*batters you with a DS*
smashes it with a hammer
*drops a PSP from three feet and it explodes*
*is hit in the face with a pie!*
*licks the pie off your face* o.o
John Cleese destroys all.
Except Chuck Norris and Sony. You can't destryo eitehr of those.
Chuck Norris, yes. But, Sony? Nah.
I thought that smile was exclusive to creoforums ;.;
Guess not
*finds it oddly disturbing* o.o;
Creepy. o_o
And now, I will change this topic's title BY THE POWER OF MY WILL ALONE!
...pretty much nothing's changed.
Cool? o.o
Nifty. *hides on top of ChibiBecca's Amy's hammer*
This place needs more handrawn comics. Or cowbell, what ever comes first.
Or more spam topics :p j/k
*puts you all on ramen and mixes*
Gyaah, death by noodles! x.@;
(*ponders if this was what the noodle incident hinted at in calvin and hobbes was like*)
Bah @ OTB winning #3. So what happens in this topic?
Then does that mean Tergonaut, before he took off his helmet for the first time, was both man and kitty?
Terg is a furry?
No, Tergonaut is an illusion created to make you believe he is really flesh and bone. In reality, though, he's no more flesh and bone than you or I.
...I think.
Well, you were his past love interest, so you shold know. Or are you still in love with him? No wait, that was Terrornaut...or was that Gingersnap who was in love with Terrornaut? Or was SHE the one in fake love with Tergonaut while you were in love with Terrornaut, who calls you Cookarai? If so, where's Cookirini?
Love quadrilaterals are boondoggling. xX
oh, ultra. you're like an italian shoving a pizza up his ass; you don't know when you've gone too far
is cooki supposed to look like an echidna? o-o in a sailormoon outfit?
Yes. A tan one.
Here. Have a Cooki Doll. *gives one...and it prompty steals your soul.*
Yes. A tan one.
Here. Have a Cooki Doll. *gives one...and it prompty steals your soul.*
*alas, the tails doll has already been trying to claim it!*
But the Cooki Doll is better looking.
I officialy declare this thread as mine. Sorry, Cookirini.
Wait until she finds out about this, she's going to be SO angry with you.
Can he do that?
This topic is now a million times lamer with the Cookirini in the title.
So long. *sits down and reads a book*
Ok, now name something after me!!!
Anyone? oo;
how about a brand of turtle soup