Opalfruits > Starburst!
It's ALWAYS been Starburst over here. And we don't have Lime, either; we get Cherry instead. Or maybe it was Strawberry we got instead. Either way, we don't have Lime.
It's sad we don't have lime.
Opal Fruits got lime. Starburst got cherry.
Opalfruits was a far better name, how dare they rename them to Starburst, stupid brand globalisation!
*shakes fist again, fist falls off*
It's all about Opal Fruits and you know it. 😛
LIME! <3
I like the name starburst better. It sounds more juicey. Opalfruits sounds generic with the word "fruit".
Plus, Opal makes me think of rocks.
Starburst sounds better. (eats one)
Opal Fruits...bleh. (eats one; teeth break) AAAAAAAAGGGGHHH MY TEEF ARE BROKE! X____X
Opals are pretty and colorful. =.
Pink doesn't suck. Pink is evil. Why do you think I like it so much?
OH yeah, and apparently no one cares that I'm the only one of you that hasn't decended from a monkey XD
That Greatly Offends Me!
Wait, are you saying 10 notes descended from monkeys?
...Oh. I thought it was Charles Dickens. o.o
The missing link!
I thought that was the dollar bill. o_O
A dollar bill is the missing link? O.O
Only in your mind, my Padawan. :p
Ho? Since when did you become Qui-Gon Cookie?
And what am I? Obi-Wan Kenultra?
*wears a heavy cloak*
Heh heh heh...yes, my plan is working perfectly...soon the galaxy will tremble in fear of Darth Tergo!
Mwa ha ha.
I think I stepped into a creepy scenario of a look-alike, b-rated Star Wars imitation movie.
I think I left my car on. Bye ^^
Car? JAMES Car.
SPA: Home of Horrific Puns
SPA = Sucky Puns Anonymous
And what am I? Obi-Wan Kenultra?
No, Obi-Wan Shinobi sounds way better!
OBI WANG VS D*CKMAN *gets out a lightsaber*
*...or whatever you want to call it*
Edit: Shakes fist, damn you!
No, you've got it all wrong!
Obi Wang vs Dastardly D*ck(man)is a much better title!
The missing link!
But alas! I see no evidence!
And this form proves it to be a fake! *staples 9698769876987692837465298347652934865342965 word essay complete with references and evidence proving it wrong plus athentic photographs of the past where GOD created the Earth to the mofo and proudly stands next to her latest invention: A TIME MACHINE! HOO HA!*
(hits time machine with hammer)
(causes it to fall over)
...a cardboard cutout?
*is listening to DDR tunes that she downloaded.*
You try and resist Captain Jack! >>
Huh? Oh that. *chuckles* That's just a model of the machine. *takes out a tiny little capsule and presses the button, and throws it on the ground. The capsule turns into the REAL time machine*
HA! Don't think I wasn't anticipating that! I went into the future and saw it! And I decided to play the time game because I went back and tied a bunch of bricks to the cieling which...
*the bricks fall on his head*
...Just happened to fall on your head
(dances to Standard)
Deer-deer-deer-deer-deer-de-deer! XO
Signs says long haired hippi people...need not apply...
Defend the Alamo! And bring back cupcakes.
*walks back out again*
Your fart was green, not pink! LIES!
This was the first thing that came up on a Google Image search for 'Abe'. o.o
The moodokun{sp. dunt care.}, man. >_>
No one cares that you don't care.
Which makes absolutely no difference when compared to if everyone cared... o.o
A difference can only be made when you subtract something.
2 - 2 = FISH!
I thought it was Zero.
You know that robot from Megaman (Rockman for those otakus who are reading this post?) :p
Or maybe it's Sprite Zero.
Or is it the Sprite Remix that gets those crappy commercials?
Sprite commercials and their freaky action figure dude are... strange.
** longs to have the Fantanas in his room for reasons that break the age barrier of this board **
HSW edit: Well, since Ultra has not only not realised that blogography is against hotlinking, but also hasn't realised that the anti-hotlinking pic could potentially be above board limit, I'm removing it.