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QOTW thread

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I nominate Aeva1688's quote :D

Posts: 731
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Sorry about that. >_> Anyway, here's a quote not involving me.

Len (4:20 pm): SHI...
Mr. Douglet (4:20 pm): craig
Len (4:20 pm): ...ATZU MASSAGE
THS (4:20 pm): those are fun
Tergonaut puts away his censorship gun.

Posts: 981
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OTB (3:33 pm): Oh my.
Len (3:33 pm): OTB kills THS 😡
OTB (3:33 pm): Shhh.
Len (3:34 pm): I spoiled the chronicles of the mofo 😥
OTB (3:34 pm): It's supposed to be a secret.
Len (3:34 pm): Saff commits suicide and no one cared
Len (3:34 pm): My suicide didn't even make it into the chronicles
Len (3:35 pm): :p
Len (3:35 pm): *:[
THS (3:35 pm): mf drama
OTB (3:35 pm): Saff's suicide was only a single post in WPLW.
OTB (3:35 pm): That's all we'll ever hear of it.
Len (3:35 pm): 😥
Len (3:36 pm): Lost amongst epic stories of PiE and Acrios and LNRs and hot secual pud'n
Len (3:36 pm): *sexual
Guile (3:36 pm): o.o

Posts: 198
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get me out of all ur qotws or i'll kill u all hard!!!!

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Age: 21
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Car: American (1990 Pontiac Transport SE)

Ask me again in three months and two of those answers will be different =D

Acrio the Fox
But his birthday is in 4 months! :crazy

It made me lol. ;<

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

Quote from Tobe:

Oh hell, now my uncle will be after me to teach him how to use torrents.

I mean, um, what are torrents? >>;


Posts: 2234
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get me out of all ur qotws or i'll kill u all hard!!!!

From Saf, a few posts above.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Craig: Truth: Someday someone will ask if you want to get in a car. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DO NOT ANSWER YES!
HPA: But what if there's a lion?
Craig: Then one must get in the car.
Nuch: Clearly we must pass a law declaring ownership of lions by sex offenders to be illegal. And fast, before they catch on!

Taken from here.

Posts: 217
Reputable Member

Hot Sexual Water (6:07 pm): since the bathroom lost its mirror my mirror looking has gone down 76%!

Posts: 731
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Len-Q (12:21 pm): o__o;;;;
Len-Q (12:21 pm): uh
Len-Q (12:21 pm): I accidentally broke one of the hinges on my door
Len-Q (12:22 pm): they need to make those things stronger >_>;
Hot Sexual Water (12:22 pm): Len-Q (4:22 pm): they need to make those beefs leaner >_>;

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

WB: Sally likes Sonic but Sonic doesn't like Sally anymore cause he's kind of interested in Mina but Mina's with Ash and Ash hates Sonic but Sonic's kinda messin with Fiona who Tails has a crush on but Fiona doesn't have a crush on him cause she's kinda messing with Scourge but Scourge was once Evil Sonic who was in love with Evil Sally but Evil Sally doesn't like Evil Sonic anymore cause she likes Evil Geoffrey and speaking of Geoffrey the real Geoffrey once liked Sally who liked Sonic when Sonic liked her back but Geoffrey couldnt have Sally so instead he found Hershey who liked Drago but Drago was abusive so Hershey left Drago and married Geoffrey who didn't have a rivalry with Sonic anymore because Sonic came back from the dead and was happy after hearing a song from Mina and thats the explanation as to why MINA BEING IN THE BOOK INSTANTLY MEANS ZOMG LOVE TRIANGLE ALL OVER AGAIN WUT WE GONE DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

EDIT: Orite, rite, forgot to say. It was taken from here.

Posts: 4607
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I second Spiner's motion.

Posts: 2915
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as do I... It's funny cause it is true... One of the reasons I left the comic for good.

Posts: 731
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XD Spiner's comment as well.

Posts: 981
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It will make a great novela. :D

Posts: 4336
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Craig Bayfield: Have to agree with Ultra (What the hell. Again?!?).


Posts: 731
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UltraDevilChao (8:38 pm): *is bored*
UltraDevilChao (8:39 pm): Let's sing a song!

Posts: 3468
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...I don't get it?

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Acrioph (6:36 pm): Anyway
Acrioph (6:36 pm): Elfen Lied is about this naked cat girl
Acrioph (6:36 pm): Who can only say nyuu
Acrioph (6:36 pm): Except when she goes crazy and rips peopel to ribbons
Acrioph (6:36 pm): With her mind
Hot Sexual Water (6:36 pm): instant sales

Posts: 378
Reputable Member

I think he forgot to say the last part (not recommending something, just adding the end part):

UltraDevilChao (8:38 pm): *is bored*
UltraDevilChao (8:39 pm): Let's sing a song!
UltraDevilChao has left at 8:40 pm

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Ash Fox (8:52 am): Megatron, will I get this job?
Ash Fox (8:52 am): Megatron: No!
Ash Fox (8:53 am): >=O
Ash Fox (8:53 am): You were lying, right?
Ash Fox (8:53 am): Megatron: No!
Ash Fox (8:53 am): D=
Arikyrenne (8:53 am): o.o
Ash Fox (8:53 am): Megatron, you're an ass.
Ash Fox (8:53 am): Megatron: No!
Ash Fox (8:53 am): Are you disagreeing with me?
Ash Fox (8:53 am): Megatron: No!
Ash Fox (8:53 am): oo
Ash Fox (8:54 am): Somewhat bi-polar, aren't you?
Ash Fox (8:54 am): Megatron: No!
Ash Fox (8:54 am): ...
Ash Fox (8:54 am): Megatron: No!
Ash Fox (8:54 am): Megatron: Yesssss
Ash Fox (8:55 am): Eggman, what do you think?
Ash Fox (8:55 am): ...shoulda known better than to ask you I guess.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

[20] <Stairmaster> Acrio
[20] <Stairmaster> if you truly (didn't) love me
[20] <Stairmaster> you'd give me op
[20] <ShadowHog> Oh come on, Stair
[20] <ShadowHog> I already opped you
[20] <Stairmaster> because my life would no longer have any purpose if I had op
[20] <ShadowHog> Be happy
[20] <Stairmaster> GOD DAMN IT SHADOW

[01]&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp <Srol>&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp ...there's a new game on Gametap called "Gore:The Ultimate Soldier"
[01]&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp <Srol>&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp It's just making me think of a shirtless Al Gore holding a gatling gun
[01]&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp <ShadowHog>&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp I've heard of it
[01]&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp <Srol>&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "I've got an inconvenient truth for you." *opens fire* "You're all dead."

Posts: 0
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[18] HSW: this is what happens when you ignore me
[18] HSW: you go insane

Posts: 2417
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CTSucks: A foundation should be set up for crippled Kiwi's so people can donate money to get them prosthetic legs. ...nothings more sad than a one-legged kiwi... except maybe...a no-legged kiwi.
Acrio: Let's throw this one off a cliff too

Here it is the takes

Posts: 917
Noble Member

* GameMusic has joined #mf_chat
<Acrioph> Hola
<GameMusic> IT'S JUST LIKE
<GameMusic> IT'S JUST LIKE
<GameMusic> A MINI
* GameMusic has left #mf_chat

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

<Srol> Man, I had this really vivid dream last night where I was in college.
<Srol> And I was really bad at it
<Srol> And I woke up and for a moment, I kept thinking the dream was real, and start panicking like, "Oh man, I'll never be able to make up for all those classes I skipped! I'm gonna fail!" and whatnot.
<Srol> And then finally reality kicked in and I remembered I graduated from College over a year and a half ago
<Srol> Man, what a weird feeling
<Srol> I remember I had almost the exact same dream when I was in college except with high school

Might be too long, but I rofl'd.

Posts: 731
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Wolfie (4:05 pm): ....I want to make an Oringina Box

Posts: 1008
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The Spiner (5:18 am): S[o;,er: Blades? You mean those pirate swords you have?
The Spiner (5:18 am): [...Oh man, horrible name typo.]
Ash Fox (5:18 am): (Typo of the year there Spiner.)
The Spiner (5:18 am): [Awesome, I have the rest of the year to do worse.]

Posts: 0
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sonicjr01: what ever happaned to righting in (_____)...
Kirby of the stars: (no put it around the words)

Posts: 1201
Noble Member

<MiStABuBoNiCchocolateplz> idk
<MiStABuBoNiCchocolateplz> it just reconnects

<MrCreosote> everyone qotw random crap :crazy :

Posts: 2610
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Posts: 981
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Sonic MMO... god, I can see it now: an army of recolored Shadow clones with eyepatches and whatnot, controlled by people going "r@wr! I R PK j00! CH0A5 KONTROLZ" Then people would be complaining that Ultimate Hedgehogs were overpowered. Thusly, people would want to have that class/spieces nerfed, because we all know that Chaos Control is epic hax.

~SA Tails

3D Sonic Fangame Thingy


Because DoN asked for it:

..why does tails have to lift his dress to realise he's female? he just has to look downwards and go 'my goodness, i've grown boobies! :o'


Ramza's Ques. Topic

Posts: 8
Active Member

It's not what's grown that he's concerned about ~HPA

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

There are so many Pokemon in this video that you might age backwards as you watch it. Have I found the fountain of youth? Maybe...

Posts: 1201
Noble Member

are you quoting someone, ramza? if so, it would be a good idea to post who said it and link to where it was said.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Yeah, you can't just spontaneously make up a quote explicitly for the purpose of making it Quote of the Whenever. Doesn't work like that.

Never has, anyway. You can of course change this by nominating this very line for Quote of the Whenever merely on a whim. *hint, hint*

Posts: 37
Eminent Member

*Nominates SH's post*

Posts: 1866
Noble Member
Sorry, I'll try again. Warning! Strong Language!!!

There are so many Pokemon in this video that you might age backwards as you watch it. Have I found the fountain of youth? Maybe...

Posts: 1044
Noble Member
Sorry, I'll try again. Warning! Strong Language!!!

There are so many Pokemon in this video that you might age backwards as you watch it. Have I found the fountain of youth? Maybe...

*sigh* a quote by someone else on this board or the MF chats.

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

RAMZA. Sit down right now young man.

This thread is for people nomination OTHER PEOPLE. You cannot post your own QOTWs here.

Also the QOTWs are almost always always from a thread other than this one or chat.

Maybe if you stop trying so hard to be as random as possible in every thread and just be yourself you might get one.

[EDIT] In regards to Nuch's post after mine, I didn't realise I came down so harsh. Sorry Ramza for jumping down your neck, and from now on I'll leave the modding to the actual mods o.-

Posts: 1134
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Topic starter

What Creo and Trudi said (although Trudi I think your tone was a little overboard). *modhat engage* Ramza, is the quote you posted of your own invention or is it contained somewhere in that video you linked? Either way it is not suitable for this thread. You're not allowed to nominate your own quotes - nor any where you provide a significant part of the set up or punchline - and all quotes must originate in the MoFo community, i.e. on the board or in chat. I will concede that that last part wasn't entirely made clear in the original wording of the first post of the thread, so I've changed the wording to clarify this.

Posts: 2354
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Posts: 1866
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I see. I'm sorry.

Posts: 3468
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Kirby of the stars (10:56 pm): (I just discovered poop SX)

Posts: 1201
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Kazooie (11:29 pm): actually, I've probably said this here already, but one time I walked and talked in my sleep
Kazooie (11:30 pm): It was the week that we bought ocarina of time
Kazooie (11:30 pm): and I got up shook my mom's bed and started yelling I ONLY HAVE HALF A HEART LEFT I'M GOING TO DIE
Kazooie (11:31 pm): and I freaked the @$%# out of my whole family and they ended up taking away the n64 for 2 weeks

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

Deckman92: while we're at it, other other john, let's celebrate the power rings' 16th birthday too
John Taylor: Man, the power rings aren't canon.
Deckman92: your face isn't canon

Posts: 2354
Noble Member


I was cleaning out my old bins today and came across a picture from 1992....

omfg big head baby saef with his mum 😯

[Picture of baby Saf]

You used to be so cute... what happened?

beef happened

Photoexchange topic

Posts: 111
Estimable Member

Ash Fox (3:09 pm): Megatron, do you think SSC should come back in?
Ash Fox (3:09 pm): Megatron: No!
Welcome! You have entered [MF RP Room] at 3:10 pm
Ash Fox (3:10 pm): >=O
Ash Fox (3:10 pm): Well screw you!
Norux has entered at 3:10 pm

Timing, lol

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

Mokat: Last I heard, he was an Admin. Then again, I haven't heard anything outta Acrio in quite a while. Hrrrrm...

*searches for Acrio in all the wrong places*

One Tru Blu: In the wrong places is probably where you'll find him..

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