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It's not in the way that you hold me

42 Posts
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it's not in the way you say you care
it's not in the way you've been treating my friends
it's not in the way that you stay till the end
it's not in the way you look or things that you do
for the line

Posts: 917
Noble Member

Only if I can do the high harmony.

Posts: 955
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~Shadowed Spirit Sage

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*air accordians*

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*cow bells*

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Posts: 1044
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*the triangle*

Posts: 2097
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Toto. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Music just wouldn't be the same without them. Also it's "hold the line" not "for the line".

Posts: 955
Noble Member

Wait a second, that's Toto?!

No wonder I love that song so much <3 I just know it as "one of those 80s songs from the radio that plays a lot". **blesses the rains down in Africa**

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1104
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Posts: 917
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I don't know who he is.

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Posts: 3756
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>=( *kicks dog because of Kansan stereotypes*

Posts: 1866
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Hey! Where's your permit to kick that dog because of Kansan stereotypes!?

Posts: 3756
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Why, it's right here.

*punches you IN THE FACE and runs off*

Posts: 1694
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Ooh! Fight!

*grabs a bucket of popcorn and watches*

Posts: 3756
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No. No fight. Sucker punch and flight, no fight at all. =D

Posts: 1694
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You mean I made this popcorn for nothing?


Posts: 3291
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*steals some popcorn* ^^

Posts: 1866
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*puppy eyes for popcorn*

Posts: 3291
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*hiss protect popcorms*

Posts: 3756
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*pours hot melted butter on the popcorn*

*it all shrivels up and gets soggy*


Posts: 1986
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*Has Cheesy Popcorn*

Posts: 1694
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*fights off all people who want my popcorn*

No touchie my popcorn!

Posts: 1134
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*pours arsenic all over the popcorn*

You're a robot so you should be okay but if anybody else tries to steal it they'll die.

Posts: 3756
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*steals it in spite, not eating any*

Posts: 1694
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*snatches popcorn back*

*sticks it in chest cannon*


Posts: 3756
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lol chest cannon

*lights fuse*

*popcorns shoots to the moon*

Posts: 3291
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*plays a very tiny violin* ;-;

Posts: 4607
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Alright us robots need some time off, k.

*floods the room with a deadly neurotoxin while he bakes some more popcorn for Unicron*

Posts: 3756
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*hides in his shell*

*activates air recirculators and filters*

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

Thank you, SH.

And anyone who touches it gets ate.

Posts: 1104
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Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Pffft, I can easily steal that popcorn by utilising Sailor Unicron's one true weakness. No, not winebagoes, this:

[0 1]
[1 0]

Now, if only I could breathe neurotoxi....*thwump*

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

*swims in the neurotoxins*

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

I see your reflection matrix and raise you a JPEG quantization matrix!

[016 011 010 016 024 040 051 061]
[012 012 014 019 026 058 060 055]
[014 013 016 024 040 057 069 056]
[014 017 022 029 051 087 080 062]
[018 022 037 056 068 109 103 077]
[024 035 055 064 081 104 113 092]
[049 064 078 087 103 121 120 101]
[072 092 095 098 112 100 103 099]

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

You're little matrix may have worked in my normal form, but as you can see in my avvy I'm UNLEASHED.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Okay, I did have a binary matrix forming Unleashed here... but it would only post in a single line for some reason, so nevermind.

Posts: 1104
Noble Member

Pics or it didn't happen

Posts: 509
Honorable Member

So... where's the popcorn now? *smells neurotoxin and breaks* Aww, not again! *uses temporary telekinises and tapes myself together*

Posts: 1058
Noble Member

Is this from the Lion King

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

Posts: 3756
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