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Do You Eat The Red ...
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Do You Eat The Red Ones Last?

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Posts: 1100
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...Well, DO YOU?!?!

Posts: 2610
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I'm not even going to watch the video and just say yes

Posts: 4607
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No, I eat the orange ones last. In fact, I technically never eat the orange ones at all, because orange chocolate is awful.

And this is assuming I get Smarties at all. They're not exactly a commodity in the US.

Posts: 2915
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I'd love to try a package... but idk where to import them from =

Posts: 2354
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I'd love to try a package... but idk where to import them from =

same as hiro

Posts: 2232
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I don't like smarties, even if they, and only they, have the answer

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most people i know leave the orange ones for last, as they taste the best. the brown ones get eaten first for me, since they have less flavour.

*morns the loss of the blue smartie*

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

The blue smartie is back now Becca! At least they were with my easter egg.

Smarties are the one chocolate which justifies Nestle in my opinion. Well I guess Kit Kats too.

I used to have the brown ones last but lately I've got a taste for orange so they go last now 😀

Posts: 1355
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i eat red spheres for breakfast they're no match for me I'M THE KING OF GET BLUE SPHERES $+$*!

smarties suck now the shells actually have a palpable flavor and that flavor is BLHARARG

Posts: 2915
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I eat the red skittles last, does that count? Also Pink jelly beans =)

Posts: 3291
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red skittles always have to be left until last! although american purple skittles are revolting. oo; why couldn't they have stuck with blackcurrent?

blue smarties are back? woo and yay! ^.^ i know when they had to stop using artifical colourings, they couldn't get some of the shades right.
and yeah, it's why i eat the brown smarties first, they taste the most bleh, closely followed by the yellow ones.

Posts: 4607
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...because nobody in America knows what the hell "blackcurrant" is.

Christ, I even lived in England for three years and I never bothered to figure it out.

And I still insist that orange chocolate is awful. Chocolate should not taste like fruit!

Posts: 841
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Indeed it should not.

Unless it is orange.

I maintain this mentality with pretty much every sweet ever.

Posts: 2097
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I just buy skittles instead.


Posts: 3756
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Heheh our Skittles are little chalky candies in rolls.

also awesome @ oldschool pics in HSW's avatar

Posts: 1134
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Shadow Hog you godless heathen orange chocolate is awesome. *punches Shadow Hog in the face with a Terry's Chocolate Orange*

Also when I eat smarties I tend to just shove them into my face in all mixed together. 's easier.

Posts: 2232
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Raisins also work with chocolate

Posts: 1134
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Oh aye. Chocolate raisins. <3

Posts: 4607
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Two can play at that game.

You like orange chocolate so much? Fine! I don't, so you can have mine!

*pelts Nuchtos with a seemingly endless supply of Terry's Chocolate Oranges traveling at extremely dangerous velocities*

Posts: 1134
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*turns inside out and digests them (along with the whole entire universe)*

Posts: 3468
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I love Skittles, and I tend to save the red and yellow ones.

I think you're talking about a different kind of Smartie; Smarties in the US are theselittle powdery candies.

Oh, and our local Korger sells blackcurrant yogurt. Which is <3, as are blackcurrant Starbursts.

Posts: 3291
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starbursts..? OPAL FRUITS!! ;-;

Posts: 1044
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*also punches SH in the face*

Posts: 2234
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Oh, the days when Starburst were called Opal Fruits! :O:

I don't tend to save any particular colour for last. I just shove them all into my gob and chew. 😀

Posts: 3666
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i'm surprised no one else has mentioned something similar, but m&ms > smarties

also terry's chocolate orange ftw

Posts: 1134
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This man speaks the truth.

Posts: 1058
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1 Pink 2 White 3 Red <------- 4 Green 5 Yellow 6 Navy 7 Orange 8 Aqua 9 Magenta That's the order I do a lot of things in

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

Posts: 2354
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I've seen them during Christmas time. I must agree with the two gentlemen before me.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I will die at the ripe old age of 78 without ever having any knowledge of what Smarties taste like and what I'm missing. And on that day, as I draw my last breath I will curse out every one of you for informing me all those years ago of its existence.

I just thought you should know.

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

I will die at the ripe old age of 78 without ever having any knowledge of what Smarties taste like and what I'm missing. And on that day, as I draw my last breath I will curse out every one of you for informing me all those years ago of its existence.

I just thought you should know.

Hiro and I don't know about the taste of Smarties. We shall probably join you in your cursing out of everyone.
