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  • Last 15 Minutes: [*]
  • Rishi, [*]
  • Spiner Storm [*]
  • [/list:u:2f9be23765]I see you, you toilet that spins backwards monsters!

    (The Yulu posting system is crap. Preview is different from results and it reformats the HTML I post.)

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That's no good.

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  • I see you, you toilet that spins backwards monsters! [/list:u:9dc15e910c]

Where I'm from, YOU GUYS are the 'toilet that spins backwards monsters'! Pffft, Americans!

Posts: 917
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In the name of justice and peace?

Posts: 5772
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(The Yulu posting system is crap. Preview is different from results and it reformats the HTML I post.)

It's for that reason I've switched my preferences to bbcode here. Trying to edit the reformatted HTML was getting tiresome, what with all the unnecessary line break tags constantly being shoved into my posts (why would you do that, when the system still recognizes the Enter key as the line breaker? God, everything comes out double-spaced!! And when I try to edit out the tags, they're put back in!! FFFFfffff--!!).

Posts: 2016
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Srol, honest to all things justice, that's what I had originally thought. <3

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Vec, it would've been more of an 'invasion' if Gyser Hog was on the MoFo at the same time. Only slightly more of an 'invasion' though.

Posts: 2232
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*Dances through this thread of poppies and falls asleep. Forever.*

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*Dances through this thread of poppies and falls asleep. Forever.*


Posts: 1241
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Vec, it would've been more of an 'invasion' if Gyser Hog was on the MoFo at the same time. Only slightly more of an 'invasion' though.

You rang?

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Vec, it would've been more of an 'invasion' if Gyser Hog was on the MoFo at the same time. Only slightly more of an 'invasion' though.

You rang?

Yes, kind sir, I most certainly did!

Posts: 1866
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OMG!!! I've become cake!!!?

Posts: 665
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And so it is!

Posts: 1866
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*Is cake*

Posts: 263
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A dingo ate my baby.

Posts: 2097
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A koala ate my husband.

Posts: 5772
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Yeah, what of it?

Posts: 1982
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...Is that a reference to that one 3D movie?

Posts: 3756
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The Wild, I think? The Disney3D garbage ripoff of Madagascar?

Posts: 1866
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I don't think that was Disney. That stuffs been happening a lot lately. Though, personally, I liked the one that was a ripoff of both Speed Racer and Cars. Bad voice acting included!

Posts: 3756
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Posts: 1866
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Well... But didn't Disney also have a part in Madagaskar?

Posts: 5772
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Madagascar is Dreamworks.

Posts: 1866
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... Well... I need to start paying better attention...

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... Well... I need to start paying better attention...

That you do! That you do!

Posts: 2232
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I actually quite liked this film. It had you know, a plot. Something Madagascar was missing.

Posts: 1982
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The girl in your avatar is pleasingly serene, Rishi.

Posts: 5772
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"Let's go to our next caller, alright."

"Colonel James T. United Stated Marine Corps Second Battalion. Lazlow, that caller made a really valid point. These kids today have no respect for authority! And there is one thing that would whip them into shape!"

"Heh..l..let me guess! The military!!"

"Thaaat's right. The military teaches you respect! Obedience! And it gives you a good pension! These kids that thought they were going to be millionaires, look where the super-information-highway has gotten them! Nowhere! It's a dead end! Uncle Sam takes care of his boys!... and some girls. If more people would join the military, this would be a better country!! I tell you another thing about respect. These kids don't respect veterans... we fought for your freedom! When I came back from the Australian-American war... I didn't get a heroes welcome... I didn't get a pat on the back from my friends and neighbors saying 'thanks for fighting for our freedom James!' After years of fighting in the trenches, I come back here and everyone's watching TV!!"

"Now..I..I..can you tell me what this Australian-American war was...I..I never really heard of it!"

"God, not another one! Have you read a history book lately son?? The Australian-American war was the biggest war since the Big One! I tell ya, I didn't do two tours and take boomerang shrapnel in my head to come back here, and have a bunch of hippies deny our history! Those Aussies were ruthless! They even wired kangaroos with explosives... come hopping in to camp! Knock out ten guys!"

"Well thanks for the history lesson!"

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

I was in the Great Australian-American war. Both my kneecaps got shot out, and had to be replaced by prosthetic ones. Damn that Dog the Bounty Hunter.

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

"Let's go to our next caller, alright."

"Colonel James T. United Stated Marine Corps Second Battalion. Lazlow, that caller made a really valid point. These kids today have no respect for authority! And there is one thing that would whip them into shape!"

"Heh..l..let me guess! The military!!"

"Thaaat's right. The military teaches you respect! Obedience! And it gives you a good pension! These kids that thought they were going to be millionaires, look where the super-information-highway has gotten them! Nowhere! It's a dead end! Uncle Sam takes care of his boys!... and some girls. If more people would join the military, this would be a better country!! I tell you another thing about respect. These kids don't respect veterans... we fought for your freedom! When I came back from the Australian-American war... I didn't get a heroes welcome... I didn't get a pat on the back from my friends and neighbors saying 'thanks for fighting for our freedom James!' After years of fighting in the trenches, I come back here and everyone's watching TV!!"

"Now..I..I..can you tell me what this Australian-American war was...I..I never really heard of it!"

"God, not another one! Have you read a history book lately son?? The Australian-American war was the biggest war since the Big One! I tell ya, I didn't do two tours and take boomerang shrapnel in my head to come back here, and have a bunch of hippies deny our history! Those Aussies were ruthless! They even wired kangaroos with explosives... come hopping in to camp! Knock out ten guys!"

"Well thanks for the history lesson!"

That's a very interesting quote from Grand Theft Auto.
