Well come on, who doesn't?
Of the Gladiators?
Do you have the will, the skill, the strength to be a leader, do you know no fear, deep down in your heart?
Will you bring a sack lunch and some orange slices for me and serve your country? Will you, stupid?!

Not sure if I want that power...
The Homestarmy!
Psx, I love you.
we know, hukos
we all know
The question isn't that you know. The question is... I haven't thought of the question yet. I will have to get back on that one.
We both know the answers to any questions involving you and PSX
Rule 34 on Hukos x Psxphile?
Should we discuss?
Discussing implies we approve.
Rule 34 must be enforced
Discussing implies we approve.
Since when has approval ever stopped anyone here?
Since ...
Ah screw it. Let's approve it and move on. There's a late game I want to catch.
You can't make me.
This gun in your head says I can make you.
I make a motion we accept.
Just as long as it's kept off of the forums
and the internet
and the general public
and the etc, etc, etc
I'd imagine it'd be quite gruesome
it would be awkward and depressing
*looks @ Spinner's post & grins*
Ha! I knew -somebody- would make a He-Man reference sooner of later