

He' a bit of an anger management problem. :0o

Posts: 0
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Your cloth covered hand intrigues me.

Posts: 4336
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Um...he's not on my hand. He'd devour it. :|

Ratty the Hand-Puppet: You bet two craps I would! How would you like having a hand stuck up your bum?

Posts: 763
Prominent Member

Ahhhh... Isn't it cute? Ultra has found a mate!

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member


I thought you were of higher class, than to mate with these ruffians!

*Runs off crying*

Posts: 763
Prominent Member

Craig! Come back!
*runs after him*
IF YOU STOP... I'll give you PORNO! >>;;; *a sniper shoots Jaffa down*

Posts: 4336
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Ratty the Hand-Puppet: (stares at Jaffa's corpse) Oh snaaaay-aaaap.

(blinks) Ow. And FYI Jaffa, he AIN'T MY MATE.

Ratty the Hand-Puppet: Besides, your stupid genes would utterly suckify my genes, you nerd.


Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Ah, yes, the MoFo is truly the place where people meet, fall in love, and meet their first internett paedophile.

*glares at Jaffa*

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Ratty the Hand-Puppet: Oh snaaay-aaap. An actual girl. And one who's pretty!

Uh oh. Hyena, RUN.

Ratty the Hand-Puppet: (jumps on and merges with Hyena's hand) Now this is one hand I don't mind. :] Eat that, you suckas! :razz

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

It's time I changed that signature to be more confusing.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Conky the ventruiloquists dummy would take on Ratty any day.

Well, if Julian hadn't have shot him in the head for saying that he looked like Patrick Swaizey who was so damn hot in Ghost.


Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Ratty the Hand-Puppet: Confuse me all you want. Let's just go ahead and do the (insert inappropriate sexual euphamism here).

(slaps head with hand) This can't be happening... :annoyed

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Ah, here we are...

Harley, the Gender Neutral hyenaholic

(and now species neutral too, if it works out...)

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Okay. Something more confusing:

"Borc 60 / sacrup iono Fsale tanetlying six Men dard pnit thone 30/30."

A little late, but you must admit, it fits the need.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Ratty the Hand-Puppet: SH, you'd best lay off the kool-aid, cause you're looking like a foo'. Snaaaay-aaap. he's bad-mouthing a mod...

Ratty the Hand-Puppet: (looks back at Harley) Honey, mind moving your fingers a bit to the right? :]

(slaps head again) :annoyed

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