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So I finally clicke...
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So I finally clicked that little gift icon...

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... that's been sitting at the top of my screen (navigation bar?), out of sheer boredom. And just as I was about to test a new avatar. Long story short, my Yuku profile page is in the process of being "updated" and I can't change it back. Which means I'm stuck with peeping tom Bender avatar for the time being until yuku feels like giving control of my images back to me.

Well, I hope this resolves that image limit nonsense I still haven't been able to shake off.

EDIT: um, what. Still got the old one in place? Preview said otherwise. : *checks again*

Preview STILL says otherwise! YUUUUKUUUUUUUU!!

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

i hear you, i'm sorry i should've given a warning about it.
btw did you figure out how to upload pics? i have no i dea how to use the new uploading thing.

Posts: 5772
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Ah, now we're talking. Bringing sexy back to the Mobius Forum.

i hear you, i'm sorry i should've given a warning about it.

Why would you... no, forget it.

btw did you figure out how to upload pics?

For avatars? Go to your Profile, mouse hover over ABOUT ME and click the Edit button. There will be an option to upload a new image for your avatar.

Posts: 1986
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Sounds like you had a trip!

Posts: 1656
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no no psx i mean how to post a pic, i dont know how to upload pics to my photo album. the older version was easier to understand.

    "Why would you... no, forget it"

<shakes head> what i meant is since i noticed the new set up was hard i should've warned people. it bothered me so much should've gave others a heads up.

Posts: 5772
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no no psx i mean how to post a pic, i dont know how to upload pics to my photo album. the older version was easier to understand.

Click on Images, create a new Album if there isn't one already and you should see an option to Upload.

Posts: 1058
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PSX, what do you MEAAN: sexy??

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

Posts: 5772
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Main Entry: sexy

Pronunciation: ˈsek-sē

Function: adjective

Inflected Form(s): sex·i·er; sex·i·est

Date: 1925

1 : sexually suggestive or stimulating : erotic

2 : generally attractive or interesting : appealing

Um, more so the second than the first.

Posts: 917
Noble Member

Have you read the latest issue of The New Yorker? I think it makes some very sexy points on the new financial reform bill.

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

Can the CSS still be manipulated? I've been tempted to click the gift icon for a while as well, though I have a customized profile page. D:

Posts: 880
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Not yet. They say we will be able to change it later tho.

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

Alright, thanks. So would current custom skins be deleted? If so, I'll wait to be forced to convert once it's all ironed out. XD
