Don't feed them after midnight!
Always check the ceiling for ninjas.
When you time travel, never step on anything. The slightest changes can have terrible reprecussions on history!
To get past the barrell in Carnival Night Zone, press up and down in conjunction with the direction of the barrell so that it goes down enough for you to jump downward and continue on with the level.
Pull my finger.
The best things in life are free and so are some of the worst, like cancer.
To get past the barrell in Carnival Night Zone, press up and down in conjunction with the direction of the barrell so that it goes down enough for you to jump downward and continue on with the level.
Pull my finger.
That's not a piece of advice, that's a threat! Or... a challenge, depending on how one looks at it.
"Lower thine guard, and thou'rt allowing the enemy in."
"If you lay down wiz a dog, you will surely catch ze fleaz, non?"
To get past the barrell in Carnival Night Zone, press up and down in conjunction with the direction of the barrell so that it goes down enough for you to jump downward and continue on with the level.
Pull my finger.
That's not a piece of advice, that's a threat! Or... a challenge, depending on how one looks at it.
"Lower thine guard, and thou'rt allowing the enemy in."
"If you lay down wiz a dog, you will surely catch ze fleaz, non?"
Useful advice, isn't it? 😛
Be careful. A Moderator is ALWAYS watching.
Teach Ramza the Fox how to spell.
Failure is always an option. - MythBusters
What is mind? No matter!
What is matter? Never mind!
What is mind? No matter!
What is matter? Never mind!
What kind of advice is that!?
In a fighting game, the worst thing you can do is be predictable.
What is mind? No matter!
What is matter? Never mind!
What kind of advice is that!?
The awesome kind.
If you encounter a Natural Killer Cyborg, turn the volume up.
Because the battle tune is awesome.
don't hold that mans hand
Press the jump button to jump!
nobody jumps when you press the jump button
set them on fire and they'll take a good leap sir
Digdogger dislikes certains kinds of sound, so use the damb flute you found earlier. Unless You playing on the Famicon. Then you can shout the little bugger to death, and feel all awesome inside. You can do it in Phantom Hourglass, too.
If you encounter Professor Ivy...
If you encounter Professor Ivy...
Her breasts are so large they have their own gravitational pull and suck you right in. Escape is impossible.
When playing as Ivy in Soulcalibur, use your range to your full advantage.
Have no qualms about being cheap.
Watch out for Taki, though, since she's fast enough to just rush in.
You can turn off these tips in the Interface menu.
NEVER, EVER put a picture of your cat on the Internet.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup."?^^
Never say Beetlejuice or Candlejack three times.
You will regret it.
If you ever visit Elm Street DO NOT fall asleep.
*says beetlejuice and nothing happens.Says candlejack 3 times and nothing happens. Falls asleep on elm street and nothing happens*
hmmm...... Do whatever you want if its in the name of science
Get out of my Laboratory!
*Fangoram is then viscously murdered by Freddy, Candlejack, and Bill Murray.*
*Fangoram is then viscously murdered by Freddy, Candlejack, and Bill Murray.*
Bill Murray
Watch out for the guy posting above me...
...he has a very sharp tongue if you upset him reasonably enough.
All of this advice is making me the most brilliant man on Earth.
Access the interface menu by pressing the right button.
Put the thingy into the thingy to make a thingy!
75% of the world's computer problems are ID: 10T related PICNIC and PEBKAC error's.
30% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
Always pet the cat.
Always pet the cat.
Stoned cat is stoned.
Hand over all of your bases as they belong to us.
There's a difference between making stuff up and being creative...
...and the difference is...
75% of the world's computer problems are ID: 10T related PICNIC and PEBKAC error's.
30% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
Reminds me of the Homerism: "Aw, people can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent. Forfty percent of all people know that!"
Good stuff to know, you know?
Always yell the name of your attack before attacking, as that shall make it far more powerful.
Never turn the X-Box 360 on its side while it's on. It shall implode and the disc inside will become a new universe.
The bigger the cake, the more of a chance you'll find someone hiding half-nude in it... baking a cake.
With every boss defeated, your local Maku Tree becomes more explorable.
Drilling a whole in your head does let the demons out, but if not covered up fast enough, new demons will just go in.
You don't talk about /b/!
What is not can never be, what is can never not be.
If you kill Ocelot you'll create a Time Paradox.
I have been printing out all of your advice on expensive paper and eating it. It's making me too smart. My friends are jealous. Your advice is ruining my life by making me a genius with an IQ of 300.
I have been printing out all of your advice on expensive paper and eating it. It's making me too smart. My friends are jealous. Your advice is ruining my life by making me a genius with an IQ of 300.
You are the Eggman.
I am the walrus.
i love that song. i want to touch it.