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Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

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Posts: 4336
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[obviously wrong]Role play.[/obviously wrong]



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Research Practicum.

Think a glorified Science Fair meets college-level study.

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I'd rather not think that if you don't mind...

and even if you do. =O

Posts: 1619
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Aah, yes. That.

Don't you just love that? >>

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You people and your aversion to SH's RP studies are silly.

(sails off the edge of the world. Just because he can.)

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*Ultra falls off the edge of the world*

Oops. :p

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(lands on Cookie's head. Just because he can)

Posts: 1702
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Careful, Ultra. You might end up getting hit by the lackey if you keep falling on Cooki.

Posts: 530
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*gets hit by Ultra*

HEY! This is MY Edge of the World. Get yir own! *shakes fist ala Creosote*

*also failed to mention Ultra bounced off Cooki onto him*

Posts: 349
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Does this mean Craig and Cooki are dating? :lol

Posts: 4885
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Well noted by the amount of times I've landed on her head when she's in the shower, even I'M half convinced that we might be.

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Hmmm......I just have one word in response, my friend.


Posts: 4336
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If Mau finds a sprite of you Cookie, you'll be beheaded come the next webcomic. >.>

Anyhow, to borrow a page from Sailor Trivia...

Cookie x Craig.


Posts: 4885
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Cookie tastes like Rush on a warm winter morning, and smells like teen spirit. Together we are WILD STALLIONS RULE!

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...I have no opinion.


Ultra x Trivia.

Discuss. 🙂

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She clearly hates me. I am indifferent (as well as confused about her apparent hatred against me).

Wesu x One-Eyed Tentacle Monster.


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I just watched an episode of Futurama with Bea Arthur as a guest voice.

Heheheh. It rocked. XD

Posts: 1367
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What generic MS Paint tentacle monster and I have is beautiful and nothing you say or do can effect that!

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Cookirini x Bea Arthur the Voice Actor


Posts: 4885
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You sound like children!

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Posts: 4885
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*Makes a mental note that pop-culture references and Simpsons quotes are wasted on Ultra. Use them more often*

Posts: 4336
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No fair. You're taking advantage of my lack of pop-culture knowledge! That's just so un-lackey-ish of you! Taking advantage?


Posts: 4885
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Son, you're not a mod and you never will be, I can do whatever the heck I want with you ^_~

Posts: 4336
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Harley orders you around all the time. You normally acquiesce to HER! Why not me? I sense hypocrisy! A HYPOCRITICAL LACKEY? UNTHINKABLE!

Besides, you were quick to back down earlier when I said I would tell on Sam. >.>

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Well, there's a difference you see, telling Sam filled the lackey with fear.

Harley just made him laugh. I don't listen to her, quite literally infact.

You sir, are made of 98% ignorance and 2% water.

Posts: 4336
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My biological make-up is NOT 98% ignorance and 2% water!

It is 30% water, 20% meat, 10% dead skin cells, 10% brainy tissue, 5% Sonic the Hedgehog, 5% telekinetic, 5% tin-foil hat (thus negating my telekinesis. Curses!), 5% naivety, 2% memories, 2% buried knowledge, 2% Japanese manga, 1% fan fiction, 1% cookies & milk, 1% steak, shrimp and chicken fajita, .9% hair, and .1% fecal matter.

Shows what you know.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Your ignorance is painful. Please, stop thrusting it upon me, for it burns like a thousand suns being shoved into a thousand black holes with Whitney Houston singing I Will Always Love You on the loudest megaphone Disney World has to offer!

Posts: 4336
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I've never been to Disney World, so I can't comprehend the megaphone. Therefore, your argument is the fail.

P.S. Black holes aren't always black.

Posts: 4885
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Posts: 4885
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*Clouts around the back of your head* IGNORANT BOY! I am your FATHER! You shall do as I say, and stop being so darn insolent :)

Now I'm going to work. You be a good boy, or big-mama Harley wont feed you, and will kick me in the nards. That'll hurt us both, son. You don't want to hurt us both, do you? DO YOU?!

You're so grounded!

Posts: 4336
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Dude. You're not my dad.

And Harley would kick you in the nards anyway. Heck, she'd do it relish!

(sticks a sign on Craig's chest that reads 'KICK CROTCH FOR FREE!')


Posts: 89
Estimable Member

dude i think she would kick ya both in the nards:razz
anyway dont argue peace man!:hippie :nono anyway i officialy declare war on:Mc donalds!!!:fist pa pa pa pa pa pa im loathin it.come here vile fishmonger:cmon

Posts: 2097
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*shoves garlic down your throat*

Posts: 2354
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This is what I miss when I tired?

I need to get myself here more often.

Posts: 1619
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You all talk like William Shatner.

Cookirini x Bea Arthur the Voice Actor


.....Of course you know this means war....

Posts: 349
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*frying pan of doom*

*Cooki's head*


*Blood, brains and bits of skull everywhere*


Never do that again.

It's ONLY ok if that other person isn't currantly dating someone and isn't devouted to, commited to or in love with anyone and that said person feels the same way about you. :p :nono

Posts: 1269
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How dare you say I'd kick you in the nards!

*grabs the big stick*

This is what I do to nards!


*fries Craig and Ultra in the nards with the Electrobar 3000, but hurts Craig less because I sometimes agree with him*


Posts: 2232
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*talks about Harl to her back*

Posts: 4885
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Crims, your posting on a public forum which can, and undoubtably will be viewed by the person you're talking about. How can it be behind anyone's back if they're indeed looking right at you and hearing every word you say?

Posts: 2232
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Simple my dear boy.

Contained within this box are the digital earplugs of discretion, by simply finding Harl's true identity and putting them in her ears, she will be blissfully (or un-blissfully, depending on her mood) unaware of anything I, or anyone acting in cohorts with me, are doing.

Want to draw whiskers on her?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

No, ta. I believe I've risen above such petty immaturities, feel free to render yourself unconcious, though, my good man.

Cheerio! Wotwot.

Posts: 2232
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Old Sport, this is not mere immaturity, this is art!

The ancient ways of face decorating have been passed to generation to generation through the eons, it draws on the most inner tranquility, and the purest emotions of man!
Why it has been postulated to be the conduit of the gods themselves!

*scrawls "Darkie woz ere, Harl smeelz" on Harl's forehead, and draws whiskers and glasses*

Posts: 2354
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I'm going to get flowers for the Darkie's future funeral. Anyone else wants anything since I'm going out?

Posts: 2232
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Posts: 1619
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It's ONLY ok if that other person isn't currantly dating someone and isn't devouted to, commited to or in love with anyone and that said person feels the same way about you.

Mau....I was joking.

Besides, at least I didn't pair you up with Bea Arthur.

*glares daggers at Ultra*

For that, from this post on I will only talk to Ultra in Scandinavian and feed him herring pie. >:(

Posts: 4336
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Meep. o.o

(runs to the next page)

Posts: 349
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Mau....I was joking.

Then it was a very bad joke. :lol

Posts: 4336
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(tries to get to the next page again) Accursed Unknown! You foil me once too many!

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