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Harley on TV Tropes...
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Harley on TV Tropes?! O_o

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Is the second quote on this page from our Harley?

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it's not really that hard to believe, is it?

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On a user-made site like that, it's not that unexpected.

Still threw me for a loop when I found it though. =P

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Yes it is hard to believe :O she is portrayed so lightly

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

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The evil must be stopped here!

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lol harley

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this was discovered ages ago

it's not nearly as weird as seeing bw1979 on encyclopedia dramatica

it's not even as weird as seeing her write transformers porn for whatever forum she goes to now

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Are there any other MoFoers mentioned there?

I remember bw. I think he/she showed up a couple of times on the Allspark, as TF based forum I'm also a member of.

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Wait, GT. Are you saying she was devoured by TV Tropes?

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Harley being quoted on the same subject as Yahtzee?

I don't know what to think anymore.

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She probably added that herself because she wants to have her name on a popular web site? She's on TVtropes somewhere else too about really bad fanfiction and then someone made a footnote that said it's 99% likely she added herself there too.

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HARLEY DAVIDSON?!@@@@@@@@@@@@@

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I miss her.

She made things so interesting!

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Uhh...why did you use Falcon's?

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I'm not sure.

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Because it's interesting!

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That's it I'm removing her quote.

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Re: Harley on TV ...


08/04/2008 8:09 PM

Now that is an attention getting link.

Posts: 1058
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are you saying stairs are links

this is like an iq test

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

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Posts: 263
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YES! My smiley will rule the world! This smiley should be put into the smiley list, because it's interesting!

Posts: 713
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what is this ""

The original's not even on here

Posts: 263
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What do you mean, "what is this """? Don't you see the resemblance?
<--->See? It's me!!!

Posts: 713
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Oh, I know it's YOU

It's still "what is this" worthy

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Does anyone have the actual quote? Stair actually went and deleted it for whatever reason.

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Readded it to spite stairmaster.

Kidding, kidding. Actually, more because there wasn't any real reason to remove it to begin with. Just as there wasn't any real reason it was added, but there you go.

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considering that her quote contributes no information or entertainment value to the article, as well as the fact that no one besides herself would ever consider harley notable enough to quote, i think you would have done well to simply leave the quote off the page - even if stair was just removing it to be an ass.

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There's no such thing as notability on TVTropes.

Although Harley was an odd choice, I'm just sticking up for whatever loon decided it was the right one.

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considering that her quote contributes no information or entertainment value to the article, as well as the fact that no one besides herself would ever consider harley notable enough to quote, i think you would have done well to simply leave the quote off the page - even if stair was just removing it to be an ass.

Actually this was the one time I wasn't being an ass.

Posts: 1201
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There's no such thing as notability on TVTropes.

Although Harley was an odd choice, I'm just sticking up for whatever loon decided it was the right one.

if that loon does not turn out to be harley or whoever she is currently screwing, i'll eat your hat

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serious business

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there's no business like it

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Are you people talking about the internet?

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<rabidabid> also also hay you want that other tvtropes article featuring harley sure you do here you go
<rabidabid> wait where did all the content go


Posts: 1037
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She's on encyclopedia dramatica, too.

Posts: 1982
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Encyclopedia dramatica is... is... it's an ABOMINATION!!!


The... the shock pictures!
They were everywhere... eating away at what was left of my sanity. Raping my innocence.
Desecrating my emotions!

*goes into a fetal position in a corner, sucking his thumb*

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Did you accidentally click on the pain series? *Laughs merrily and pats ct on the head*

Posts: 5772
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She's on encyclopedia dramatica, too.

She is lost to us. What a shame.

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Does'nt seem to matter, since it now seems they're out of money and are going down forever.


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