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Oregon Trail: MoFo edition?

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Posts: 1694
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So, I installed my old Oregon Trail game onto my computer, and wonder of wonders, the thing works.

Would anyone be interested in lending their names for a game?  I would need four people besides myself for a full party.  Yes, I do plan on making my occupation a doctor and taking ferries if it can be afforded, so that the party will have the best chance of making it to the end in one piece.

My plan would be to play the game until I reached certain checkpoints in the game.  Once a checkpoint is reached, I'll save the travel log and post it up here.  There are sixteen checkpoints in all, so I'm thinking every fourth point to be my stopping points.

Anyone interested?

Posts: 1982
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I'll gladly lend you my name: Rafael.

Posts: 2438
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Terg O'Naut, at your service.

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Okay, so far we have:

1. Rafael (CT)

2. Terg O'Naut

Still need two more for a full party. I'm thinking of using Chimney Rock, Fort Bridger, Fort Hall, and the Grande Ronde as the four stopping points.

I'm still debating whether or not to take the rapids to the Willamette Valley or play it safe and go the long way. The rapids would be quicker, but I was never very good at that minigame.

Posts: 1191
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Swanson at your service!

Posts: 1694
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Okay, so we have:

1.  Rafael (CT)
2.  Terg O'Naut
3.  Swanson

We just need one more party member.

Posts: 2723
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Ah, what the heck. Count me in (as Kaze, of course, lol).

Posts: 2438
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If Terg O'Naut won't fit, just slap me in as Terg or Tergo, whatever you prefer.

Posts: 1694
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Alrighty, we have a full party now.

1. Rafael (CT)

2. Terg O'Naut

3. Swanson

3. Kaze

I'll start as soon as I have a good bit of spare time. I'll post the setup for the updates later today.

Posts: 1694
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Okay, we have a full party, and I have some spare time.

Here's how each update will be formatted.  I'll first note where the party started from and where the party stopped for that particular part.  Then I'll post the travel log and the status of the party.  If your name is in bold, you have an illness and if it has a (D) beside it, sadly you're dead.  I may also note some important events as well.  Now, without any further talk, let's hit the trail!

Update 1

Starting Location:  Independence, Missouri
Ending Location:  Chimney Rock

Travel Log:

April 1, 1848
    We started down the trail with:
     10 oxen
     23 sets of clothing
     1000 bullets
     2 wagon wheels
     2 wagon axles
     2 wagon tongues
     2000 pounds of food
    We will now travel at a more strenuous pace.

April 2, 1848
    Broken wagon wheel.
    We fixed the broken wagon wheel.

April 4, 1848
    Rafael has a broken leg.

April 6, 1848
    An ox is sick.
    We have arrived at the Kansas River Crossing.

April 11, 1848
    The ferry got our party and wagon safely across.
    Heavy fog.  Lost 1 day.

April 14, 1848
    An ox died.

April 15, 1848
    We have arrived at the Big Blue River Crossing.

April 17, 1848
    We had no trouble floating the wagon across.
    An ox is sick.

April 18, 1848
    Swanson has the measles.
    We decided to rest for 3 days.

April 20, 1848
    Terg O'Naut is sick with typhoid fever.

April 21, 1848
    We decided to rest for 4 days.

April 23, 1848
    A thief stole 41 pounds of food.

April 29, 1848
    Terg O'Naut is well again.
    Swanson is well again.

April 30, 1848
    We have reached  Fort Kearney.

May 2, 1848
    We shot 54 pounds of meat.
    We lost 5 pounds of food due to spoilage.

May 3, 1848
    Rafael is well again.

May 9, 1848
    We have reached Chimney Rock.

Party Status:
1.  Rafael
2.  Terg O'Naut
3.  Swanson
4.  Kaze

So far, the party's in one piece.  Rafael suffered a broken leg, Swanson caught the measles, and Terg got typhoid fever.  Fortunately, everyone's at full health right now.

Update 2 will come later.  Next stop:  Fort Laramie.

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Update 2

Starting Location: Chimney Rock
Ending Location: Fort Bridger

Travel Log

May 10, 1848
We shot 54 pounds of meat.
We lost 5 pounds of food due to spoilage.

May 11, 1848
No grass for the oxen.

May 12, 1848
We have reached Fort Laramie.

May 19, 1848
We found an abandoned wagon containing:
1 wagon axle
1 wagon tongue

May 21, 1848
We have reached Independence Rock.

May 25, 1848
We shot 93 pounds of meat.

May 27, 1848
Heavy fog. Lost 1 day.

May 28, 1848
We have arrived at the South Pass.

May 30, 1848
No water.
Rafael has cholera.

May 31, 1848
We have reached Fort Bridger.
We decided to rest for 5 days.

1. Rafael (CT) (Cholera)
2. Terg O'Naut
3. Swanson
4. Kaze

Party still in tact, though Rafael has cholera now. I'd forgotten how fast this game can go. We're already past the halfway point to Oregon. Expect two more updates after this.  Next stop:  Green River Crossing.

Posts: 1694
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Update 3

Starting Location: Fort Bridger

Ending Location: Fort Hall

Travel Log

June 6, 1848

We visited the store and bought:

100 bullets

95 pounds of food

No grass for the oxen.

June 7, 1848

Bad water.

June 8, 1848

Rafael is well again.

Bad water.

June 9, 1848

Kaze was lost for 5 days.

June 10, 1848

We found some wild fruit.

Swanson has the measles.

June 14, 1848

We found some wild fruit.

We decided to rest for 4 days.

June 19, 1848

No water.

Rafael has the measles.

We decided to rest for 4 days.

June 20, 1848

Swanson is well again.

June 22, 1848

Kaze is sick with typhoid fever.

June 23, 1848

We decided to rest for 4 days.

June 25, 1848

We found some wild fruit.

June 29, 1848

Bad water.

June 30, 1848

Rafael is well again.

July 1, 1848

We shot 713 pounds of meat but were able to carry back only 200 pounds of meat.

Swanson has a broken leg.

July 2, 1848

Kaze is well again.

July 5, 1848

We have arrived at the Green River Crossing.

July 8, 1848

The ferry got our party and wagon safely across.

July 9, 1848

Bad water.

July 10, 1848

We will now travel at a steady pace.

July 13, 1848

Heavy fog. Lost 1 day.

July 16, 1848

We shot 371 pounds of meat but were able to carry back only 200 pounds of meat.

July 17, 1848

No water.

July 19, 1848

We found some wild fruit.

Bad water.

Rafael is sick with typhoid fever.

We decided to rest for 4 days.

July 20, 1848

Terg O'Naut has cholera.

July 21, 1848

We decided to rest for 4 days.

July 27, 1848

We lost 6 pounds of food due to spoilage.

July 29, 1848

We shot 478 pounds of meat but were able to carry back only 200 pounds of meat.

Bad water.

July 30, 1848

Rafael is well again.

Terg O'Naut is well again.

We took the wrong trail and lost 4 days.

July 31, 1848

Swanson is well again.

August 4, 1848

We have reached Soda Springs.

We will now travel at a more strenuous pace.

No grass for the oxen.

August 6, 1848

We found some wild fruit.

August 7, 1848

Heavy fog. Lost 1 day.

Rafael has dysentery.

August 8, 1848

No water.

We have reached Fort Hall.

Party Status


1. Rafael (CT) (Dysentery)

2. Terg O'Naut

3. Swanson

4. Kaze

We've reached Fort Hall. Everyone's still alive, but Rafael's come down with dysentery now. CT, you're just having rotten luck with your health. Kaze wandered off and got lost, but she found some berries along the way.

I miscounted before, so there should be only one more update after the next.

Posts: 1694
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Update 4

Starting Location: Fort Hall

Ending Location: Grand Ronde

Travel Log

August 9, 1848

We found some wild fruit.

August 14, 1848

We shot 215 pounds of meat but were able to carry back only 200 pounds of meat.

Bad water.

We lost 24 pounds of food due to spoilage.

August 15, 1848

We found some wild fruit.

No water.

August 16, 1848

Rafael is well again.

Bad water.

August 18, 1848

Bad water.

We lost 18 pounds of food due to spoilage.

August 20, 1848

No grass for the oxen.

August 21, 1848

We lost 12 pounds of food due to spoilage.

August 23, 1848

We shot 565 pounds of meat but were able to carry back only 200 pounds of meat.

We lost 28 pounds of food due to spoilage.

We have arrived at the Snake River Crossing.

We will now travel at a steady pace.

August 24, 1848

We had no trouble floating the wagon across.

Kaze has the measles.

We decided to rest for 4 days.

August 26, 1848

Terg O'Naut has cholera.

August 27, 1848

We decided to rest for 4 days.

September 1, 1848

Kaze was near death, but the doctor was able to help.

September 2, 1848

An ox died.

September 3, 1848

We took the wrong trail and lost 1 day.

September 4, 1848

Kaze died of measles.

We lost 9 pounds of food due to spoilage.

September 6, 1848

Terg O'Naut is well again.

No water.

We will now travel at a more strenuous pace.

September 7, 1848

We shot 644 pounds of meat but were able to carry back only 200 pounds of meat.

September 8, 1848

Bad water.

September 10, 1848

No water.

September 11, 1848

No water.

September 12, 1848

No water.

We have reached Fort Boise.

We decided to rest for 2 days.

Rafael has dysentery.

September 15, 1848

We decided to rest for 3 days.

September 16, 1848

We lost 15 pounds of food due to spoilage.

September 19, 1848

Rafael died of typhoid.

September 21, 1848

No water.

September 22, 1848

We shot 116 pounds of meat.

Broken wagon tongue.

We couldn't fix the wagon tongue, but we replaced it from supplies.

September 23, 1848

No water.

September 24, 1848

No grass for the oxen.

September 26, 1848

No water.

September 28, 1848

We will now travel at a steady pace.

September 30, 1848

We shot 105 pounds of meat.

No grass for the oxen.

October 1, 1848

Bad water.

October 2, 1848

Bad water.

We have arrived at the Grande Ronde in the Blue Mountains.

Party Status


1. Rafael (CT) (D)

2. Terg O'Naut

3. Swanson

4. Kaze (D)

As you can see, we sadly lost Rafael due to typhoid and Kaze due to measles. We were doing so well, too. One more update after this one, and we'll be done. Next stop: Fort Walla Walla. I have no desire to navigate the rapids.

Posts: 1694
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Update 5

Starting Location: Grand Ronde

Ending Location: Willamette Valley

Travel Log

October 7, 1848

We have reached Fort Walla Walla.

October 9, 1848

An ox is sick.

October 10, 1848

An ox died.

October 15, 1848

We shot 489 pounds of meat but were able to carry back only 200 pounds of meat.

The trail is impassable. Lost 9 days.

October 25, 1848

We lost 20 pounds of food due to spoilage.

October 28, 1848

We have reached The Dalles.

November 5, 1848

Swanson has a broken arm.

Party Status


1. Rafael (CT) (D)

2. Terg O'Naut

3. Swanson

4. Kaze (D)

Last update is the shortest. We've made it through the trail! It's unfortunate that Rafael and Kaze couldn't have made it with us. Swanson broke his arm right at the end, but hey, he's still alive.

That went quicker than I thought it would. It was fun playing, and I hope everyone enjoys reading the logs. If anyone wants a full copy of the game, PM me and I'll send it to you.

Posts: 1191
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I'm glad that at least some of us made it through to Oregon, I thought for sure I wouldn't make it to the end.

Posts: 1694
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I was wondering the same. There were a couple of places where I didn't have the option of taking a ferry, and the water was too deep to ford. I ended up having to caulk the wagon and float it across. I swear, I was holding my breath the entire time.

At least nobody died of dysentery.

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

Hey, I actually bought Oregon Trail 5th edition about a week ago. It's a really fun game.

I've actually found caulking the wagon to be very reliable when going cheap.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Ha ha, wow.  Amazing how much you can root for yourself to win in a virtually random set of circumstances.

Man.  A thousand bullets to start out with.  Needs more dakka.

Posts: 1694
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Very much random. I seriously think the game secretly hated CT, what with all the times he got sick.

Posts: 1058
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Soda Springs

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

Posts: 1982
Noble Member

Wait, what were our roles, Kayla?

Was I the father?

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

That was an enjoyable read. Nice. Too bad I didn't make it to the end of the trail. XD

What slightly confuses me is that it said "Kaze was near death, but the doctor was able to help" that one day.

... That doctor must have been a quack. Or Mr. Edogawa.

Posts: 1694
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CT, the thought of putting everyone into roles never occurred to me.

Kaze, I was shocked when you died as well. I was like, "But you just said the doctor was able to help."

Posts: 1982
Noble Member

Oh. I thought it happened automatically.

Nevermind, then.

Posts: 2723
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I still think that doctor was not a real one. *nods matter-of-factly*

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One must wonder...

Posts: 328
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If you ever do it again, feel free to use me.

Posts: 2438
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Oh good!  We needed something to replace the broken axle of the wagon.

Posts: 328
Reputable Member

I am good at turning...

But i'd prefer not being the axle.

Posts: 2191
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CT didn't die off because of sickness. He obviously died off because the party wanted him put him out of his misery. 😛

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

August 24, 1848

Kaze has the measles.

September 1, 1848

Kaze was near death, but the doctor was able to help.

September 2, 1848

An ox died.

September 4, 1848

Kaze died of measles.

Kaze! Why!? So young, why do they die so young!
