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Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

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*puts Craig over his knee*

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I have been thoroughly violated :(

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Ratty the Hand-Puppet: Maybe you should live the life of a hand-puppet. THEN you'll know violation. Snaaay-aaaap. (snuggles onto Cookie) Don't mind violation by cuties though! :]



Ultra Sonic 007
Because I Said So

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Awwwwww. ^^

*snuggles right back onto the hand puppet*

So, what material are you made of again...? Cotton? You're very soft. o.o

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Ratty the Hand-Puppet: Cotton on the outside, but the inside's a mixture of velvet, silk, and wool. :thumbsup


Ratty the Hand-Puppet: ...mind giving me a hand? I need to stick it to him.

...(decides that running is a very good idea, and does so)

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Bye, Ultra! ^^

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Ratty the Hand-Puppet: (smiles that he's on Cookie's hand) :] (stares at Ultra) SUCK IT! (leaps, taking Cookie with him)

AGGH! (head falls off) :x

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*is suddenly thrown to the floor*

What the....

Hey! Ow! That hurt! o_<;;

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Ratty the Hand-Puppet: Don't worry, I'll keep ya comfy.

(Ratty suddenly GROWS, encompassing Cookie in a giant version of the hand-puppet badger/raccoon or whatever the heck he is)

Ratty the Cookie-Puppet: Oh snaaaay-aaaap. I gots legs! SUCK IT! (kicks Ultra's head away)

AIEE!!!!! (is sent flying)

(And meanwhile, Cookie finds herself on the set of the Sailor Moon Live Action show. How did Ratty pull this off? Who cares?)

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*finds the fact that she's on the LA show unamusing because the show is no longer in production.....*

* she's in the middle of nowhere*

Ah crud. xx;;;

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(Ratty the Cookie-Puppet's voice suddenly echoes in out of nowhere)

Oh snap. Wrong time.

(time is rewound to the very first episode...and keeps going back...and back...until...)

(Cookie is suddenly on the Sailor moon ANIME...and staring write at the show's penciler, who looks confused at the fact there's a girl sitting on his desk)

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*quickly runs off*

AAAAAAAAAAH!!!! I'M LOST!!!!!!!!!!

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(And meanwhile, Ratty the Cookie-Puppet is causing kicking Ultra's head around like a can)


Ratty the Cookie-Puppet: Wimp!

(Meanwhile...well, unless Cookie knows Japanese, she's lost in Tokyo)

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Yeah, I'm lost.

Have no fear, though....

*opens plot hole back to the MoFo* ^_______^

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** loves your "Inners and Moon" avatar/signature set and show cases you the "Outers stay together" avatar/signature set I received **

That's probably because of the plothole.

(thanks for the set :D )

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(No problem, fellow SMer! :D)

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Ratty the Cookie-Puppet: (stares at the SM avatars) Cuties. :]

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*woke up an hour ago*

Yeah....I was tired. o___o

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Ratty the Cookie-Puppet: (Talks to Cookie, who is still inside Ratty) So, whatcha wanna do now?

(Ultra's head is decaying) X___X

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I boogie.


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I think that taking the "y" out of nifty is like taking the "astic" out of "fantastic," and that's just a travesty of justice.

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I totally agree, newcomer.

Welcome! Now you are a minion. Boogie for me! BOOGIE!


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Oh yeah?

I pranked you back. >:p

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Ratty the Cookie-Puppet: Oh yeah? I'll show you a place to boogie!

(Cookie suddenly finds a 70s disco bar...with an afro at that)

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*takes off afro wig*

It' o_o;

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(and all the while, Ratty the Cookie-Puppet is causing havoc in the present, whilst Cookie is stuck in the 70s)

Ratty the Cookie-Puppet: EAT THIS! (kicks Ultra's body in the ribs)

(Ultra's head winces) OW! >.< can I feel it?

Ratty the Cookie-Puppet: Logic is for sissies. Snaaay-aaaap.

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*falls asleep on a sofa* xx;

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Ratty the Cookie-Puppet: Stop moaning ya pathetic piece of suck. Snaaay-aaaap.

Ultra's Head: X___X

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We all hate Ratty now, I think.

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Ratty the Cookie-Puppet: Then why don't ya do somethin' about it? BRING IT!

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Er....Ratty, can I have my arm back?

I need to write something with it. ^^;;

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Ratty the Cookie-Puppet: Hmm, lemme think. What day is it?

(You DO remember he's covered your whole body...and did you get my ez-mail in your inbox?)

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Tails' nose was huge. o.0

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Have no fear, Ultra. I have plotholed my way out of the situation.

All is now well. ^^

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Ratty the Cookie-Puppet: Huh? (suddenly deflates) Ah SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!

Ultra's Head: HAH!

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Sorry, Ratty. I'm going to have to put you back into the shoebox.

*does so*

Night night, Ratty. 🙂

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Ratty the Shoe-Puppet: ...snap.


(Get my proposition?)

Posts: 2354
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what do you mean by that? Oo;

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I cut my finger at the weekend and it hurts.

Somebody be nice to me for a change.

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(Get my proposition?)

No, but I have your preposition.

...and "through" will never be the same ever again, I can tell you that.

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Posts: 4607
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Alright, fine. I took "throgh". Sue me.

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You mispelled 'through'?

THIS GREATLY OFFENDS ME! (sics the ACLU on you) He impeded on my rights!

ACLU: The rights to what?

Uh...the rights to proper grammar?


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