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Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

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Posts: 4607
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Interesting, we're only off by one post now. I mean, I'd probably have to delete 19 to line it up perfectly, but this IS better.

Posts: 3291
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it did the blank thing just before i did my last post, but it seems to be working now.

*commends SH with cookies!*

Posts: 4336
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(commends SH with something else)

Furry death.

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Ah well.

*eats a bagel*

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Say hi.

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Photoshop horror!

Posts: 349
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And that ladies and gentlemen is the true nature of babies. I TOLD You they were evil!

Posts: 4336
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We were all babies once.

(cue creepy organ music)

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Not with twenty eyes, mind you.... oo

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I only count eight.

YOU CAN'T COUNT? BACK TO 1ST GRADE FOR YOU! (whips out wooden paddle)

Posts: 349
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We were all babies once.

What!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! *high pitched girlly scream of terror*

Posts: 4336
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It's true. (sucks on Baby Bottle Pop)

Posts: 349
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O_O!!!! *takes it and burns it. Then disinfects anything it touched. And is wearing a suit used when cleaning up radioactive substances*

Posts: 4336
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Ooh. HAZMAT. o.o (pokes hole in suit and tosses a bottle of baby powder in there)

Posts: 1619
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Well, whatever. :p

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No. Whatnever.

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Posts: 4336
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It did! I'm series!

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Buh? o.o

Posts: 4607
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Why hasn't Craig come here yet, now that he's back? Hrmm, must not have noticed the topic. Well, there's a quick way to bring him over to Cooki's topic, and that's...

Craig, give me an order.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Leave me alone, dang it. I'm not "back" persay. I just stopped off to rant about Gems and am finding that posting on the forum while I'm letting the GameGear games clock up is more fun than watching paint dry.

Now leave me alo... that's an order. Crap.

PARADOX! *Dives out of window*

Posts: 2
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Might I recommend something for that attention deficit of yours?

Posts: 1702
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Might I recommend something for that attention deficit of yours?

It's ain't no attention deficit. Craig just has something of a curse concerning paradoxes, specifically ones involving him.

Posts: 4607
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Yeah, he jumps out windows and lands on Cooki. There's also some spiel about universes imploding and the like, but I don't think I've noticed anything. Maybe his jumping out that window takes us all with him.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Come on, dudes. Mau should know how the Paradox Dive works by now, no need to explain it again :)

Also, watch Donnie Darko to understand how the imploding universe works. The universe is sucked into a black hole and I dive through the window into the new one which is built before the paradox could take place. I haven't worked out why we can all see and remember me screaming paradox, but the new universe officially begins when I fall above Cooki.

Posts: 4336
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...and what if you don't land on her at all?

Posts: 4885
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Falling on Cooki isn't part of the reaction, appearing 5 feet above her head (no matter where she would be) is.

Posts: 2
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You all seem to have a case of hystaria! :eek

Posts: 4336
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You all seem to have a case of hystaria!'re new, aren't you?

Posts: 1355
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No, he's IC.

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And? Even if he IS in character, a doctor who suddenly discovers the MoForumers have hysteria needs to be taken back to medical school!

(tattoos in F on the doctor's forehead)

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

People. People.

It's MAU!

GEEZ, Ultra. Can't you recognise your girlfriend? Sheesh!

Posts: 4336
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...dude, Mau already beheaded me once to tell everyone that I'm NOT her boyfriend.

Didn't you get the memo?

Posts: 1702
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Ultra's right. It was rather nasty.

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*catches Craig*

Damn, this was a delayed reaction, no? >>;

Posts: 4336
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No kidding.

(everyone's already gone)


Posts: 763
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I'm here *hits Ultra around the head with a stick*
I need keep count of the ammount of times I do that...

Posts: 2354
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No, but I can!

One, two, three, four, ....

** three hours later ... **

one million and one...

Posts: 4336
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(is reading 'Chicken Soup for the Idiot's Soul')

Merf. o.o

Posts: 1702
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*bandages Ultra's head*

Posts: 763
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Would a knife be more effective than a stick? o.o;

Posts: 3291
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a stick is blunt, so it'll hurt more. try a spoon if you want to be really effective. :p

Posts: 1619
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A melon ball works too! :p

Posts: 3291
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oooo~ deadly!

Posts: 4336
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Whatever you're thinking about hitting, the best object to use are oranges. Especially in a bag. Then you can make a ball-n-chain. o.o

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I finished my homework! 😀

Posts: 4607
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At least you CAN... RP Papers aren't very good things to be doing on the weekend, especially when your mentor hasn't really given you enough of an idea as to what you're doing.

And especially not when you have AP Chem homework to do too.

And ESPECIALLY especially not when you decided to burn the Dreamcast version of Beats of Rage. Which is awesome.

Meeeeeeh... *angst*

Posts: 1619
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I feel your pain. :/

Posts: 4607
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Actually, the Chemistry's the easy part. It was the RP Paper - or just the RP in general - that's the pain in the ass.

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Because I am curious....what is "RP"?

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