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Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

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Posts: 235
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Actually, Marky. The posters of this thread had their counting wrong. You were #2 away, as the 9,999th post.

I achieved the 10,000th post by paitently waiting with a tab of the Mobius Forum main page and this thread. The MoFo's page had listed this thread as the post posted in thread with (as of your post before mine) 9999 posts.


Posts: 3291
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the thread will take over the world! oo; *hides*

and yes, my count was out by two.

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Sakaki: *just stole the 10,000th post in your spam thread* ^___^
Me: XD
Sakaki: I laid in sniper wait for, like, three minutes XD
Me: Evil
Sakaki: I am ^_^
Me: I wanted the 10,000th post 😮
Me: Now you must paaaaay >:0
Sakaki: After I get my lunch >.>
Me: *summons her oliphaunt*
Me: Awwwwwwww!
Me: ..Ok, go ahead
Me: *just had hers*
Me: It wouldn't be fair to attack you without your being properly nourished :p

*some time later*

Sakaki: Alright. I think I can stand being attacked while being nourished.
Me: Ooook!
Sakaki: Now to... run awaaaaayyyyyy!!!! *scamper*
Me: *takes out obligatory RPG cards*
Me: I summon......
Me: *slams down card*
Me: NAPSTER! with Steal powers! To steal your Metallica albums!
Me: And.... *slams next card down* a Thingamajig! To keep you in one place!
Sakaki: No!
Sakaki: i_i
Me: With a GLUE GUN!
Me: And now......for my card of death.....
Sakaki: *whimpers*
Me: I bring forth.....
Sakaki: *EXPLODES!!!!!*
Me: *SLAMS card down*
Sakaki: ..... Wait, that's not so bad o_O
Me: >:3
Me: Ooh, you THINK so
Me: *little white bunny innocently walks up to Sakaki*
Sakaki: *giggles and pats it*
Me: *bunny makes gurgling sound*
Sakaki: o.o
Me: *bunny looks at Sakaki's hand*
Sakaki: *wave* ^_^
Me: *bunny rips off Sakaki's arm*
Sakaki: O_O *cries*
Dr Papirini10839: *bunny eats arm*
Sakaki: T_T Meanie bunnie...
Me: *bunny looks up with red eyes*
Me: *bunny leaps up onto Sakaki's chest*
Sakaki: *tries to run away, but glued in place... with glue!*
Sakaki: Aaahhhh!!!!
Me: *bunny rips out Sakaki's left lung*
Sakaki: I USE THAT FOR BREATHING!!!! *faint*
Me: *bunny rips off Sakaki's head*
Sakaki: *head talking* Now you can stake me up in the thread as a warning against people who steal post numbers o_O;;
Me: I think I might >:p

And that is the price for SNIPING MY TOPIC LIKE THAT ;_;

Posts: 3291
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give that bunny an axe, and i'll give it a home! it'll have a happy home with my killer axe bunnies. ^.^

Posts: 1702
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Hmm. I've heard even done eBay sniping, but post sniping? That's a new one.

Ah well, cheers to making it to 10K posts.

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(snipes post #10010)


Posts: 4607
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You took 10011, silly.

Posts: 2723
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I missed it....

Oh well...

Post #: 10013

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Just a few more 1's and 0's and we'll have code! o.o

Posts: 2417
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Will we have to load the code?

Posts: 2723
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What code? *shot*

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I hope not. o_o

Posts: 2438
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I got a code in my node...

Okay not really. XP I would have been around for the 10000 mark but I had a second final to take today, one left to go!

Posts: 349
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I hate finals. Of course if I didn't have any finals I'd have to leave here sooner. :(

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Eats a bagel as she finishes up some schoolwork*

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*goes mildly crazy at the essay she has to write, and all the images they want handed in* gaah~!

*gives up for now and makes brownies* >>;

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Why would you eat them? I mean, wouldn't all that hair get in the way? and the lack of permission slips? And the group leader.....

...Ooooh, you mean brownies. Ooops. oo;

Posts: 3291
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they're generally the same colour, easily confused. >>


Posts: 800
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imagine a brownie HOLDING brownies. :O

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Posts: 3291
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my brownies taste like chocolate jelly. bleh!

blast, i knew i'd added far too much water! ><; *stomps on her mesuring jug, measurements on the box which misinformed her and the blasted cooker!*

Posts: 2610
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Chocolate Jelly? Oo;

Posts: 3756
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I don't GET you people. You can see from my Screencap that Cooki posted the last post (the 20th one) on the 500th page. Basic math people. 500x20=1000!! Cooki wins. End of story. Sheesh. I thought you were all smarter than this.

Posts: 1619
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It's because the posts are a bit scootered. But Sakaki DID post the 10,000th post.

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Scootering daisyheads is the new national pastime.

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Chocolate Jelly? Oo;

yup, chocolate jelly.

it's been in the oven for an hour and a half and it's still not fully eatable.
*chomps the crust*

Posts: 3291
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these turned out wrong as i tried to follow the instructions for a change.
in previous cooking attempts, they were fine! just splashed water at it randomly. >>

curse you, scootered brownies! curse youu! *fist shake* ;__;

Posts: 2610
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Yeah, I've also had my bad batches of brownies also. I recall one time where I kept it in the oven for over an hour, and it still hadn't formed into some kind of solid. It was all blobby and gooey and didn't taste like chocolate anymore. o.o

Posts: 3291
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it's a bit like that for me, except it's got a crust on the top. didn't help that it'd turned into some sort of mousse before i poured it into my tray. oo;

Posts: 4336
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Brownies are nothing without ice cream.

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i've only got one drawer in the freezer, can't fit all my food AND icecream in there.
alas. ;.;

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I suggest going to a local creamery and getting a small tub to use on the entire tray of brownies. And you can't forget milk.

Milk, brownies, and ice cream...yummy wummy for the tummy. ^_^

Posts: 349
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Strawberry flavored poo. Again.

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*squints at her mental map of the town center.. the closest she can get to whatever a creamery is, are the supermarkets*

well, they sell milk, cream and icecream.. which i assume is what you mean. ^^;

Posts: 4336
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Meanwhile, in the city of Townsville...

Terror strikes! Where are the Powerpuff Girls?!

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Petting the cat, that's where.

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*quickly scrolls back and forth* Same cat?

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i class that on the same level of hillarity as the rabbit with a pancake on it's head. ^^ *checks out the website!*

Posts: 800
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Stuff on my somethings me, someone got a little too bored

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i'm loving that site. ^.^ very few things will keep me giggling for half an hour straight.

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After all...

Stuff + Cats = AWESOME.

I really like this one.

Posts: 349
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Kitties! *huggles the kitties* ^_________^

Posts: 800
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that bunny looks so horny/evil

Posts: 2723
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My eyes have been forever scarred...

Posts: 349
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My topic is better! *sets Cooki's on fire*

Posts: 4336
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Ultra vs. Fire.


Ultra dodges the attack.


(Ultra attacks with a French baguette)

Fire has fainted!

Ultra wins!

Ultra gains 10 EXP!

Ultra gains a Shiny Token!

Posts: 2417
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Yet would a french baguette stand up against a coming tsunami?

Posts: 4336
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Have you learned nothing?

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, can break an old French baguette.

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the cat seems so bewildered. oo;

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