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Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

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but it's just like the naked, kinky, russian scouts. if i listen to that ALSO, im SURE to go to hell!

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No no no, Marky, you won't go to hell. You'll go to Utica, NY.

Trust me, it's colder than hell. oo

Posts: 39
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(Ultra Shadow 007 is seen sighing)

Bleh...just when I thought my evil plans would work. Then they had to ruin it. (pounds the bar) HEY! Bartender!

(next poster walks up as the bartender)

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*dumps beer on Shadow's head*


*walks off*

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...(starts growling) Man, this sucks! Not only were my evil plans...OF EVIL...siderailed, but they were siderailed by MY RIVAL! Even though technically he was pretty much told to stop, he didn't have to stop ME!

(sighs again and squeezes the beer out of his fur) Man...I don't even feel that up to it anymore. I mean, the moment I disbanded my NFSSCS, they put on their clothes and beat me one cares about the Evil guy anymore.

(sighs and drinks his slightly hairy beer)

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Being evil just isn't in vogue.

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Evil's not supposed to be popular! That's why it's called 'EVIL!' I mean, when you spell it backwards, you get 'LIVE'. If you spell 'GOOD' backwards, you get 'DOOG'!

Now what do you think people will like? The boring word the exists, or the strange, slightly naughty word that isn't a word at all?

(drinks some more)

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Unfortunately, it's because being evil is popular that it's not in vogue. Look at the world. So much evil, don't you think?

*takes a swig herself* o.o

Posts: 39
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Meh, that's Real World evil. That kind of evil is boring, heavy, and not that fun to partake in. MoFo that's where it's at. Humorous, crazy...and more importantly, it annoys the heck out of the goody-two-shoes.

(sighs again) Meh. I'm just an evil guy. What's your story?

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the mofo need a REAL super hero! =O

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Meh. Tergonaut's got the part already. (drinks some more)

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*Wanders in*

...hey! You were that one guy! The one who was gonna make things crazy! I STRIPPED DOWN FOR YOOOU!

But your promises didn't pay off. Man, that sucks! If it weren't for the fact that I did already, I'd beat you up.

Ah well. *Sits down at a table and combs her hair*

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(cringes out of fear) Please. I'm too drunk to get beat up now. x.@

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*Henri Ducard begins to beat him up*

Ducard: Death does not wait for you to get ready!

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But I didn't do anything to yooooou! >XO

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Ducard: Justice is balance. You burned down my house and left me for dead. Consider us even.

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Ultra Shadow, why did you burn down the house?!


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..i've compleately lost track of the conversation.

*lacks an evil handle, feels left out somehow*

ah, what the heck. i'll stick with the protection of newbies (someday i'll tell you what i'm plotting with the shoelaces. :p sooomeday~) and being the chibi-est mod of them all.

*pose* huzzah! oo

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*poses with Chibibecca* 😀

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*has a sudden urge to sing team rocket's announcement speach* oo;

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To protect the world from devastation!

....Come on, you can do it. 😀

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*gives in, strikes a new pose*

to unite all peoples within our nation!

(you forgot 'the prepare for trouble!' part. :p )

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To denounce the evils of teuth and love! >:(

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to extend our reach to the stars above!

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*dramatic pose* 😀

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*just as dramatic pose, alongside!* ^.^

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We are......


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team chibi blast off at the speed of light!

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Surrender now, or prepare to be stabbed to death by enraged rabbits with spo.....


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Meow, that's right! =^__*=

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*huggles Chibi*

Now, if we can find Cookibecca. oo

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last i saw her, she was hording socks and giggling in a worrying way. oo;

as a happy team rocket rip off with a lack of pikachus, what should our goal be?

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Our goal should be to take pottery classes and steal old VHS anime tapes from the local Asian market.

Oh, and to rebuild the pillow fortress as a TOWER OF DOOM!

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To obtain the sweetest cookie in all of existence. Duh.

*sees Cooki's post* ...or that. But you need cookies.

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my pillow fortress o' doom would be bigger if people didn't keep ripping it apart for pillow fights.

alas for my visionary choice of building materials.. ;.;

well, i was thinking of trying to sneek off with the bouncing chicken.. but the cookie idea has merit.

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Thats why I have a FORCE FIELD for the Pillow Tower!

....Oh, yeah, and sneaking off with Camilla while searching for the sweetest cookie rocks too. 😀

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*poses dramatically* to the tower, where we shall munch ordinary pilfered cookies and plot our deadly plots of doom!

(a forcefield? why didn't i think of that before? so obvious! o_o)

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I guess it just never occured to you?

*puts up force field*

There we go. ^__^

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*has a sudden image of a death star made entirely from pillows, protected by a forcefield* o.o

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What about Endor? Then the Rebel alliance would easily take it down and engage in much pillow warring with your Death Star.

And besides, a Death Star out made out of pillows sounds too dramatic. Why not a Comfort Star? Much nicer and welcoming.

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How about a Comfy Star then?

The Comfy Star. Deadly. Evil. More comfy than any sleep you've had before!!

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comfort? are we talking about some brand of toilet paper?

and obviously i'd wage war on endor before building the force field (which for some reason i keep typing as 'forcefreind') generator there, setting my miniture rabbits with axes against the natives.

anytihng going 'yubyub' stands no chance against them. ^^

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Jar Jar wouldn't have anything to worry about, then. Since when has HE ever said "yubyub"?

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He says "meesa". But I think Becca meant the Ewoks. o.o;

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yeah, ewoks! the little fuzzy things. ^^;

and they so do go 'yubyub'.

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"Yubyub" being "Buybuy" backwards.

It's all subliminal. o.o;

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buy what exactly? oddly sewn animal skins, stone tools? oo

unless it's a plot by lucus to buy star wars merchandice, because it's certainly working on many of the fans!

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Translate George Lucas into Klingon and you get an angry rage filled growl, which translated back to English is "Suki-suki only 10 dorrar"

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But I wanted my Suki-Suki for tree fitty.

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