>gasp< Hes got monnies inside!!!
This topic has gone too long without posts o.o
*posts on Tranny's head*
*Spams SX*
mmmmmmmmm... spam.</Homer>
I LIVE! o__o
Zombie Cooki!! Run!!
I like to spam-a about the spam-a and the spam-a and the spam-a.
Not anymore. *loads a rifle*
it's a trap! :O
..and where did the wierd spa lag go? i'm suddenly able to makr the forum load again. oO;
I got hungry, Becca...
How rude!
Really. The never of people these days.
*sprays odor repellant*
*sprays spam repellant*
*Sprays unspam repellant*
Might as well test my avatar.
*holds up a can of chao repellant*
.. naaah. *puts it away*
I was about to say, Becca, that'd be plain mean.
you'd have to be really mean to be mean to a chao.
*pokes the topic* o.o
*Topic spasms briefly and dies*
*removes pants*
you'd have to be really mean to be mean to a chao.
Yeah. I dare anyone to be mean to me. *Holds up knife*
*huggles and cuddles Devil*
Aww Chao are so cute. How could you be mean and deny their cuteness?
the cutest chao are the type with chainsaws. ^-^
Cute and terrifying all in one package!
Then comes the question on how it'll be able to pull the cord to start the chainsaw...
they had no problem in the sonic X comic, i figure the other chao will follow their example.
revenge perhaps for me accidentally hurting a whole crowd of them in shadow's game? >>;
: ) *sticks flag into ground* I proclaim this MY TOPIC!!!! ENJOY!! AND DON'T FLAME OR FIGHT OR I WILL COO...">
What? What is this? Why is it up top of every page in this topic?
Come on SH, look at the title! It is clearly Vegeta!
I guess this is payback for us laughing at him =P
revenge perhaps for me accidentally hurting a whole crowd of them in shadow's game? >>;
Uh, yeah! xD Accidentally! So did I! I, er, tripped on them! Yeah! While holding the torch! By accident! Clumsy me! xP And my finger accidentally slipped on the trigger of that blaster gun!...
...like 60 or so times... >_<;; (I am so going to Hell for that...T_T)
It wasn't me! it was the one armed man!
What? What is this? Why is it up top of every page in this topic?...">
and wierdly enough, what's being quoted is what i can see at the top of my window right now.
but i was seeing the exact same thing as you until now, SH.. some sort of error since the thread is so big?
so big, it's distorting forum time and space..! 😮
Topic starter
.....What the-? D: Blame Becca. Also that was the 11300th reply, so it had to be something special. Stopped everybody in their tracks for like a week, amiright? And the time-space continuum is still out of whack! Run for you lives!!! Run you lives all!!! The bacon is rushing in!!! ARG THE BACON!!!!1 Divide by zero i didn't do it, i just pressed the button marked 'delicious'! YOU'RE delicious! >:O ythxu #o.o# o.o? HOLY CRAP! Geez a meez! *Cheeses you* |