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Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

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Posts: 2417
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*wastes paste*

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*wastes setsaw*

Posts: 4336
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*wastes YOU*

Posts: 2417
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*wastes VEE*

Posts: 2723
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*wastes paper*

Posts: 2417
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*wastes pencils*

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*wastes erasers and pens*

Posts: 1619
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Remember to flush.

Posts: 2723
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and wash hands!

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With soap, I know.

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All squeaky clean! 😀

Posts: 1367
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I'd like to get Kasumi all squeaky clean.


Posts: 174
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Posts: 1367
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What? You've never seen a pathetic teenage boy?

Posts: 174
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*looks at herself and sees her Sesshoumaru worshipping, and her bishounen fantasies*
...Fine. You win this round.
But still. o.o

Posts: 1367
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D: @ otaku

Posts: 174
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*gets her otaku germs everywhere*
OMG contamination(/purification)*shot*

Posts: 1367
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Ew I hate otakus stop being one you're too cool to be one stop.

Posts: 800
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2 k00l 4 otak00

Posts: 174
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No ^^ *becomes even more of an otaku*
*watches Fruits Basket as she types this :D
*spreads more sparkly germs* KAWAIIIII!!

Posts: 1367
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You make me ashamed to use the internet. D:

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Posts: 3291
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it's a shame that that owl has died now. ;_;

*isn't effected by the germs o' sparkly, caught it some time ago and has been secretly spreading it ever since* 😛

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I caught the sparkly germs a few years ago, but after a long struggle my body was able to fight off the contagion, leaving me with a natural immunity to it. However, quite early on in my weakened state due to the infection I managed to contract a nasty case of the Yellow Fever. I'm making good progress towards recovery from that one, although it's still hanging in there to some extent.

Posts: 488
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it's a shame that that owl has died now. ;_;

Don't worry. His soul will live on forever in the e-hearts of all for probably the rest of eternity.

Posts: 407
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O.O Wow. That's some pic man. XD Where do folks come up with this stuff?

Posts: 1367
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It's called the internet, and it holds many wonders! Just don't go looking too deeply for them, or you might find beastiality porn.

Posts: 407
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Haha! Good point. I don't need anything like that showing on my monitor. Ugh. That'd be no fun.

Posts: 1367
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Then again, if we look deep down, isn't it really what we all want?

Posts: 407
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I don't know! Ask me tomorrow. XP

Posts: 2723
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Posts: 174
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Ultra's owl worries me.
It's an everlasting tunnel throat of dooooooom. Of no returnnnnn. Until the owl spits you up as an owl pellet.

:D *has accomplished her semi-mission in life* @ making Wesu ashamed

Posts: 1367
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u evil prson :(

Posts: 174
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There there. *shoves a life sized Kasumi doll in your face*
...*also throws sparkles at Ultra's owl because she has nothing better to do*

Posts: 1367
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*lives out his life's dream of being a man with a life-size Kasumi doll*

Posts: 174
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...*has bad thoughts now*
Ewwwwww. *shoves them in a room*

Posts: 1367
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Them? There is no them--it is an inanimate object, not the object of my fictional desires!

Posts: 174
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...*shoves the object of Wesu's fictional desires and Wesu in a room*
...*still has bad images*

Posts: 1619
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*steps on someone's feet*

Posts: 2417
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Ow my feets 🙁

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Posts: 2723
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*bandages GT's feet with newspaper*

Posts: 3468
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I'm a medic! Who needs help?

...Oh, it's just him? Oh well.

*laughs as the newspaper ink contaminates his blood*

Posts: 2723
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*reinforces the newspaper with a coat hanger and duct tape*

Good as new! .^. *shot*

Posts: 3468
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No wonder they say chao suck at life support. o.o

*pets Kaze*

Good bo- gir- chao!

Posts: 2417
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Come to think of chao have genders? Or are they like toads?

Posts: 3291
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snails. oo

*wraps everyone up with sellotape!*

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