My post count prolly reset to zero. Created a new Yuku profile, this time global, since Yuku failed to convert my profile data to their "new" system with my shq profile. And because I wanted to bite Acrio.
Why did I make a topic about it? I have no idea.
Because you wanted to bite me and you feel as though your peers at the Mofo encourage inappropriate discussion...
The peer pressure is overwhelming.
You should ask for your money back.
You really expected anything good to come from the spawn of EzBoard?
I'd vote no myself. Spam is generally popular at the moment it's posted, and rarely happens again. There have been a couple of Sailorness threads, or threads on subjects like this current BK theme (which has been used before, and that's when the repetition comes in), but aside from that, most threads just don't last long enough to be really important to the modern, ever-present 'now' that we live in.
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[Ari Edit: removed spam links]
Okay now the terrible feeling I had before about this spambot is even worse. He's not just quoting me in the thread that was relevant, he's quoting me in entirely different threads in the forum.