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Wow this surpasses any of my expectations

I have high hopes for this film!

Posts: 1055
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XD Wow. I'm still probably not going to see it.

Posts: 917
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You guys are talking about the 80s car commercial, right? Because that's what I'm seeing, an 80s car commercial.

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Meh. It was an okay trailer. But still..... Hollywood's SO gonna f**k over the Dragonball/Z/GT franchise with this movie. Well, GT is already f**ked up as it is, but you know what I mean.

Posts: 3756
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lol GT f**ked up

and there's a fellow around here named GT


Posts: 4607
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You're right, that's definitely not the right video. This is.

Posts: 2016
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It looks campy. DOA campy.

This does note bode well.

Posts: 1984
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You know....technically Goku is a space alien. can anybody say that Goku is supposed to be Japanese? XD

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<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

You know....technically Goku is a space alien. can anybody say that Goku is supposed to be Japanese? XD

He was raised by Grandpa Gohan, who was a Jap dude. Actually, wait, does Japan even exist in the Dragonball universe? Damn, my mind just farted...

Posts: 1984
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Still Goku came from space. Just because his grandpa was, possibly, japanese doesn't meant Goku would turn into a Japanese person.

And yeah. There really is no mention of Japan...or America...Or any kind of real place in Dragon Ball is there?

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<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

Still Goku came from space. Just because his grandpa was, possibly, japanese doesn't meant Goku would turn into a Japanese person.

And yeah. There really is no mention of Japan...or America...Or any kind of real place in Dragon Ball is there?

If I remember correctly, Master Roshi mentions 'Nippon' in at least one of the Dragonball Z movies (in the original Japanese version only). I think it had Broly in it. And 'Nippon' is the native Japanese name for Japan, so... uh... yeah...

Posts: 1986
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*Head explodes*

Posts: 513
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The Dragonball universe's Earth is very different than our Earth. Afterall, Dinosaurs never went extinct, they have technology well beyond anything we have, and most of the series takes place during the 700s of whatever calendar they use.

Posts: 263
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There are also REAL furries.

Posts: 72
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It's failure's over 9000!!!

Thank you Hollywood for screwing another franchise.

Posts: 917
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Goku is basically the Japanese Superman.

Alien with amazing superpowers crashlands on Earth as the only survivor of a planet that was destroyed somehow and is raised as a human being.

Posts: 489
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I think the Dragonball series is set on an Earth where all the continents have recombined into something like Pangaea. As for the dinosaurs, if you watch the opening to the show with its original Japanese song, Cha La Head Cha La, and the subtitles on, the song mentions ice caps melting and finding a dinosaur. It also mentions something about training it to balance on top of a ball, but they're Japanese, what do you expect? The furries? Well, considering that they went with the future Pangaea thing, it could be that certain animals evolved into what you see in the shows. Or they could be representation of Japanese mythology, which I don't know too much about. Its all just a theory.

I guess only Akira Toriyama knows. It could be that he just wanted to make it like that for no particular reason.

Another thing is that a lot of the movies really have no specific place in the DB timeline. Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan does, but I'm not sure if it was written by Akira. If it wasn't, then the mention of Japan could just be one big joke or a mistake.

Still just a theory.

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The Dragonball universe's Earth is very different than our Earth. Afterall, Dinosaurs never went extinct, they have technology well beyond anything we have, and most of the series takes place during the 700s of whatever calendar they use.

The king is a dog.

Also movie 9 is canon.

Posts: 5772
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Vegeta (apparently) has a younger brother named Table.

... get it?

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Goku is basically the Japanese Superman.

Alien with amazing superpowers crashlands on Earth as the only survivor of a planet that was destroyed somehow and is raised as a human being.

This is true, with the only exception being that a bunch of other Saiyans survived along with Goku/Kakarot (such as Vegeta, Nappa, Raditz and Broly, for example).

Posts: 4885
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General Zod and his lackies. Kara Kent. Krypto. Braniac...

Posts: 2234
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The reasons dinsoaurs and furries exist in Dragonball is because it's different and cool. There's no grand design to it as if its supposed to represent anything. The movies may or may not be canon to the anime, but definitely not the manga.

And this Dragonball movie will be $+*!%+* crap.

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The reasons dinsoaurs and furries exist in Dragonball is because it's different and cool. There's no grand design to it as if its supposed to represent anything.

Damn straight.

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Check out these crappy promo pics:

I almost wept.

Edited to add: I honestly forgot that I already made a post directly above this one. So mods/admins, feel free to delete this post.

Posts: 1982
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This won't end well.

Posts: 398
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Those are some terrible promo pics. I wasn't expecting works of art or a completely identical look, but something better than those pics...
