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Just -try- to top it. I dare you! I Eponaface dare you!!

Posts: 841
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Oh I dunno. The King of All the Cosmos is pretty manly.

Posts: 2438
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I have that issue.


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Posts: 2354
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w.t.f? @ hiro's video

Posts: 4885
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I approve of the Mantage.

Rocky didn't need no Mantage to end the cold war. Just two montages and a Vince DiCola soundtrack.

Still, if he had a mantage, he'd have ended world hunger and the cold war... and Rocky IV would have won every award we have an award for. But... even without a mantage, Rocky IV is humanities greatest achievement.

Posts: 1866
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There is nothing I can say that properly expresses the confusion and jello puding I am feeling right now...

Posts: 3291
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Posts: 2610
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Oh I dunno. The King of All the Cosmos is pretty manly.

Posts: 2417
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What happens next guys

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Bonus MAN points if you can name them all.

Posts: 2354
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Posts: 2016
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Bonus MAN points if you can name them all.

and three guys I can't tell who the heck they are

Let's just call them Bob, Steve and Bob. Castor never said nothing about their names having to be right.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Gaston, Namor, that guy who isn't Virgil from Mighty Max, Popeye, Giovanni, Scrooge and... I don't recognize beard dude.

Posts: 5772
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Wang Fire to you, now go to your room! *strokes beard*

Posts: 841
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lmao I thought Fire Nation!Sokka too

Posts: 1866
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Um... yay?

Posts: 2232
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Gaston! That was his name! I kept wanting to say Gustav.

Posts: 874
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PSX takes the win for recognizing that paragon of manliness, Wang Fire.

Your prize... IS MORE MANLINESS.


Posts: 1986
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This topic has just won my heart.

Posts: 4336
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I'm disappointed that no one has shown the man who wrote the frickin' BOOK on manliness.

Posts: 2232
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And now for something completly different!

Posts: 1201
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I'm disappointed that no one has shown the man who wrote the frickin' BOOK on manliness.

didn't you call him a hack?

Posts: 2610
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And now for something completly different!

I read that as "And now for something completely delicious!"

Posts: 2354
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And now for something completly different!

I read that as "And now for something completely delicious!"


Posts: 4336
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I'm disappointed that no one has shown the man who wrote the frickin' BOOK on manliness.

didn't you call him a hack?

I do not recall. o.o

Posts: 1201
Noble Member

i had a feeling you wouldn't. it's been a couple of years.

Posts: 2232
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Dahling. I AM completely delicious. I'd eat MYSELF if I knew how ;3

Go on.

Have a taste.

Posts: 5772
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Perspective in that picture is kinda skewed. I feel like I'm gonna fall in.

Posts: 3291
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fall into crim's loving embrace, psx?

Posts: 874
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Posts: 4336
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...who are those people?

Posts: 3291
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i don't know, but i'd be worried if he was saying the middle character was also manly. oo;

Posts: 874
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It's from Seto No Hanayome, an anime about yakuza mermaids with occasional special appearances by The Terminator (the previous sentence is not a lie). She's not manly, but the people behind her certainly are. But if more recognizable manliness is what you want...

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

OH I remember you mentioning that anime in the Anime thread.

I'll have to check it out sometime. >_>


The 9 Manliest Names in the World (language warning lulz)

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

HAY! Is that Mad Stan? IT'S A CONSPIRACY, MAN!

Posts: 874
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Posts: 5772
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"You think this is a joke? Look around Batman, society's crumbling. And you know why? INFORMATION OVERLOAD, man. As a society we're drowning in a quagmire of vid clips, emails and sound bites. We can't absorb it all. There's only one sane solution...

... BLOW IT UP."

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

I have finally identified that guy in the middle of the manly poker game as "That bloke from Mighty Max"

Yes, that is all I came to the forum to say today =P

Posts: 1866
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That doesn't really surprise me all that much...

Posts: 1134
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I have finally identified that guy in the middle of the manly poker game as "That bloke from Mighty Max"

Yes, that is all I came to the forum to say today =P

Gaston, Namor, that guy who isn't Virgil from Mighty Max, Popeye, Giovanni, Scrooge and... I don't recognize beard dude.

Posts: 2232
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Well, I hadn't recognised him until today.

Posts: 4336
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To become manlier than the MANtage...

All you need is POWERTHIRST!

And Powerthirst, ROCKET EDITION!!!

Posts: 1201
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my friend made me watch powerthirst today. and this. i retaliated by rickrolling him over the phone.

Posts: 874
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What's the sound of that? Why, it's the sound of MANLINESS!

Michael Bay's daily breakfast: eggs, bullets and really huge explosions with sausage gravy.

Posts: 1866
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Sounds fun.

Posts: 1986
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I am surprised there have been no Chuck Norris pics yet.

Posts: 509
Honorable Member

I have something to say about that "Now heres something tottaly different!' picture. So, Crimson just bassically said that was her in that picture. All I have to say about that is-


So I don't know if she picked the wrong name or something, or if I'm just a total idiot. Can someone please explain that to me? AM I AN IDIOT!?!?!

Posts: 713
Prominent Member

No. Crimson is not a girl. That is Crimson in the picture, however.

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