Does eggman have a chicken obsession or something?
He's only built, like, one robot that looks like a chicken, on Wing Fortress, other than robots with chicken legs. He's more obsessed with eggs in general, methinks.
but eggs turn into chickens..o.o
unless they turn into VELOCIRAPTORS
Not if it's a monotreme egg. (echidna+platypus)
Or any bird egg that is not a chicken egg.
Or eggs from reptils. And amphibians.
CHICKEN EGGS!!! *evil glare*
Knuckles came from a loaf of bread!
shows how much you know >=p
But bread is sex, ergo Knucles came from sex. Which is logically consistent, if nothing else. I mean, really, we all came from sex. Unless you're a test tube baby. Or an amoeba.
Im none of the above....Im made out of skittles and rainbows and sugar and spice and everything nice (mostly ^^) and bubbles and feathers and - *three hours later* and those springy things behind the doors that go " SPROING!" when you pull them ^^
that too ^^