With a "What's your favorite pokemon?" topic!
Mine, is, of course...
It's just got that concentrated look to it. Plus it has that weird skinny limb-thing going for it. That's part of the Reason why I like NiGHTS` design, too... that weird proportion. It's also got those puffy lips and those smexy pants. Plus, it's like... one of the few pokemon to wear clothes. It's also pretty freaking strong thanks to it`s Pure power ability, and, to make it`s skinny appearance make sense, it can survive on a berry a month. I also admire it`s intense concentration. Pus it has the typing of Fighting/Psychic which is weird, but unique and uniqueness is also somethign admire... though Gallade has the typing too and I'm sort of miffed about that. But, yeah... I dig this pokemon. It also has Middle Eastern inspirations since it's based off of that meditation concept and the stereotypical portrayal of people who meditate. (Well, meditite may fit that bill more. This one seems to look more like a yoga practicioner.) That's also rare... I don't see that too often. Usually Egyptian or japanese or something.
I love it, I love it, I just love thi pokemon! of course, I have it in my party... I'll list it`s moveset below.
Because it's adorable.
Because it's adorable.
Aww... it is adorable, desu!
You'll have to give me a while to replay the game, but at the moment I'm thinking Archanine.
My favorite?
My favorite?
^ Pixelly much?
^ Pixelly much?
^ Only digimon have the suffix 'mon' at the end of their names. I presume Lettermon is a digimon.
Blaziken and Sableye
Blaziken is just so cool. It just looks fast!
I really like when Sableye opens it's mouth.
Squirtle plz
Mew, the ultimate combination of power and cute.
...Though I really expected this topic to be more popular given how popular Pokemon is... plus all the hubub about the new theme.