Step 1. Find a subject asleep with REM (rapid eye movement)
Step 2. Have the entire Bleach soundtrack playing on a continuing shuffle within the immediate area of said target sleeper
Step 3. ???
Step 4. PROFIT!
what is this
first you must steal underpants
GT... you go to 4Chan?
I had no idea. D:
<_< Sarcasm? Or Scar chasm?
Hyenas be a pittin' tonight. Just go to sleep and we will find out who's sane once the lyrics of "Number One" enters your subconscious only to find a guy tied behind a chair towards a sevortal plane.
On The Precipice of Defeat probably induces some wicked nightmares.
I once had a nightmare about that Mongler guy... I wo'nt say the first part of his nickname. 0o
if they played the bleach soundtrack while i'm sleeping, i'd probably just dance to it. the anime isn't scary. oo;
And I question their reliability, TTG.
Must be from the lack of giant robots.
Becca dances in her sleep
Psx, I thought the deal was that we had to make them search for the song, unless it was on a youtube video.
Then again, I thought we had a similar rule about manga links as well.
There has to be something I am missing...
Becca dances in her sleep
this is not common knowledge? o-o
i used to wake up with bruises all down my legs where i'd walked (danced?) into objects in my sleep.
although none of that beats one of my freinds, during a sleepover, suddenly sitting up in bed and yelling out 'the sausages! WHERE ARE THE SAUSAGES?!' before flopping back down, still sound asleep. oo;
*grumbles at psx, can't get near a computer with sound until monday* ;-;